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Posts posted by Ponky

  1. 2 hours ago, YLN said:

    I'm trying to think of an adjective to describe his passing. It's so good it's like when a solid turns directly into a gas. It's really that good. What would be a good choice of word to describe passing like that? 

    All fart and no shit?

    • Haha 1
  2. Defensively Carlos was great but he gave the ball away a bit too much with some misplaced and underhit passes.

    McGinn uber Emery is world class. He and Digne are developing quite a nice little relationship on the left there.

    Frustrated for (rather than with) Watkins this week - really unlucky not to get a goal today. 

    I think our defence will be a bit brittle over the next 4-5 games while they get used to each other.

    Attacking wise the possibilities seem endless with multiple routes to goal - not something we've seen at Villa for quite some time.

  3. 2 hours ago, luckyeddie said:

    If Archer played for a top Championship club, and Emery / Monchi bid £18m for him, I would be disappointed, therefore I am happy we sell him at this price. He may well fit in another team an score plenty, but he looks lost in this set up. He doesn't have the physical attributes of Watkins or Duran. Our system cannot accommodate a pure goal poacher.

    We paid almost twice that for Ollie Watkins when Brentford were in the Championship.

  4. As an Aussie I have seen quite a bit of Martin Boyle. He's got some pace and industry about him and can hurt you if he gets in behind the defence.

    We should be going into this at close to full strength. We can tinker with the lineup in the group stage games but at this stage we have to get the job done.

  5. McGinn was like the Tasmanian Devil spinning all over the pitch and deservedly man of the match. Dougie and Bailey also excellent.

    Diaby is some player but he's still finding his feet in a positional sense. He'll be scary good when he does.

    Special mention to Digne as well. Had loads of space all day but really put in some quality balls.

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