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Posts posted by PompeyVillan

  1. Made more burgers today, this time with Jalapenos and cajun spice, hmmmm absolutely beautiful, served in a soft bun with relish, rocket, cheese, slice of vine tomato and and ring of onion, **** beautiful and so easy and cheap to make too.

    Yes mate. I make a mean burger, with jalapenos and cajun spice mix. They are delightful when BBQ'd. I can't see why you'd buy burgers for the BBQ after eating homemade. Homemade are tastier and cheaper.

  2. Well, the actual figures themselves are not racist. They could be a playful caricature made by a mischievous artist. Say, a son models his mother, for a joke.

    However, our cultural interpretation of what they may represent leads them to be considered by some, to be racist. Within our society those images stimulate different reactions, which obviously varies from person to person. Some may feel that they represent racial stereotypes, which are derogatory. Others may see them as harmless fun.

    As inanimate objects, they are not inherently racist. It is what we interpret them, that is.

  3. Mines on holiday at the moment with her mates and was on the week before she went so its been since the 11th July. :(

    They're not known as backdoor days for nothing you know. It is a monthly window of opportunity. For her.

    Haha, love it. She hasn't been lucky enough to get the tradesmans entrance yet. Maybe this month... ;)

    As much as I hate to say it, she'll probably meet someone else out there and not even have the courtesy to tell you and instead will just update her Facebook relationship status. :thumb:

    Or is that the kind of thing that only happens in my shitty life?

    Get a fleshlight.

  4. Worryingly, I actually believe if you put a couple of their players in our side for say Sidwell and/or Reo Coker we would do better!

    We have too many boring, defensive, safe, english, talentless, visionless, overpaid, underachieving players and no-one to create save Young. As long as we only have Young, he will be double marked as teams know we have no other option.

    Forget, Jurado, Van De Vaart, Sneijder, Moutinho, etc... Just sign any 20 year old spanish/portuguese 2nd division player, they will probably have more talent than our current bunch...

    Its not just us, look how Man U got f*cked by Barca or re-watch the last 2 England vs Spain games, they just have so much more skill with the ball. Our essentially English midfield may win us praise with the press, but it will win us sweet FA at football...

    I suspect frustration from our lack of activity in the transfer market has bubbled over. I can understand the frustration and I feel it, but I think it's a little premature to totally damn our 'English' midfield based on a preseason friendly. We didn't even play a settled 11 for 90 minutes, let alone a settled midfield.

    To me it seemed as if MON was using this as an opportunity to blood a few of the young players and experiment with our formation (We seemed to be playing a 4-5-1 come 4-3-3 tonight). Yes, we did look toothless, but I'll wager we'll add a player or two to the squad before the season starts and hopefully we'll be alot more competative come matchday.

    Hold tight.

  5. something kinda gay about two men rolling on top pf each other not doing anything.can see something as 'skilled' as this in the pub.just for a bunch of knucklehead gays (sorry guys)with no iq who think there hard in there shitty affliction tops :D

    Also, regarding this part of your argument, I can only assume you're about 12 years old given what you've said here.

    I'd say he's got a few issues regarding his own sexuality if has homosexual thoughts while watching UFC.

  6. It's a stupid comparison though.

    No a ufc fighter probably couldn't beat a boxer in a boxing match. But that's like saying "Well messi's really good at what he does, but I bet he couldn't beat the world squash champion in a game of squash."

    Brock lesnar couldn't beat the heavyweight boxing champion in a boxing match. But similarly the boxer would get his arse handed to him in the octagon.

    They are different sports. Brock walked into the UFC and did well because he was one of the best college wrestlers ever. That's real wrestling. His WWE didn't really have anything to do with it.

    Thing is, a boxer would have a punchers chance in an MMA match.

    A UFC fighter would have NO CHANCE in a boxing match.

    Yes because a boxer can thrive in a boxing match. They work within the rules and restrictions of boxing. This is what they're trained to do.

    In a MMA bout, they can still do everything that they could in a boxing match. They're not restricted in anyway. But the difference being the MMA'er is not restricted either.

    If you were a great boxer, you wouldn't go into MMA, because the money is better in boxing at the moment. But MMA is catching up. UFC 100 was the biggest ever and the sport is going from strength to strength, even in this country. Perhaps in a few years we will see a few boxer in the octagon?

  7. . Give a world class boxer and kickboxer like Vitali Klit some defence takedown training though and he'd have a chance.

    Thats the whole point mate. Most of the American fighters start out as wrestlers! It takes alot of training and dedication to be rounded enough to even compete at MMA. Boxing is just one discipline.

  8. Of course they'd win in a boxing match, because that's their domain. That is what they're most skilled at. That's bloody obvious.

    Put them in the octagon and see how they fare. I'd wager most would get taken down and brutalised against a guy like Lesnar.

  9. I'll agree with your point about Henderson's second hit Donnie, but not much else.. That was disgraceful. He knew Bisping was out and put his whole **** weight behind that. Hits like that can end careers and lives.

    The reason UFC ruffles boxing fans feathers is because boxers like to think they're the toughest guys on the planet, but they're not. These MMA guys are. And the money and buzz is shifting towards the UFC now.

    UFC will go the same way as boxing eventually.

    It'll be a victim of it's own success, they'll start leaning towards padding records, big fights with much poorer fights on the undercard etc.

    Boxers are still the elite, incredibly skilled. You wouldn't get a WWE wrestler walk into boxing and win a title after 4 fights.

    UFC is boxing for dummies really.

    Just because he came from WWE doesn't mean that he isn't for real. He cleaned up in wrestling in college and is an absolute animal.

    For what it's worth, I could easilly see him beating some of the champions at heavyweight.

    I don't see why the boxers don't get involved and show everyone how tough they are.

    Nobody really knows whether Lesnar has a good chin. If he does, then those heavyweights wouldn't stand a chance. I think the heavyweight division is the only one that lacks a bit of finesse UFC. The others are brimming with talent at the moment.

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