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Everything posted by AshVilla

  1. The scary thing is i think he was aiming for Odegaard's head and not the ball.
  2. This is why Emery is the football manager and not me.
  3. AshVilla

    Unai Emery

    If he doesn't win manager of the season it will be a crime.
  4. He'd have like 25 goals already if he could take a pen. What a season.
  5. The best part about his goal today was all the Arsenal fans screaming offside then Gary Neville reminding them that you can't be offside if your in your own half....
  6. Thank you Villa. This is the best Sunday i've had in a long time.
  7. Diego Carlos get's my MOTM. He was so tight to Jesus he was practically inside the guy for 90 mins. 30m well spent.
  8. Newcastle and United only 13 points behind. It's not over yet.
  9. This commentator sounds so depressed for Arsenal. Can someone give him the number for the Samaritans?
  10. Diaby scoring from the bench. What a **** god.
  11. We finally get to see Digne at LB and Moreno at LW...
  12. Get Duran on the form he's in he will score the winner then take a dump on Gabriel's chest.
  13. Zaniolo playing like it's Soccer Aid. Loses the ball then just walks back towards the person with the ball.
  14. You just summed up italian football for the last 100 years or so. He's clearly not suited to the pace of the prem.
  15. I'd have gladly taken a point before the game started.
  16. Why couldn't it have hit the inside of the post and rolled into the net ffs.
  17. I don't mind us beating Arsenal but can we not injure them please. They need all their players in top shape for Bayern.
  18. I've muted the commentary. It's just your standard sky 6 wankfest as usual.
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