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Posts posted by omariqy

  1. 10 minutes ago, Thug said:

    I’m gobsmacked by the short sightedness of some fans.

    Make as much fun as you want.  

    Take what I’m saying out of context if you want.

    But being in the Deloitte top 20 financial rankings brings with it safety from the kind of plans that would have left us behind if the European League had to come into existence. Laugh as much as you want at spurs not winning anything, but at least they were invited to THE party.

    But hey! At least you could be saying ‘oh but remember we won the third tier of European club competition 30 years ago?’ when having an argument with SHA fans. ‘What a day!’



    Don't worry I understand both sides of the argument. My view is we can do both. I dont know why we bother arguing about it. We don't get to choose which one we want. We are going full throttle for both. Rightly so. Whatever way it lands then it lands. I'm old school so I'd prefer a trophy. There's no guarantee that getting top 4 does anything for us. The revenue gap is insurmountable imo. Even 2/3 years of champions league doesn't plug the gap. 

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  2. 10 minutes ago, OutByEaster? said:

    All of the major mainstream news sources, including the BBC were reporting that it did this morning - it might have changed during the day I guess, but it was consistently reported as being a part of the deal brokered by Egypt and Qatar, which itself was an updating of a deal the US proposed.

    If there's one group of people whose information we know we can trust on this it's the IDF - in this case represented by COGAT - a unit of the Israeli military.

    Again, all major mainstream news services, including the BBC are reporting that aid coming in from Rafah is being blocked by Israelis forces following their takeover of control of the border crossing at Rafah last night.


    It's staggering that it's being framed otherwise. The least credible source time and time again is the Israeli government and the IDF. 

    • Like 2
  3. I don't think the images and videos could get any worse but I've just seen some of the most horrific videos of children that I will ever see and it will never leave me. Shame on the free world. 

    • Sad 1
  4. 1 hour ago, OutByEaster? said:

    Third party peace deal accepted by Hamas but  rejected by Israel.

    Bombing of Rafa has now begun.

    Another great day in Gaza.

    This will be missed whilst people argue about flags and the real meaning of free Palestine. Israel are intent on murder and genocide. 

    • Like 1
  5. 19 minutes ago, Made In Aston said:

    My point is that winning second or third tier trophies hasn't helped them. They are 13th in La Liga and won't be playing in Europe at all next season. This means they are likely to lose some of their better players and will be back to square 1.

    That could happen to us even if we get Champions League

  6. 13 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    Spurs also have to beat City

    Also Liverpool were so pissed about the last Spurs game. They will be out for revenge

    I doubt it factors in to this game. All they care about is Klopps spat with Salah and his last few games.

  7. 31 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

    Verifiable sources.

    The BBC had a story yesterday, of an 8 year old boy in the West Bank (not a war zone) shot in the back of the head whilst running away from the IDF. 


    Yeah it's not like it's beyond the realms of possibility an Israeli sniper murdered a kid . In fact it's entirely probable.

  8. 4 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

    He’s a 70 plus capped international keeper who’s played at champions league level at teams like Roma and Copenhagen and has 16 years experience. 

    Id expect him to be quite competent to be honest

    Exactly. He’s mentally shot unfortunately. I like the guy and want him to do well but Martinez saves two of those last night and we look far better on the ball. 

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  9. 1 hour ago, AshVilla said:

    Were only 1 point ahead of Spurs if you take into account the free wins against Sheff United and Burnley.

    1 win is still required and I don't know where it's coming from if we play like we did tonight though.

    Free wins? Are we talking about the same Spurs? The one that has lost the last 3 games and looked absolutely awful against a sewn together Chelsea side.

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