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Everything posted by ben1505

  1. Yes, I take your point.. seems insane that a club can drop $100m on a player (and there’s talk of them dropping a further $160m on Kane). Wasn’t FFP brought in to stop this? Or was it brought in to stop other clubs from closing in on the elite?
  2. I think it is light.. I’m not saying he’s worth $100m compared to Pogba but he’s worth more than $100m to us.. if you consider what it would cost us to replace him like for like
  3. Sorry if I’ve missed this but a few outlets are claiming that the $100m is a release clause that’s been triggered. Any truth in this, did he have a release clause? If so, $100m seems a little light and terrible business on our part.
  4. This but also we’d be selling a player who has a huge national presence at the moment.. little kids are choosing to support Villa because of him.. they’d just join the plastic ranks of shitty if he goes there..
  5. Just an article he’s written in the Sunday Express saying that Jack’s going to City
  6. Who’s the barronwaste guy and what’s he claiming? Sorry I missed it?
  7. Dean Smith on tv smiling with fans.. doesn’t seem too upset that he’s losing his prized asset?
  8. It’s the last bastion of hope that there is any fairness in football. If Jack stays and we raise our middle finger to the media and to the soulless City then it’s a big score for the dreamers and shows that there is hope left in football. If we bend over the table and let the media and city enter us forcefully from behind then football is dead
  9. But why wouldn’t we accept the bid? We’re a lowly nothing team and need to bow down to our soulless, plastic masters Shitty… we’ve forgotten our place I think
  10. Not at all.. We’d all like to be more successful and have more accolades.. I coach a men’s team over in NZ and we’ve won a few leagues and cups but the highlight for me was getting my name on the “life members” board.. I again show a statue would feel? I’m also surprised that Grealish would leave two weeks before the season starts making it virtually impossible to replace him.. I’d be surprised if he’s do that to the club he cherishes.. but likewise, I could be way off too
  11. Does Delph have a statue outside any of the clubs that he’s played for?
  12. To be fair it said a medical “expected” next week.. that’s not nailed on, however likely
  13. This.. it’s time for the owners to show us just how much business they mean.. that’s if they have a choice
  14. Unless there is a release clause that’s been triggered, I don’t think this one’s over yet.. Jack would have to want to leave and has fallen out with the vision that he bought into 10 months ago. If there’s no release clause then NSWE would have to agree to the price now these guys are serious businessmen.. $100m is a lot of money but not even a drop in the ocean for them. Plus if they sell then they are pretty much contradicting themselves as to where they see the club.. reports are saying that it would help us to balance FFP out but then how can City spend that money without upsetting FFP? Jack Grealish is a national hero at the moment and young kids are choosing villa as their first club because of Grealish.. I teach in NZ and I’ve got kids who are Villa fans overnight because of Grealish.. merchandise sales etc will all be up this year.. he might still go but it’s be a poor business decision and we’re not run by some mugs
  15. I’m assuming that Buendia was sold the vision from Aston Villa’s owners? That’s why he would have chosen us… would that vision have included holding onto our best player? Would any potential target be given reassurances by the owners?
  16. This reminds me a bit of Spurs after him a few seasons back and the media had all reported that he’d gone then he stayed… it seems strange that he’d entertain going now when we are in a much stronger position and potentially on the verge of breaking into the top 4/6. I just watched an interview between reporters on sky and they were talking about this. Jack to City is very likely they agreed on.. when asked about Kane to City they agreed it was very unlikely, even though Kane has publicly said that he wants to leave, because Spurs don’t have to sell….. what, and we do have to sell???
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