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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. I know. My point is rather that Trump isn't helping.
  2. To bring this pointless aside on Islam back round again, I'm curious how anyone thinks we're going to help the problem with Islam in the Islamic world by isolating it and disparaging it. I think the common sense would be to break the insularity by bringing it into the West. Expose it ever more to Western ideals, and let it start to rub off ever more. Isolating it, being suspicious of it, antagonistic to it, will do nothing but drive it further into itself and play into the hands of the words removed that want to see violence. Congratulations Trump.
  3. Ken Clarke is about the only Tory I'd give a second listening to for any insight at all.
  4. Islamic countries / those with considerable Islamic contigents would quite like Islamic law as a thing... Shocker. What do you know about Sharia? I'm going to guess not a great deal. It's not something I particularly like, it's archaic and daft, but I'm curious what you think this chart proves.
  5. It seems incongruous to say you aren't criticising Muslims and follow that comment with one that speculates that 'if even 1% are potential jihadists...'. Those comments don't seem to sit well together. One betrays a suspicion. I'm quite familiar with Islamism. I more or less have a degree on the study of it and terrorism, as it was one of my specialisms. You mention Muhammad as a paedophile warlord. A couple of things. It's difficult to bring modern sensibilities to historical figures. A great deal of historical names will have done things we'd find objectional today. In the past, nobody cared. An enormous number of lauded figures in world history would be considered warlords by today's standards. Secondly... There's a common logical fallacy that states that the art can be derided for the artist. Hitler loved dogs and home movies, therefore home movies and dogs are bad. If you can't ignore the nature of Muhammad's life, it doesn't mean that Islam is 'bad' too because he started it. It's a logical phallacy. Now I don't like Islam, at all, but not because of Muhammad. I dislike it on the same grounds I dislike the rest of the mumbo jumbo peddlers. There's no argument that the Bible contains some horrific stuff. It's all still there, someone in the wrong frame of mind can use it to justify quite unpleasant things. It's in the Torah too. And the Quran has all the same rubbish in it. And all of these books are interpreted in different ways and you get the madness that leads to Islamists and the Westboro Baptist church and other cults and hardcore Judaism. Islam isn't unique in that respect. Christianity had the Reformation 500 years ago (I'm listening to a podcast at the moment that deals with a small element of the fall out of that that sees Christianity justifying some horrific stuff - it's interestingly familiar considering this debate). Islam is a younger religion and it does have some difficulties in that it hasn't been overhauled much due to its supposed nature as the absolute word of God... But it's interesting to note that even in the Middle East Islam has mostly rejected the truly hardcore interpretations of itself (obvious exceptions apply). And that'll only improve as the world gets smaller and more entwined and Islam is forced to adapt to a world that doesn't entirely accommodate religion. It's started already. Preaching martyrdom? Christianity deifies martyrs. It's poster boy is a martyr. An awful lot of saints are martyrs. Sacrifice for your faith is still admired in many quarters. Christianity isn't seeing itself fighting a war. It's easy to spin a yarn of martyrdom to willing ears if you can chuck the idea you're at war. Jihad itself is interpreted numerous ways and usually is considered as an internal struggle (doesn't make the headlines that), rather similar to the hackneyed internal struggle of Catholicism and the guilt it breeds in adherents. I've no argument at all that Islam requires is own Reformation. It'll get there eventually. The real nutjobs are already a minority. And anyone who justifies slaughter because of a book wouldn't get my piss if they were on fire. And I'd happily chuck every copy of the Quran on a fire, alongside the Bible and the Torah and all the other claptrap, consigning religion to the scrap heap of humanity were it belongs. But with that considered, I'm not going to condemn all Muslims, damning then all as terrorists in waiting. You say you have Muslim friends - but everything you've written seems to suggest you are quietly judging and suspicious of them.
  6. Why waste the water? We've got lots of ammo sitting around...
  7. Might be the first of these I've ever got.
  8. Suicide bomb. Smuggled on the plane with nobody noticing. They're born with bomb chemistry in their DNA, the best people have told me. Made it in his crib. Waiting for this moment. The best intelligence tells us. The best. words removed.
  9. Worth noting he's allegedly already put forward his candidacy for 2020 (as it gives him some political 'armour', allegedly) so if there's something that will remove him he appears to be unaware of it or ignoring it...
  10. They confirmed they held a 5 year old child in handcuffs for 4 hours. I don't even care the kid was a US citizen. And they justified it. **** words removed. And everyone supporting this shit can go on the words removed list.
  11. Cool. I'm glad 'calling out hypocrites' was his first port of call. I suspect he agrees with the Trump take. Actually I know damn well he does. A brief look at his library will confirm his stance. I'll also suspect it's not a coincidence you found an anti feminist word removed video to post.
  12. Horseshit. I don't like Islam. I don't like religion full stop. I don't like people that use violence to force their beliefs. I think of myself as quite a liberal person. There are extremist elements of Islam that it needs to combat. One a fool would disagree. But this reads like a condemnation of Muslims full stop. I've worked with, been friends with, encountered day to day with people who would describe themselves as Muslim. A few of them where words removed. Not because they were Muslim, but because they were words removed. A lot of them were lovely people, because they were nice people. And most of them just got on with their day. Because they're normal people. The rigged thinking here is you and your cohort of halfwits revealing themselves here. As for the core of the religion? Have you read the Bible? It's quite specific about the instructions to punish people, gays, adulterers, people with sideburns, people who wear mixed textiles. Most people ignore it. Most Muslims do to. The sheer tone of supremacy in this post is laughable.
  13. Your point? Where is your outrage when any number of horrendous things happen worldwide every day? Where is your condemnation? Trump doesn't get a free ride because other bad people and things don't get the headlines. The man's a moronic, evil puppet of a modern Nazi, shitting on his nations constitution, and making a mockery of Western ideals globally. I'm **** glad people are outraged.
  14. I've read the 109 figure is false anyway.
  15. It's OK because lots of people think it. Right. ... We're too stupid a species to survive.
  16. Transpose some of Hitler's 'philosophy' with a lot neo right crap and a sprinkling of the *spit*alt right*spit* (euphemism for word removed) and you'll have it. He's an arsehole. He's now quite a powerful one.
  17. Businesses famously pay more than they need to for no damn reason.
  18. I'll save everyone giving the word removed that made that video any publicity or a chance at getting nice viewer numbers for the ad revenue. 1. Trump's ok 'cos Obama did it too. 2. Wahwahwah. With a dash of sarcasm and mocking people by reading tweets in a funny voice. I bet he's an alt-right word removed. Edit HE IS! Shocker.
  19. This is probably a little out of date at this point but worth watching still I think.
  20. Pfft, nah. Obama and Biden cooked it up after a night on the sauce on the back of a pizza box. ...Which would still be more oversight than Trump has managed.
  21. They do indeed. I'm not sure I've argued against that. I even provided an answer (a couple really) that accounts for this very eventuality. My point, to be clearer, is rather... There's a reason that market with its free trade exists. It makes trade easier, cheaper. We will still trade with the single market when we leave (unless it vanishes into the ether on the glorious and long prophesied day of the collapse of the Euro) but it'll be more difficult. And that isn't good. Unless you think it is good to make trade more difficult.
  22. I caught a Beeb interview earlier with some bloke who was part of an organisation that had done an investigation into the exposure to the EU of the UK's city exports. Averaged out it was about 50%. 50% of our cities' exports are going to somewhere on our doorstep that we've decided to turn our back on easy trade with. In some cities it was 2/3rds. I hope those business owners have products that rest of the world really wants. Or there's enough margin for them to take a hit. Or no competitors on the continent.
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