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Posts posted by Tomaszk

  1. Astonished the voting is so close.

    People wouldn't bothered if one of our best players (in my eyes the best) left?!

    You'll miss him when he's gone, I guarantee it. As far as I'm concerned unless we win the league next year, no matter how well we do, whatever side we have, it would be better with Barry in it.

  2. Got drunk during Jackie Brown and can't remember the end, it was going ok 5/10 , quite a few different POV at the end I remember I'll watch it sober and see it a bit better.

  3. Didn't really like Pulp Fiction, don't get why it's a classic at all, never gets going for me. Really weird as it is such a legendery film, cannot tell at all why it connected with so many people. The Wolf is cool though.

    Loved dogs, kill bills, not seen deathproof, looking forward to inglorius basterds.

  4. Despise the bloke with a passion, everything that was wrong with 'dance' music for a number of years.

    Thats why I considered him controversial. He gave a face to an anonamous genre, for every new fan he brought to Dance music, he pissed off a hardocre fan by trivialising the form.

    I still love 95% of his stuff.

  5. :lol:

    the poll, as stevo said, is about the 2 extreme options, thats why they are the only ones to choose from.

    The point of it is to decide what people would prefer , a higher league positino at the end of the season or to have a chance of 2 cups.

    If we considered all the viable options there would be about 20 different options including: draw league, win FA, lose UEFA; lose league, FA cup replay, but wi UEFA. Now that would be a shitty poll, as I'm sure everyone WANTS to win every game, sometimes its not possible, sometimes it is.

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