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VT Supporter
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Everything posted by Tegis

  1. Every off-season one hears people not wanting to pay the kickers. "We can always sign other cheaper ones". Well, once again we see how bleeding important they really are when you really need them. Please do your job and eliminate the swifties. I could really do with a neutral SuperBowl
  2. PICK . Lions in the Championship game
  3. Game is heating up, wonder if Campbell will rue not challenging this
  4. Some good draftpicks and Dan Campbell.
  5. Baker wastes no time throwing the first pick
  6. It was. Greenlaw not going down on his interception probably gave the entire Santa Clara a heart-attack Moron!
  7. -s 0 points allowed in the second half
  8. Moan time, cant do this in the playoffs.
  9. Was about to moan about all the penalties from the Texans and they tie it up quick
  10. Can Houston pull off a major upset? Hardly
  11. From Jeremiahs first Mockdraft. His real name doesent help either Ga'Quincy McKinstry
  12. Just need a Buffalo win to make this a pleasant continuation of the playoffs. Home wins galore right......right?
  13. Finally caught up. No drama apart from the Lions - Rams games, disappointing
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