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Everything posted by thunderball

  1. I’m not Smith out in the slightest, but I think today is the first serious step into the end game of his tenure. He has shown he has what it takes to dig himself out, well he needs to start digging hard now.
  2. But it does keep the negative narrative alive. He has to improve and quickly. Nowehere near good enough, and again too slow to affect change (which should have occurred after 20 minutes)
  3. Wake up call. It’s back to the drawing board for this squad of players and management. Please build on what worked. We are finishing 16th at this rate. Bailey has to start every game. Great that Ramsey scored, hopefully that uncorks the bottle.
  4. But circling the drain again. Watch our decent players get their heads turned.
  5. Looks like Bailey getting fit isn’t going to save our season
  6. 10 points from 9 games is relegation form. Just saying….
  7. I’d have Buendia and Watkins off and roll the dice
  8. It’s turned Watkins from a team player to a selfish one
  9. Another defeat and regressive performance and he could well be on the slippery slope
  10. Watkins is having no joy, I see him off for Bailey if Smith has the balls. Tuenzebe isn’t as good as Hause so why he is playing god only knows, he seems to have regressed since he was last here.
  11. That’s as bad a half as vs Watford. Management are to blame, but no one is stepping up and the basics are poor. The two up top is just not working, I have seen nothing in 8ngames to suggest there is a spark of hope. Three at the back loses a progressive offensive player, so coupled with two clueless static forwards we are terrible. Our defence was our strength last season, why f*ck with it?
  12. We’ve swapped 3-5-2 to keep Ings happy but lose every week
  13. But it’s where he picks it up and where Watkins is - totally isolated up top because we now have two static forwards. All McGinn can do is try and ping it. It’s the set up, it’s atrocious
  14. I was having a alcohol free weekend this weekend. That’s lasted all of 45 minutes.
  15. Watkins for Bailey and Mings or Tuenzebe for Sanson or Nakamba or Ramsey.
  16. We seem to want to play the ball in our own box, we keep passing it back WTF!
  17. Wow, we are atrocious, can’t even do the basics. Nervous, this 3-5-2 doesn’t seem to suit anyone? Why have we sacrificed one of the best defensive set ups last season for this? Having two forwards waiting up top is not working, there seems to be nothing after the half way line. Terrible, terrible, terrible
  18. I think the 3-5-2 is dead, for now at least. We conceded fewer goals and created more chances last year in a 4-3-3, and with Bailey and Traore, as well as Buendia now available, surely we should explore options of getting them involved in lieu of Tuenzebe (who is not yet making a case for his purchase at present). EIther way you look at this, its been a VERY disjointed start to the season, so hopefully with everyone, including Sanson, coming back into contention, we should see the pattern of play settle and players improving individually and collectively.
  19. This result was poor, but it’s stunningly knee jerk to call for Smith’s head! A lot going right at the club, but today the players needed to step up, they didn’t. Buendia showed up today, thought he showed glimpses of who we bought, this will come with time. Bailey is going to be dynamite. It’s just a shame we’ve dropped about 8 needless points already this season, this habit has to stop.
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