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Everything posted by StewieGriffin

  1. would someone mind telling me (or pointing me in the online direction) of bthe leagues/teams available this year?
  2. liking the look of that midfield shape-wise - a tackler, a passer and an alleged box-to-box player in there
  3. get Gardner off for **** sake - spent the entire half doing nothing but running into people. Useless player.
  4. yas get it right up ye, Porto. words removed
  5. penalty. Daft challenge from Nige extra time here we come
  6. some top drawer performances from our kids here, heartwarming stuff
  7. Herd ftw no chance we're being invited back into this next time
  8. haha, he's sent Emile off Jesus christ ref you mong
  9. Lowry for Carew :/ odd sub, even if its a friendly
  10. I know it was 6 years ago, but I can see why MON was irritated by Porto in the UEFA Cup Final
  11. that looked a penalty for me, Lichaj a bit lucky
  12. "4mins - MON is seated with COO Paul Faulkner in the directors box. John Robertson is barking out instructions from the touchline." from the OS commentary. Excitement over
  13. General; In times where MON is seemingly getting verbally battered from pillar to post, I would like to post a message of my full support for our manager. Martin is the manager of the football club - he knows his players and their limitations physically, and on this occasion he decided to act in what he felt are the best interests of the football club by fielding an under-strength team. We have had a period where games have come thick and fast, and our international players like Barry, Petrov, Gabby, Ashley Young etc do not ever get a rest. This is not going to produce results in the long run, and we cannot afford to pick up injuries to players or go into games not at peak fitness as it will ruin our season - a season which we have all put too much effort and emotion into to see it ripped apart due to a small-ish squad. I dont expect you to comment on this post, or to pass it on to Martin, Randy or anyone at the club, but I know you will read it and because of that I want to assure you that not all fans are short-sighted enough to completely over-react to this situation. I, and many other fans, would much prefer to place out trust in a man who has done the job that MON has done so far and long may our fantastic progress to continue. We are not going to fall apart as a club over one game and one decision made by the man who is payed to make those kind of tough decisions. Thanks.
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