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Posts posted by PaulC

  1. 13 hours ago, villa4europe said:

    I think the golden generation had a lot of problems that these players don't, mainly they were "world class" Premier league players and international football is not the Premier league, Gerrard in particular with the any team in the world nonsense was like no one was watching barca and Spain dominate with a complete different brand of football, I think this group of players don't have that problem, the 2 star players already play abroad and a few more of them could too (if the PL money wasn't so good) 

    And that's before you then factor in those players mostly never came close to replicating their club performances at International level 

    The only thing the golden gen had was a more rounded squad, Southgate hasnt got a defence, his squads are top heavy 

    Kane as England's best ever striker is definitley a debate, he'll end up as England's top scorer, would have beaten shearers PL record if he'd stayed, again I don't think many English strikers in my lifetime go to Bayern and do what he's done, shearer doesn't his game was too English, kane does genuinely walk in to any team in the world and score a lot of goals 

    But all that doesn't matter, I don't believe that looking back at the golden generation or previous generations and saying they had better squads is an excuse, Southgate has the players, it's the quality of the players that is getting us through not the quality of the manager, they are doing it in spite of him not because of him

    Fair points, you make a very good case. Football is.different in the Premier League with a much more modern approach. Players are technically superior to their predecessors. Southgate sticking with Macguire borders on insanity. Same with Henderson Post Saudi. It wouid be good to see a proper manager being in charge of this group of players. I think in Bellingham he has the outstanding player in world football in a year or two. 

    • Like 1
  2. 52 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

    Maybe Southgate has better players... 

    What we've done is in spite of him because he has quality players at his disposal, he has England's best ever striker, the players in his selection pool have won more at youth levels than any other England set up in history, pair that with lucky draws

    yet we still set up to snatch victories in the majority of games, he's had so long with these players yet we have no patterns of play, it's a shambles 

    Kane is England's best ever striker? He might have the most goals but we've had better strikers in the past.  

    All round I think the golden gen was a better team than this one. There was quality in all positions but the managers failed where Southgate has succeeded in creating a great team environment. The quality of opposition was better then though. 

    • Like 1
  3. 18 hours ago, Tom13 said:

    Even with five pens, he averages a goal contribution every 92 minutes in the league, or one every 99 minutes in all comps. Chelsea must really be excellent at set pieces.

    I agree. I think he's a.real talent who might end up being better than Foden. Pity he plays for Chelsea though. Let's face its he been the star player in a very expensive Chelsea team who have largely struggled and he's still only 21.

    • Like 1
  4. Never easy for a striker when he's surrounded by plsyers he's not used to playing with. From free kicks and corners the aim was maguire. Chilwell had opportunities to put him in but no quality. Bellingham strutting his stiff but never looked for Watkins. Gallagher industrious as usual but lacks quality. Gordon just cuts inside. Very overrated by commentators. He had no service. Modt games kanes goes missing but had the knack of scoring. Think England missed Saka. Gives them width. All the talk about building a team around Foden from Neville and like no it has to be built around Bellinghsm and saka.

  5. 28 minutes ago, omariqy said:

    Rather he didn't get injured. He will get plenty of game time with us

    He's not though is he really and when he started against West ham, he didn't look at it. I think he needs more quality game time to improve myself.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, trekka said:

    It is sad news, whoever it is.  I have lost friends after literally watching them whither away.  My Dad has cancer (under control we think and hope) and my Mum recovered from lung cancer.  Bastard disease, my heart goes out to them - they might be Royals but they are still human beings and now William has both his wife and Dad fighting it.  Terrible. 

    Totally. Sad news, hope she makes a full recovery. 

  7. On 18/03/2024 at 02:25, Jas10 said:

    Hopefully Pau can get a decent break now and get in proper shape and full fitness… hopefully no more niggles and can play consistently, at least in the league.

    Even better if Ezri could do the same.

    We need to keep the two of them together at CB really. Although we’ve previously done well with Carlos and Konsa RB.

    We’re better off without having to play Lenglet, despite him doing quite well.

