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Posts posted by PompeyVillan

  1. I'll agree with your point about Henderson's second hit Donnie, but not much else.. That was disgraceful. He knew Bisping was out and put his whole **** weight behind that. Hits like that can end careers and lives.

    The reason UFC ruffles boxing fans feathers is because boxers like to think they're the toughest guys on the planet, but they're not. These MMA guys are. And the money and buzz is shifting towards the UFC now.

  2. Nice article. Although I have to admit I am coming around a bit to the idea of not buying a 'Laursen replacement'. Maybe Cuellar will come good? Petrov did, and he looked completely out of depth at one point and whilst Cuellar hasn't exactly set the world alight, he's been pretty solid and shown he has the right attributes (lacks a wee bit of pace, but Davis makes up for that) to be a success.

    I have great faith in Davis also. He's a good player already, and he does appear to be still learning, although he does appear to be a bit of a confidence player.

    I think the area we mainly need to strengthen is down the sides. If Ashley Young gets injured, we'll be in trouble.

  3. I thought the irish hand grenade won that fight 29-28. He got robbed.

    He dominated the fight without really threatening to win it. I think Dan Hardy has a bright future in UFC.

    His mind games were certainly spot on. Made me laugh anyway.

    Congo fight was awesome. The big fella took a pounding but he's one hard mofo, never gave up.

  4. An elderly couple had been married for 50 years. They'd gotten into a strange sexual routine.

    Every night, the couple would sit in bed watching the tv and the old woman would just hold the old man's penis in her hand. This had been going on for years, no sex, no oral sex, just the woman holding the man's penis.

    One night, the old woman came home late to find her husband in bed with another woman. To her horror, the other woman was doing exactly the same thing as she'd been doing. Just sitting there with the man's penis in her hand.

    Obviously she was upset. "Why, Ernie? Why are you cheating on me? What does she have that I don't?" Asked the old woman.

    "Parkinsons" replied Ernie.


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