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Posts posted by Dante_Lockhart

  1. It's Ocho Rios I'm going to. I don't intend to leave the resort with the exception of the excursions with the hotel themselves (Dunn River Falls for example).

    You can go boat if you think I'm taxi-ing into the town.

  2. I'll be going to Florida soon :)

    I went in 2005, it was fricking awesome!!!

    Can't wait till my kiddies are big enough to take.

    This year is gonna be ace for holidays.

    Jamaica for 2 weeks (all inclusive) for a mates wedding in October

    Florida for 1 week over Xmas, then flying from Florida to New York to spend New Years there.


  3. I'm not embarrassed at all when people ask how we met. Tell them straight up.

    Best thing I have ever done and I've found my perfect girl. Why would I be ashamed of that? If anything I want to encourage others to do the same in the hope that they can find the happiness I have.

  4. I want to knock together a flyer / poster for the missus' company and need some images of people cutting out of the documents (so they will be templates) allowing me to then design the poster and drop the images on.

    I've tried and tried but I can't seem to lasso / cut them out properly at all. I'm really not very proficient with the program. Drop me a PM if you think you can help at all! Cheers.

  5. Just sent the missus this

    "The day that you came into my life was the day that my life became special. You have brought out a part in me that I thought I'd never be able to find. What you make me feel for you is nothing short of the ultimate happiness. You are in my thoughts, my dreams, my desires, but most of all my heart. The magic of my life is all because of you. xxx"


  6. Your looking at two different routines.

    As Don said, reps are for size, and those kind of splits and reps are used by bodybuilder type trainers to get pumped.

    strongman/strength training will be low reps. But obviously with getting stronger your muscles will become larger and defined, but not to the same extent as a 10+ rep workout.

    Not really. Eating well and working out at high weight / low reps will obviously increase your muscle mass and size, and strength. Once you have hit your desired levels it's all about diet. You cut down your calories and hit your macros whilst maintaining the strength and you cut the body fat, you'll be lean in no time. So you've got the size, the strength AND the definition. No need for high reps / low weight unless you're just going to the gym to 'pump' up or 'top up' your muscles before a night out / vain purposes.

  7. We've got 9 company phones on o2.

    6 of them work. The 3 that don't are the engineers phones who take the calls to breakdowns and call outs (we offer a 24/7 call out).


    I've asked if the calls to those numbers can be redirected to my phone so they can at least be answered and I can try and sort something out, they said they can but they're having trouble getting in contact with the people that can do it. *head desk*

    Seems OK this morning though. The service managers phone is working again so that's good. Weird how all the phones are on the same bundle but only some are affected. Makes no sense.

  8. I know you've got a split there, but you need rest days in between to maximise gains. Rest and repair.

    I'm adamant on the max 5 reps though for working sets.

    Hell, on deadlifts I might even only do 1 reps but doing so at my absolute 1 rep max limit. My usual deadlift workout will probably go;

    Light stretching for 5 minutes

    6-8 @ 80kg (warm-up set)

    5 @ 100kg

    5 @ 120kg

    1 @ 150kg

    1 @ 150kg

    1 @ 150kg

    1 @ 150kg

    1 @ 150kg

    6-8 @ 80kg (warm-down set)

  9. 5 reps always seems a little low to me, even with a high weight, prefer to get around 8-10.

    If you can do 8-10 reps then you aren't lifting heavy enough.

  10. Quick question.

    How many reps, typically, does everyone aim for when weight lifting?

    I'm of the opinion that 8/9 reps is the best way forward for those aiming to pack on muscle, but am no expert by any means.

    Size & Strength = Low Reps High Weight. 5 reps max.

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