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Posts posted by briggaman

  1. Some of the times on the BBC website are wrong. They have now put these times up for the rowing on Twitter:

    Rowing finals (GB chances): Women's pair (1150 BST), women's quadruple sculls (1210), men's eight (1230)
  2. Rowing finals at 10:10, 10:20 and 10:30. Time trial finals at 12:30 and 14:15. Men's Kayak final at 15:15. Then football tonight.

    Hopefully we'll pick up a few medals today. Possibly even our first gold, which would be very nice...

  3. Right I am off to the gym. All this watching sport has inspired me to actually go and play.

    It's odd that you should say that. It's inspired me to start going to the gym again and I feel great.

    Look out 2016, here I come!

  4. Yep and I'm not quite sure why. I realise that Jackson is sayng it will include the appendices but I don't see what the necessity is for that. The Hobbit was fine without them and the story was light and fun. I really don't see the need to drag the story on so that it leads on to LOTR better. It seems pointless to me and I'm a big fan of The Hobbit.

    I'm still worried about the tone of the whole thing too. Hopefully it will be lighter than LOTR as that's the way it should be...

  5. Well they seem pleased enough still

    No wonder. It was a massive achievement and they did really well. Made up that they won a medal. It's a shame it wasn't the silver they deserved, yet the bronze is still brilliant.

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