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Everything posted by The_Lions_Roar

  1. He's playing as part of 3 up front today but dropping back to right wing.
  2. Bump! Real Madrid have won their game 2-0 tonight. Barca are on now, currently 3-0 at half time, 2 goals for Messi and one fo Poyol. Iniesta's play for Messi's second goal was sublime!
  3. This has to be a joke? How many times hve you watched him play? People base their opinions on him from Sweden and Cahmps league games. Fair enough he hasnt produced in a lot of champs league games but not really a fair judge is it? Try watching him play for Barca and im sure after a few games that opinion will change. For me, Rooney has only come to life this season after producing regularly in the prem, if my opinion was based purely on England and champs league then he'd be good but not world class. Same for Ibra, he hasnt played for Ajax, Inter and Barca for being shit.
  4. They do, Blues were the only clubw ithout it a couple of seasons ago and had to call off a game against Newcastle. I think since then its become mandatory to have it in the premier league.
  5. World class, people said he would flop at Barca, look at his scoring record there. People only don't like him because he's cocky. but i like that in a player, the clubs and managers he's played for shows his class.
  6. Reminded me of Steven Davis at first.
  7. We can't expect Stuart Atwell to make the right deicison tomorrow!
  8. Someone's switched the undersoil heating off!!
  9. Oh god, don't say something like that! And yes unless you're a seaosn ticket holder it will be tough.
  10. Its fine in Brum, we had about half an hours snow, the main roads are all clear though. If the game was at VP it would be on.
  11. I'd love to travel on the team coach to a game, bet they have a right laugh! Can see Gabby and Ash at the back messing around. Friedel sat at the front trying to do his crossword! On topic, it better go ahead im buzzing about it and its been hard enough to wait this long. The pitch will be fine but its the surrounding areas, people can look after themselves!
  12. Surely this applies to us as well though as we had a changed side out, its clear that the semi is more important to both clubs, we had a stronger squad to change it around though.
  13. You're right 14st 13lbs compared to Friedels 14 st 5lbs
  14. That's a very confusing post. Surely Friedel is the 'medium sized' out of the pair of them, as he is a mere 6'2", whereas Guzan is 6'4". either way, theyre both short arses I was suprised that Guzan is actually taller, i think Friedel has a bigger frame.
  15. I don't think MONs mind works like that when picking a side.
  16. In the last three league games Downing has attempted six crosses (all unsuccessful) with only one of them (in the Arsenal game) landing in the six yard box. So the stats don't really back-up what you're saying. There were at least 2 crosses that landed in the 6 yard box against Liverpool! They are classed as unsuccessful as no one got on the end of them. Match of the day highlighted the crosses from Downing. And i can't believe there are stats on where the ball landed!
  17. Downing has put some cracking deliveries in but the strikers have been no where near them. Some of hiss crosses bounce on the 6 yard line, the perfect place where a striker should be attacking. This is the only reason why it looks like he's not doing well in the final 3rd.
  18. I can't believe Blackburn got a penalty for that! Terrible tackle by Diouf, fair play to Beye for getting straight up, seemed to try and save him from getting sent off.
  19. Delph has been ill the last couple of days but wanted to play today. Delf got a knock in the first half so struggled after that, Mon gave him as much time as possible. I though Albrighton should of played instead of Downing, he's played every game since he came back from injury, a rest would of done him good.
  20. Curtis Davis was on team mates on soccer am this morning, he said Delph is the hardman at the club.
  21. Shhhh, people want to believe that Mons an idiot for subbing him!
  22. Im heading striaght up after work at 4, hopefully be parked up around half 6, time for a beer than onto the game!
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