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Posts posted by PompeyVillan

  1. I don't think a single boxing thread really work, I think it would stifle discussion. However if you feel off topic is becoming too cluttered my suggestion would be to split off topic into 2 parts:

    Off topic sports- for all non-villa sports discussion.

    Off-topic- for everything else.

  2. It looked bad. He's not the type to piss around faking injury. It would be very harsh if he were to miss the cup final, he scored the clincher afterall. Although, if the injury is serious, its come at the right time in a way.

  3. I like it, but don't drink it often because I hate the feeling on my teeth after I drink it.That goes for all fizzy non-alcoholic drinks. Feels like disintegration.

  4. Hi General,

    I've just read Bouma has had another setback with his injury. After hearing about Laursen's setback too, this is quite a blow. Could you pass on my/our best wishes and support to these two when you see them? Can't wait to get them back, both great characters and players.

    Also I wondered if you'd comment on the lack of communication between Randy and the fans. I'm really not bothered about Randy not talking to the press, but it would be nice to hear from him at the end of the season? Perhaps even an informal/journalistic Q and A with him from fans on VT? Also do you think that the lack of communication will be problematic if things start to go badly. Thats not to say that your correspondence is not appreciated, but essentially you won't be able to give answers like Randy will, as you're not accountable for his decisions.

    Many thanks General

  5. No. There are atrocities occurring the world over- we simply do not have the resources to 'straighten' them all out. The justification for the war was thinly veiled and there are thousands of conspiracy stories as to why we truly invaded. I think only time will be able to tell this story.

  6. I'm not certain coke could be regulated sufficiently. They'll always be a black market for it even if it was legalised, and due to the nature of the trade it could still be very harmful.

    However, I certainly would have no objections to cannabis being legalised and regulated, as I believe this is a less harmful drug.

  7. I use a touchpad through convenience. It's not ideal and I'm not a fan of it, but I've become efficient with it nonetheless.

    My preference is the mouse. With lots of buttons on it.

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