    Yes I know Lenglet has filled In and done a job but defence has been pretty crap during this period. First choice Konsa and Pau. Second choice Carlos and Pau who kept two clean sheets against the two best teams in the country.

  8. 8 hours ago, Zatman said:

    Nearly every article on the transfer mentions either 19 million or 15 million rising to 19

    It's might be the official figure yes. 

  9. On 17/03/2024 at 22:59, Zatman said:

    Think they paid 20 million for him and read randomly on some Burnley forum that Kompany is earning some money on him starting games


    They didn't pay anywhere near that.  The deal helped both Man city and Burnley. I could go into it more but won't.

  10. 3 hours ago, NoelVilla said:

    The whole thing is just pathetic. Scrap it

    Totally agree. It's just hitting the smaller clubs. The gap will get even greater and its going to affect us massively. 

    • Like 1
  11. 35 minutes ago, jimmygreaves said:

    What's Southgate's record against the good teams in world football. Anyone with rudementry football knowledge managing the players England have should be able to beat the vast majority of teams in world football. 

    It counts when you're up against the top 10 sides. I'm not sure we've beaten anybody of note with Southgate on charge.


    Edit.... Just found this...

    Southgate's record against sides currently ranked in FIFA's top 10 is as follows: 27 games, seven wins, nine draws, 11 losses equating to a win rate of just 26%.


    That's really woeful

  12. 20 minutes ago, lexicon said:

    Jury's out, for me and I'm glad he's on loan for this reason. He's got until the end of the season to show us why we should invest in him, because we've only seen glimpses so far. It should be noted that there are definitely mitigating factors, namely the betting scandal that disrupted him for a while, not to mention a completely new league, country and club to settle down into. 

    Yes I agree the jury is still out. He's produced very fleeting moments but he needs to kick on produce more from now until the end of the season If we are to consider making the deal permanent. I know people compare what Bailey was doing but he was starting matches and did a lot more than Zaniolo has done this season.

  13. 6 hours ago, Zatman said:

    It took Konsa nearly 3 and a half seasons to get a call up

    In fairness our defence is the weakest part of our team and the strongest part of the Everton team. 

  14. 2 hours ago, VillaChris said:

    Curtis Jones was someone relatively unheralded who I thought might've pushed in. Liverpool picked up when he had a run of starts back end of last season and this season Klopp has trusted him in the big games with starts against Arsenal and Man. City so given he was a key part of under 21s I think he'd have been in this squad but injured and no clue if he's back before the end of the season.

    You've got Miley aswell at Newcastle who did well for a few months earlier this season. I personally think Foden will drop back in as an 8 at some stage under the next manager who'll hopefully have some more nous about them rather than waiting for Pep to do it first at Man. City, TAA might also finally get a run out in that area.

    England should be o.k for top end CMs now, it's at CB where it's looking a bit dodgy over next few years.

    I do think Branthwaite is going to be a top class cb. He will move from Everton I think.  John stones is not yet 30 so will still be around for the next workd cup at least.  That imo could he a good pairing going forward. Konsa is also still young and in the mix. 

  15. Also the fact is these journalists love it when they get Klopps goat up and I bet the journalist in question had a good laugh about it afterwards.

  16. 1 hour ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    As much as Gabby let himself and the fans down this is just ridiculous. Gabby was smashing it for us under MON. 

    At the same age I think Gabby looked electric and then at 20/21 was a regular. Duran has a bit of catching up to do yet imo 

  17. 1 hour ago, VillaJ100 said:

    Yeah was always going to happen, been saying it since he took the job. They in the mire, dyche comes in, gets them safe, next season finish a completely boring 14th, all moaning the football is shit, sack dyche for 'progressive' coach with a bunch of cloggers and end up in the mire again. Rinse and repeat 

    Support on the terraces is still there for him though going by the people I know who go to the games. 

  18. 16 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

    I think the question had a pretty obvious answer, but if anything that’s a get out of jail card for Klopp. The reporter is basically giving him an easy home run, just take it. 

    But unfortunately Klopp is a massive word removed

    I think he's just worn out. I think he looks like he's aged a lot the last few years and I know from personal experience when you are burnt out you have very low tolerance to people. 

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