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Everything posted by villabromsgrove

  1. Saviola is a mercenary and will go where the money is. I really don't think he will be anywhere near the top of Mons list.
  2. My problem with Bramble is this, I spent a hell of a lot of time laughing myself silly at Newcastle on Motd last season for having the misfortune to own Brambles registration and having to play him because they had no alternative.
  3. He was class against Ronaldhino in the CL, and never looked out of his depth, he'd provide a great experience in defence and also is not afraid to push forward and put good crosses in. class signing to complment a McShane signing.... McShane looked more comfortable as a CB than a right back to me.
  4. Afonso or Bruno? If it's A he could be a sensation if he can reproduce lasts seasons form in the prem.
  5. I dont know, but signing or attempting to sign a 31 year old seems like were going for second best to me. But it means we're also buying the finished article that can go straight out on the pitch and contribute immediately - not to mention single-handedly solving our troublesome rightback slot. We can't buy all promising youngsters. The average age of the CL winning Milan team was 31. Not all of our new signings will be young and long term, short term experience from players who have been there and done it could be invaluable next season. Good point about Milan.
  6. A bit of bondage to pass the time until July 1st eh Mazrim.
  7. Randylion, you sound fairly definite about Sneijder. How sure are you that Mon doesn't rate him as a 10 mil player.
  8. Or does it mean that they are going for better players than us? I think he just knows that no-one else will be interested in Titus Bramble
  9. I know that Mon is the master of tautology BOF, but I really do have a good feeling about this.
  10. Or does it mean that they are going for better players than us? No way Richard.
  11. (Sureshot) When Mon says that "I am not sure whether we are all going for the same players" that excites me because it points more towards foreign players imo.
  12. Angel, Samuel, Hendrie, Davis, Djemba Djemba, Sutton (?) Delaney (?) and Olejnik and Henderson gone or going. The first seven were on good money, so it makes sense to move on players who will not figure. Could McCann and Hughes be next? What about Sorensens future if we sign either Boruc or Gordon? Whatever happens the squad is going to look a lot different next season.
  13. He is a left back and that is one of our strongest positions with Bouma imo. I know that Lahm is right footed but he likes to cut in from the left so although he is a superb footballer I would look to spend his considerable transfer fee elsewhere.
  14. Has to be close. It was accurate and to the point. Good comedy timing as well after Tricella's essay. I far preferred reading Tricellas well written and obviously heartfelt post.
  15. All three now have questions marks about character and attitude: Parker: homesick, needs to be in London? He has only played consistently well under Curbishley. NRC: maybe psychologically damaged by the abuse of the past season. (including world cup treatment by McClaren) Barton: a thoroughly unpleasant and dangerous psychopath who may well be jailed for his latest uncontrolled thuggery. I still think that Sneijder is a much better option. I'll just keep hoping!
  16. and who will the money end up with???? :winkold: Sheffield Utds' lawyers will be tracking the transfer fee very carefully!
  17. I think Tevez might run a mile from anything claret and blue at the moment.
  18. MON could only be interested in Reo-Coker though, for example. You may well be right Jez, the "top class players" that we have been told we will be targeting may well play in other positions but I'm sure that we will have ago for at least a couple of top players.
  19. Sneijder and Van der Vaart are an example of the definition of top class signings. Either one would certainly sell some season tickets.
  20. Stuart Pearce? I have watched Gardner play dozens of times for the academy, reserves and first team and I along with a number of other "reserve afficionados" have been saying for some considerable time that he could become a Villa legend. So my judgement is based on longterm experience and not just a knee jerk reaction.
  21. Gardner seems to have a much higher opinion of Villa than you Jez and when the big clubs do come knocking he'll turn them down.
  22. Was he better at age 20 than Gardner is now? Gardners aim is to score ten goals next season, NRC might be ok as a defensive midfielder but will never score that many goals and Craig is better in all departments.
  23. Bouma will be the best left back in the Premiership next season so I don't see us signing a "name." O'Halloran will probably be regarded by Mon as adequate cover.
  24. Maybe not. So you think we should buy half the WBA first team to take us to the top? I do not have much time for Koumas after his well documented antics in the past, but I have to admit that he looked a very good player yesterday.
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