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Posts posted by rjw63

  1. You look just like the scousers off Harry Enfield.

    And scousers dont have afros, they have "curly perms"

    Enfield took his idea from 1970's footballers and one of the originators of that Scouse Look was Terry McDermott..............


  2. Are you another member of the NM Strong City?


    Can I come for a visit? I promise I'll be discreet

    RJ. What do you want to visit with my neighbor/sister about? Do you want to know how to find Christ? Or are you interested in exercising your perverted lusts?

    Its all about the perverted lusts.

    I'm coming as well

    Heh, I actually missed that reply.......

    I'll take the 5th on my reply though!

  3. Terry, serious question, what are Michaels views on homosexuality, i wondered (not for very long mind) whether god had ever instructed him to sleep with any of the men?

    I had asked Micahel this question earlier, and this was his response.

    Michael has not "slept" with men. Men are the image of the old husband, the earth, that had dominion over the woman, the church. The woman overcomes by giving herself to the Son. The man overcomes by yielding up his dominion to the Son. A woman in the historical sense has not had a kingdom. The man was the ruler over her. That is why a woman takes the man's name when she marries him. The woman is a yielder, the man is a warrior, and their marriage to the Son comes in different ways. The parable of the land reveals this.

    That's errr, cleared that up then......

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