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Posts posted by Tomaszk

  1. What the hell would we want with a couple of players from a championship side who didn't manage to get promoted? Are they winners? Are they CL- quality? Probably no on both questions. Maybe one in the whole WBA-squad would be good enough, but I doubt it. Don't mean that there ain't any good player in the whole championship, but they are not that many and I doubt they play for WBA. I really hope we do better than that this summer. It almost feels like when we had GTmk2 and his talks about finding gems in the championship while held back financially by Ellis.

    Have you seen them play this year?

  2. Have you seen the saves he's made for the past 2 seasons?....and the mistakes Sorenson's made!

    The same could be said the other way round.

    Having seen a lot more of Sorensen this season than Foster (obviously), I can think of one big mistake that Tommy has made resulting in a goal (Boro away), and can think of two for Foster just off the top of my head (Robinson's goal for Spurs, Vassell's goal for Man City). If I can think of those, I'm fairly sure there must be more.

    Every goalkeeper makes mistakes.

    Sorenson is lucky to be playing in front of a far better defence, and they often bail him out. The amount of goals we concede fomr set pieces is definetly higher because of the fact hes in goal for me. Mellberg, and as a result, Laursen, do NOT trust him in anything.

    Hes made loads of mistakes this season, not necceserily resulting in a goal, off the top of my head one being his kick away to westham straight to dino neck. Also off the top of my head Milners shot away at newcastle when he sort of just watched it go in over his head.

    Anyway yes, I do take your point keepers make mistakes, but Id rather have Foster as he'll sort out our back 4 from set plays, and keep us in games with saves that are not meant to be made.

    Hes one of the best keepers ive ever seen in a 1-on-1 situation. He comes flying out before the forward sets themselves and so often smothers the ball.

  3. What would we do with Foster? He ain't better than Sörensen and if he don't want to sit on Uniteds bench, then why would he sit on ours?

    If we don't bid for Sneijder now I think he's off to Valencia. I think that Ajax will lower the fee so it fits Valencias if there's no higher bid.

    I am a Sorenson fan but Foster is a far superior keeper and about 10 years younger so will only improve.

    Totally bullsh*t. He's not better than Sörensen. Not in a million years.

    An opinion is not bullsh*t so don't suggest otherwise. Perhaps you could intelligently respond as to why you believe this rather than respond in the manner you have done.

    What?!?! :shock:

    Sorenson isn't in Foster's league!

    Have you seen the saves he's made for the past 2 seasons?....and the mistakes Sorenson's made!

    At VP for the Watford game I was right behind the goal about 4 rows back in the Holte, and you could hear Foster screaming at his defence organising really well. I would have foster for 3m plus Sorenson, and hes far younger.

  4. So he is like Xavi then.

    Petrov was the new Scholes and Maloney the new Joe Cole, is he on level with these players :) ?

    Id love him so much.

    He's a very sharp player with a thumping shot. Likes to start moves from deep, then depending on circumstances, lerk near ther edge pouncing on anything loose; OR break in late - he tends to break a lot later compared to other players, as due his height, understandibly doesnt often come crashing in 'Shearer Style' and power headers in. (dare I say in a similar manner to a young scholes)

    Has a unique ability which means hes not only naturally 2 footed, but he also takes both left and right corners with differing feet. - in or outswinging you choose Martin :D

    One concern I would have about signing him is not that he wouldn;t be able to handle himself in the ENglish Prem as he puts himself about a fair bit, but whether he would WANT to handle himself, or just swan around a bit as, in his eyes, hes not at a massive club. Some could argue we're similar to Ajax - but they're HIS club.

  5. That Under 21 portugal left back we were linked with a few weeks back is closer to joining.

    Sunday Mercury reported on it, theyre normally a bit more filled in being local.

    Not a clue if hes any good, but seems an ideal player (providing he is good :D) in that hes the sort who could just fill in for bouma in cup games and stuff, established players arnt going to be interested in coming to be on bench.

  6. Lawrie Sanchez quits NI and is installed at Fulham permanently, I guess the first thing he will do is sign Davis and Hughes.

    5M for the pair.

    rouhgly breaks down as £5.25m for davis and -£0.25m for Hughes, I'd guess? :winkold:

    :clap: :clap: :clap:

    I was actually going to say id want 5m for Davis on his own but when you break down the deal I cant complain

  7. Would NOT want Owen for 5m

    Always injured.

    His only attributes he ever had were finishing and pace.

    He now has no pace, and tries to play like Rooney by dropping deep so people dont notice. As he has no technique this means he does nothing in the game as he cannot beat a man or pass a ball.

    For someone who does contributes NOTHING but goals, he doesnt score EVERY CHANCE. He takes about 1 in 3. If you do nothing except score you need to be scoring 4/5 of every single sniff of goal ala Van Nistelrooy in his prime.

    erm...what was the question?

    oh yeah, NO to owen!

    Bent yes please, but for no more than 8m+a few add ons like starting at a world cup game, if it takes more, fine we'll go else where thank you very much.

    Charlton can't expect 15M anymore, but I guess 10M will be the price to pay

    Im just a bit worried that buying a player of similar to age to Gabby and Moore could create a bit of ££££ jealously, this could affect their game, especially if it becomes common knowledge that Bent is on like 35k a week and their on 5k each.

    I remember MON saying he wants incentive based contracts, this is something that should be implemented through the whole squad.

    10m woulndt be too bad i spose.

  8. Would NOT want Owen for 5m

    Always injured.

    His only attributes he ever had were finishing and pace.

    He now has no pace, and tries to play like Rooney by dropping deep so people dont notice. As he has no technique this means he does nothing in the game as he cannot beat a man or pass a ball.

    For someone who does contributes NOTHING but goals, he doesnt score EVERY CHANCE. He takes about 1 in 3. If you do nothing except score you need to be scoring 4/5 of every single sniff of goal ala Van Nistelrooy in his prime.

    erm...what was the question?

    oh yeah, NO to owen!

    Bent yes please, but for no more than 8m+a few add ons like starting at a world cup game, if it takes more, fine we'll go else where thank you very much.

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