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Posts posted by briggaman

  1. Does anyone else think it's unfair that Pistorius is running in the Olympics? Good on him for battling through and doing so well to get to the Olympics with his disability, yet it isn't really an equal playing field in my opinion. He has no lower leg muscles and therefore can't have anything happen in that region. All of the other athletes have muscle there that they have to use...

  2. Are any of you on Letterboxd? It's a type of social networking site for films and is pretty good. If any of you are on it then feel free to add me. My name on there is reel_villan. It's currently in beta testing.

    If any of you want an invite then just let me know via PM (with your e-mail address). I've got two invites left so first come first served.

    You can read a little article about the website here.

  3. Really the likes of USA, China, Japan, Russia, France and Germany should be at the top. The size of them (and population) makes it easier to get athletes. There are probably more you could arguably add to that list too. Anywhere near them and I would say it's a success. We're doing very well at the moment to be within touching distance of them.

    Another bronze in the rowing just then from Campbell.

  4. Tickets on sale for the athletics tomorrow. £50 for evening ones and £20 for daytime ones. I'ts alright if you can get to London at the last minute I suppose.

    Pissed off that they didn't sell these in the first place. I'm not quite sure what the point was in bidding early last year. words removed...

  5. Lack of knowledge on the rules here.

    The rules are quite simple and straightforward in that if a mechanical failure occurs a restart can be requested from the team that happens to. You see Chris Hoy raise his hand as soon as it becomes apparent. This is not like the Badminton at all

    But it wasn't a mechanical fault.

    Hindes said in the interview that he fell off deliberately to get a restart.

    Lack of knowledge of the interview from Dratly!

    No mechanical fault = should in theory have been disqualifed (or their results should have stood, and they'd have been eliminated legitimately on time).

    This is far worse than the badminton IMO.

    No, it isn't worse than the badminton and it's funny how quickly you've changed your tune on this whole thing when you were so adamant that the badminton decision was wrong.

    This was actually a mechanical failure. Sure you can interpret the interview however you want and say that he meant for it to happen. There is no solid proof that this was the case though. Whereas in the badminton it was bloody obvious and was much worse as they might aswell have broadcast what they were doing.

    If the GB team did do it on purpose then they should have been disqualified. Yet it would be very difficult to prove that it was done on purpose at the end of the day. The badminton was worse in my opinion...

  6. Still really annoyed with the whole ticketing side of things. I put bids in three times early last year for tickets to the USA basketball, basketball final, rowing and final two days of the athletics. I ended up with none. It won't change my life but I would have liked to see those things live. Better angles and such on TV to be honest, yet I would have liked the experience.

    They have cocked up big time...

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