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Posts posted by omariqy

  1. 6 hours ago, Alakagom said:

    At least Heck's doubling of the graphics department has been a success, love all our graphics used lately 

    Pretty sure we outsource most of it. There’s a girl on twitter that was tweeting about her work for Villa this year and the way that graphic is done is her hallmark.

  2. 21 minutes ago, villa89 said:

    What took him so long?

    Note: there's a good dispatches on channel four now (9pm) showing the horror going on in Gaza. 

    It really is eye opening even more so than the social media videos 

    • Like 1
  3. 31 minutes ago, ml1dch said:

    It's been mentioned on this thread about a thousand times. The difference is, you won't find anyone offering mealy-mouthed "but acktchooally they don't really mean it..." justifications of it. 

    So they do mean it and are practicing what they preach right now?

    • Like 1
  4. 18 minutes ago, magnkarl said:

    There’s plenty of proof of Jews being the majority in Judea and Samaria from as far back as census done by the Babylonians before the Jews were forcefully moved to Iraq, and again by the Romans when they ruled there. It’s not like this is total pie in the sky. They’ve always sought to return there after being moved on by one colonial power after the next. If you’re rooting for the underdog it’s weird that you’ve chosen the Arabs who’s history is essentially pure colonialism, against a total Jewish population of some 15-20 million worldwide, against 400 million Arabs.

    Again no one is saying Jewish people shouldn't have a home there. It's how it's come about that is the issue.

  5. 12 minutes ago, colhint said:

    I think some people forget how old Judaism is. This goes back millennia. There's plenty of evidence there were in the area 4000 years ago.

    Again no one here thinks Jewish people shouldn't be present on that land. 

  6. 9 minutes ago, Panto_Villan said:

    Without cause? I disagree with everything Hamas stand for, but I still wouldn't describe their violence as "without cause".

    In your world did the Arab Palestinians and other Arab powers welcome the creation of Israel with open arms?

    I was talking about what happened to the Palestinians sorry. No not at all. 

  7. Been privy to the work that's gone on in the background and Dan combo just works. So well written and performed and so well put together. And the music is perfect. Legit one of the best bits of Villa content and made me quite emotional watching it 

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  8. I've also never had any issues with Jewish people being there or in fact having a home there. My issues has been how it happened and continues to happen. 

    Likewise I'm not particularly bothered about Muslims ruling it or Arabs. What I am bothered about is an apartheid state. Illegal settlements. Occupation. Indiscriminate bombing. Breaking international law. The list goes on. 

    • Like 2
  9. 9 minutes ago, Chindie said:

    Jewish people didn't pop out of the ground in Palestine, and the land would never have been uniquely Jewish, because there's never been many Jewish people, and that land has always been a crossroads due to its location. Arguments to historic ownership are bunk.

    I mean there's been DNA tests done to show that the Lebanese are probably the closest descendants of the Cananites left if we really want to go down that road. I don't in particular. Regardless of which falling empire was in charge, there were a people there already and they were killed and or displaced without cause. To paint it any other way is disingenuous.

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