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Posts posted by omariqy

  1. Or we could just sell Dendoncker for £5m!

    I get the need to increase revenue and I am all for it. However, I am worried that more and more regular match goers will be pushed out/costed out. They also need to improve the catering and facilities for regular match goers. 

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  2. Be gutted if he goes as I think he is super talented but clear he doesn’t want to be here. If we can get near £40m and get say Ihenacho and/or Abraham then that’s pretty good business. 

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  3. 36 minutes ago, Panto_Villan said:

    Let’s hope that Hamas are ready to stop playing games, given that Israel has already accepted this peace proposal and everyone but Russia on the security council is backing the peace plan.

    Things are getting increasingly volatile between Hezbollah and Israel, and the only way that can calm down is if there’s a ceasefire in Gaza. We might be looking at a bigger war in the Middle East if Hamas turn it down.


    The United Nations Security Council has voted to support a US-proposed Israel-Gaza ceasefire plan.

    The proposal sets out conditions for a "full and complete ceasefire", the release of hostages held by Hamas, the return of dead hostages' remains and the exchange of Palestinian prisoners. 

    Fourteen of the 15 Security Council members voted in favour of the US-drafted resolution. Russia abstained. 

    The resolution states that Israel has accepted the ceasefire proposal, and urges Hamas to agree to it too.


  4. 1 hour ago, magnkarl said:

    Note the term nonviolent:


    A plea bargain goes a long way in admitting that you are guilty of at least part of what you are charged for. Is this like that time you posted a tweet about the Israeli police defending themselves against a man who stabbed a police officer and sadly died, and then claimed they wouldn't be treated like that in the West?

    Throwing rocks at police and being violent during an arrest will get you prison time in this country too.

    233 people were killed (including 46 children) during the Great Return march. That wouldn’t happen in this country. 

    His daughter remains in prison for speaking out against the occupation. Speaking.

    You missed this part of the article. Amnesty International that well known Hamas unit.



    Amnesty International had demanded his immediate and unconditional release, saying he was the victim of a "campaign of harassment, intimidation and arbitrary detention" by the Israeli authorities.

    It said he had been held solely for peacefully expressing his rights to freedom of expression of assembly when he attended a non-violent protest on 24 October at an Israeli-owned supermarket near Shaar Benjamin against the encroachment of settlers onto Palestinian land.

    Those taking part waved Palestinian flags and banners in English and Arabic reading "Boycott occupation and its products".

    'Brutal arrest'

    Amnesty cited witness and media reports as saying that as the protesters left the supermarket they were beaten by Israeli security forces personnel, who also fired stun grenades.

    Mr Tamimi's wife Nariman was quoted as saying: "The police were brutal during the arrest. They threw Bassem on the ground and pressed him down while putting the cuffs on his hands. Anyone who tried to approach them was beaten up. The police seemed scared and nervous. They wanted to make arrests fast." 

    The activist was later charged with assaulting a police officer, participation in an unlicensed demonstration, and activity against the public order. It is not clear to which charges he pleaded guilty.


  5. 5 minutes ago, Risso said:

    I’ve been in the Director’s Club for the last 6 years. Was just under £7K a seat last year, renewal came through today. £14K. Won’t be getting that next year.

    Wow. I expected an increase as it was that price back in the Lambert days but that’s a big step up in one go.

  6. Hamas have also agreed to deals put forward by negotiating intermediaries have they not? In fact these 4 hostages were part of one of the deals. Maybe 200 innocent people didn’t need to be murdered or aid trucks be used to hid Israeli soldiers in. But what do I know. If October 7th happened then it would just be the usual hundreds of innocent people who die every year at the hands of Israel rather than tens of thousands.

    Most who are protesting didn’t really care about this until this. I’ve been to plenty of protests on this or against Assad or Putin and there’s never been this level of activism on an issue before (apart from the Iraq war). People may say Hamas have won the social media war or maybe it’s just social media finally shows people what Israel do on semi regular basis. Imagine if people had paid attention before. I mean it wasn’t long as Palestinians attempted a peaceful protest and were gunned down. 

    edit: btw on any issue people have bias. I have bias on this issue and I don’t hide it. I just think it’s part of human nature.

  7. 1 hour ago, Chindie said:

    Israel added to the UN's list of states and organisations that commit harm to children. Obviously true, and right, Israel is furious about it, the 'most moral army' (stop laughing) shouldn't possibly be named as harming children.

    The news comes a day after they flattened another UN school, killing 40, including children. Again.

    Remember when we were pretending that Israel didn’t deliberately target schools and hospitals?

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