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Posts posted by briggaman

  1. I don't think it's actually been all that great a match to be honest as it's totally one sided at the moment. Murray is doing very well, yet Federer has made so many mistakes.

    Oh well, hopefully it will continue and we'll grab another gold. Fingers crossed...

  2. Lerner is like any other owner and will sell up if an offer comes in that he can't refuse. However, the same can be said for every owner in the league.

    I personally don't think he'll be selling us in the near future and think this newspaper story was just lazy journalism.

  3. Finally went to see Ted myself yesterday. I was hoping to see it last Wednesday, yet was down in bed with a cold. Dragged myself out of bed yesterday though and it was worth it. I'm a fan of Family Guy so I found it funny to be honest. It's nice to have a good laugh every once in a while. Flash...

  4. Greg Rutherford appears to be enormous tosser.

    Must be surreal to have more gold medals than souls.

    I was saying this earlier. He seems to have an ego the size of something extremely big.

    Good on him for winning the gold though...

  5. I'm really looking forward to the tennis tomorrow.

    Are you looking forward to the booing whenever Federer is about to serve?

    No, I'll be encouraging those attending the match to throw sticks and any other objects that could cause physical harm...

  6. Right, let's get back to the Olympics instead of talking about whether or not people should boo. It gets boring enough seeing it in the football threads and everyone has a different opinion on it.

    I'm really looking forward to the tennis tomorrow. All of the games should be worth watching and we're guaranteed at least a silver in two of them.

  7. You say that like it's wrong to try to put the opposition off. It happens in every sport and has done for years.


    Many other Olympic events (at this games) where this has happened?

    Basketball, hockey and tennis. Not all booing, yet all trying to put the opposition off by waving things etc.

  8. Yes they were, although not as loud as they should have been...

    I guess that's an answer to my question - in which case, well done to the S Koreans.

    Booing is common in that situation.

    I repeat - well done to the S Koreans. A nice big **** you to the crowd.

    You say that like it's wrong to try to put the opposition off. It happens in every sport and has done for years.

    Except that it doesn't happen in any of the other 35 Olympic events...

    You would be surprised.

  9. Yes they were, although not as loud as they should have been...

    I guess that's an answer to my question - in which case, well done to the S Koreans.

    Booing is common in that situation.

    I repeat - well done to the S Koreans. A nice big **** you to the crowd.

    You say that like it's wrong to try to put the opposition off. It happens in every sport and has done for years.

  10. Not too fussed as the Olympics should be about the other sports . Proper football is only 2 weeks away anyway.

    Pretty much this. It would have been nice to win a medal in it, yet I'm not too fussed on it as an Olympics sport. It's more like an outside Olympic event as none of the stadiums for it are even in the Olympic Park.

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