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Posts posted by Tomaszk

  1. It's got to be Barry, and this isn't because of what happened over the summer.

    NRC is immense, and I find it beyond beleif how underrated he is by some Villa fans. I expect it from opposition fans, but from our own?

    Why do people not rate NRC though? Who cares if he doesn't make wonder passes, as has been said Barry does this. So what is the problem? NRC makes the tackles, and passes to Barry who can hit his so called 'wonder balls' (or pass to Young who'll do all the work).



    He can't play football!!!

    He barely makes tackles, fouls a hell of a lot though, 10 bookings last year? 12 the year before for wham? He doesn't pass to Barry, he passes to the other team, his only completed passes are really negative ones back to the defence (or 60 yard ones back to the keeper to give the other team a chance to get up and reorganise) or ones that I could make, any time he thinks about making a positive move forwards, it takes him so long to decide where he's goin he often gets tackled.

    His control is on a par with Gabby, his ability on the ball is such an embarressment. He traps it, then moves himself around the ball as his first touch always gets trapped under feet or bounces 10 foot away from him. Awareness is none existent.

    He's fit and he's pretty quick, but he should not be anywhere near our first team.

    I'm hoping beyond hope that he'll gradually get some confidence into his game, because a confident player is a different animal to the current state we see every week on the pitch.

    Then again, football is opinions. Mine is that NRC is a very bad footballer.

  2. NRC all day long... pointless breaking up play if you cant pass!

    I'm sure there are stats that show that NRC doesn't give the ball away as some like to make out.

    Yup, IIRC a better pass completed percentage than Barry last season, a guy who's in the england team because he passes well and doesn't give the ball away.

    yes but Barry may strive to do something creative with the ball and try and score a goal, going forwards. Not hit a 60 yard passes back to the keeper because he can't control the ball properly and panics when the ball comes to him and he's got a opposition player within 10 yards.

    NRC has to be dropped, then he can go and watch Barry Bannan and learn how to play football.

  3. NRC only ever goes backwards unless theres a very easy 10 yard pass forwards to someone who can play football, even then he just loves to give it away.

    Petrov and Barry have been working well, with them as a base (competing with Sidders when he's fit and the ever improving Gardner), our wing play can kill teams, but we vitally need a forward to play with carew to really push on in all 4 fronts this year.

  4. Depends if he signs a new contract I suppose (which is the rumour)

    BUT I'll never feel the same about him again, until this summer there was a little part of Barry that was me, not anymore

    Agreed entirely.

    Right now I want him to f*ck off, but should he stay and commit his future to Aston Villa by signing a new contract then I'll be happy to keep a quality player who'll be motivated by his England ambitions to do his best on the pitch. It's the results that matter, after all.

    But he'll never be the same Gareth Barry in my eyes. It would take A LOT to forgive what has happened this summer.

    He will never be the same in any Villa fan's eyes.

    I'd rather keep him cos he's simply class, and it's one nil to us v the top 4 in their quest to nick our players. Coming up next......Young to Manu with them opening the bidding at £12m...

  5. Oooooohhh!

    how close. My vote has just tipped it 51% "Yes".

    Taking EVERYTHING into account, and not just summer transfer activity/inactivity, then Yes, I am a pretty happy bunny.

    We have a great owner, a great manager, some great players, and are in 'Yurp for the first time in a good while.

    so, plenty to be happy about.

    Just be nice to sign one or two more decent players, that's all.

    Well yes, but the title is are you happy 'at the moment', so I presumed that meant with the current dealings or lack their of.

    If the poll was 'are you proud to be a villa fan?' or 'are you happy with the way the club is being run at board room and management level?' it'd be 95+% of happy happy fans.

  6. Having just got back from a short break away, in which I cut myself away from the thrills and spills of Aston Villa I've returned and instantly a dark dark cloud has cast it's chilling shadow from above.

    We still for my money, are not looking like getting the quality we need in to seriously compete and Spurs have signed the one player I saw as a guaranteed star for us. No, he may not have been any good at all for us, indeed, he may be go on to be crap for spurs, but in my eyes he was the player to show we meant business. Instead we look to be losing our captain and not filling in gaping holes in the team.

    I hope beyond hope O'Neill knows what he's doing because in this day and age where fans memories are short, I am very worried for the start of the season in which I can see us very possibly losing the first 4 games, and I worry things could turn nasty and suddenly transfers would be falling through and we'll be signing Knight's instead of Davies'. The small squad will be decimated by fatigue and by xmas we'll be way behind the desired 4th position and out of all the cups and European competition with Manu to come in the 3rd round.

    Anyways, Martin has proved me wrong before with fantastic results, and excellent league position, so I dearly hope that the team gels well and we get off to a flyer because nothing cheers my weekends up more than when Villa get a result.

  7. Season 2 was no where near as good as season 1 IMO.

    Had it's moments, but it was the classic chasing the baddie format I loved in season 1.

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