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Posts posted by Nath182

  1. Started "Ballers " last night .. did 4 episodes back to back when I really should have gone to bed

    It's sorta Jerry McGuire with drugs and nudity  but I'm really enjoying it so far



    I started Ballers this week too, really enjoying it so far. Sort of reminds me of Entourage.

  2. Anyone else having problems with the website and also problems getting through to the ticket office on the 0800 number? Tried calling them nearly x100 times but just keeps saying busy (they don't even have a queue system??).



    Watched the first episode of Parks and Recreation and didn't like it. Is it worth giving it more of a chance?


    Yes well worth it


    Not a dig but never understood why people give up shows so early



    Generally I'm of the same opinion as long as I can enjoy the episode a little bit, but I didn't in this case. I'll give it a few more though.




    What's the Douglas Ellis upper like?

    I've never been in there before but it's the only place I could get tickets.

    Is it a good atmosphere?

    Pretty much non-existant atmosphere from the crowd in the Doug Ellis, although if you're close to the Holte corner it won't be so bad.

    Here we go again - do you actually sit in Doug Ellis Upper? I do and the atmosphere is NOT non-existant. I sit in P3 near the Holte and it's great. Just because we don't all stand there half pissed, letting off smelly farts,singing "On the Piss M'Lord", abusing the away fans and swearing in the Doug Ellis doesn't mean that we have no atmosphere! OK - consider yourself told B)
    I wasn't having a pop at the Douglas Ellis upper it's just I've never sat in that stand and wanted a bit of information before we go up on Sunday.

    We usually sit in the Trinity Road.



    Think she's directing it at me.


    I sit in the Holte End Upper corner next to the Doug Ellis, so in a pretty good position to judge IMO. If there's an atmosphere in the Doug Ellis then you're obviously keeping it on the quiet, cause the rest of the stadium can't hear you. Speak up!

  5. What's the Douglas Ellis upper like?

    I've never been in there before but it's the only place I could get tickets.

    Is it a good atmosphere?


    Pretty much non-existant atmosphere from the crowd in the Doug Ellis, although if you're close to the Holte corner it won't be so bad.



    Anyone watching "The Island" this year?


    I love it, and the contrast between the men and the women's island this year is pretty interesting.


    I like it but I'm a bit dubious of the editing. Last week's 'Vic' episode started with him catching a load of fish. Then he was kicking off and arguing with everyone, then he had a near death experience which was followed by a tear jerking heart to heart with the guys. Then he went and caught a load of fish and became the hero again.


    Who knows what order that happened in.


    The women have been useless. The walking around in circles for the first 3 days drove me mad.


    I thought Vic came across as a grade A arsehole in that episode. I hate him now. Proper dickhead. You may be right about the editing.


    The women are useless. That whole thing with the water in the most recent episode.

    They weren't getting enough water. They knew they weren't getting enough water.


    They did nothing to rectify it. 10 days they weren't getting enough water, and they knew it.


    It was like they were just waiting around for a solution to hit them in the head. And they only started to rectify the situation when the medical team spelled it out for them. And it wasn't like it was a difficult one.


    The passing fisherman chucking them a fish summed up the women, in my opinion. They'd die on a real island.



    The fact that they're all bitching about sleeping on the floor and getting eaten alive by the bugs in the night. What do they do in the day to solve the problem? Lie around on the beach sunbathing... What did the guys do? Build a shit load of beds to get themselves off the floor.


    I'm constantly shouting at the TV when the women's island is on. Useless.

    • Like 1
  7. First all apologies if this is in the wrong place, i didn't think it deserved its own thread and this thread seemed most suitable. 


    My dad has just called and is struggling to install the software for the new printer he has purchased. he has put the disk in the drive, he can hear it spinning but there is no pop up giving him further instruction. any ideas?



    i`m not sure if the operating system makes any difference, but its windows 7.


    Just open Computer and double click on the CD/DVD drive, there should be an Auto run Application file in there which will start the installer. Alternatively you can almost certainly go to the manufacturer's website and download the driver instead.

  8. Doubt I'll be getting a ticket for the final. Been to all FA Cup games including Sunday and about 5-6 League games. My dad has had an ST for the past 10 years and also been to all FA Cup though so I've told him just to buy one when he can, no sense in us both missing out :( the FA's allocation of tickets for this has really riled me (I'm aware it hasn't been announced yet but it's pretty much guaranteed to be 22.5k - 25k). Just goes to show yet again that they don't care about the fans at all.

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  9. According to some Liverpool fans I play football with they've sold all of their allocation already. Pretty quick considering they were only on sale from Thursday last week.



    Benteke will be leaving so we will need a top level striker. It won't be easy but that is going to be our biggest job. Get Sinclair and Cleverley in, ANOTHER left back and a replacement for Vlaar.

    £30m from Benteke and £15-20m (hopeful) from the club and we could be looking at serious quality for once.

    £30m for Benteke? I doubt we'll get that sort of cash. £20m is probably more realistic.

    Why? £20m is nothing in the modern game to a champions league club, certainly not for a 1 in 2 striker who is also a **** beast.



    Don't get me wrong I love Benteke but he's not the most consistant striker and has had his injury problems. I'm just not sure that we'd get much over £20m for him.

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