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Everything posted by Grant(aka_eddy)

  1. I have a gold star ready for collection at your conveniance sir.
  2. I agree wholeheartedly with those sentiments, if not the actual players in question.
  3. I'm with JC on the need for players & the types we should target and with Pete (Dickie too) on his take on what is currently happening. We're all desperate for players, the board and O'Neill as much as anyone.
  4. I've thought that every single day. Well hoped anyway. Lets pray your instincts are better than mine.
  5. Very well written CV. Overall it looks as if i rate him a bit more than you do but I think that's a fair summary of his time here. Perhaps a little more emphasis should be placed on his injury and subsequent time out as a cause for his poor form. However I think it is unlikely that he is staying. His agent, as you say, is openly touting him and you can only presume that since neither the manager or player have denied these reports that they are happy for him to go. Part of this improvement will be because he is that type of player who inexplicably seems to turn it on at times, Viduka is perhaps the best example of this. But i think it would be naive to not realise that he is showing for other clubs to come in for him I wish he would stay and see how successful he could be if his heart was in it, but since it isnt it's best for all parties if he is replaced. He'll do a Savo if moved to Spain imo.
  6. Dont think anybody minds anyone else making a point and having an alternative viewpoint. It's what makes VT an addicitve place to come and debate with others [/lovein]. What I think alot of people object to is the constant snide digs, sarcasm, double meanings, vague insinuations, backhanded references and unsubstantiated criticism that have become all too common. As one of the better (possibly best) communicators on this site Pete you dont have to worry about this. There are others though that I feel could do with dropping the victim complex and realising that it's their actions that are a direct cause of the reactions. It isnt necessarily the points they make but usually how they are being made. However this has all been said before and not taken on board so ...meh! Agree. So would most I think. VT'ers guilty of over-analysis and impatience? Surely not! Indeed he is, which is widely accepted in football I feel. He is far from above criticism but the nature of some of it just seems ludicrous in the face of this. People seem to be panicking and bringing up some issues that my 8 year old cousin has a decent grasp of, let alone our manager and board. I apologise for swearing but i **** detest the transfer window!
  7. Having now read the thread and seeing Blandy highlight the generals answer on this... I would like a name change to Aston Villa station (not Villa Park as it defeats the whole point...) but I agree it isnt a priority. Not something I want to see the board pressured over anyway. They need a bit of time and have really been bombarded with all kinds of requests to make changes. It's why i've never brought anything up on the General Krulak thread. Let them worry about these things more when they've all settled into their roles and dont forget our CEO has only just joined and has the transfer window to contend with. Also isnt Trevor Fisher the same bloke who moaned about the takeover? Is this a genuine action from him or does he has motives to attack/pressure this board that he seemed so opposed to?
  8. No. Surely it should be Aston Villa station? The Arsenal exaple for instance didnt re-name it to 'Highbury' station. I realise that may cause a conflict with Aston station. But if the idea is to promote the name of the club then it must be Aston Villa station. However, if you go with naming it after the groud there is a potential marketing opportunity, any sponsorship of the stadium could be incorporated into the train station name. Not sure how i feel about that but there you go.
  9. I dont understand how his worth was calculated at £800million then as it certainly wont be his 'cash' figure as people simply dont have 'cash' in that sense. Are the Browns worth 800 million dollars or pounds? Agree some of the other stuff is subjective, sadly I think that those who interpret it one way are building themselves up to a disappointment. I just feel that they should bear in mind that there were other ways to interpret it and therefore if it transpires that we dont spend huge sums that perhaps, just perhaps, they were wrong. Luckily if it turns out that i'm wrong then i wont care as Villa will have spent a load of cash
  10. I really dont agree thats what O'Neill meant by those comments. I believe he was just trying to emphasise what he felt the squad realistically needed, compared to what could be realistically achieved in January. I dont even expect us to spend £20 million, just hope that we do. I belive that the value of £800 million is including all his assets. Do you think thats the figure he has in his bank account? If so do you have any kind of source for this and his additional assets because i've never heard of them before. Undoubtedly Randy will be eyeing an initial outlay to make us competitive and then looking for an increase in revenue to make the club self sufficient. The General has mentioned several times that Randy is still a business man at the end of the day. edit - I've just put a bit in bold that I disagree strongly with. I really believe that the initial investment will not come in a great big lump sum but will be spread out over a period of 12-24 months with alot depending upon how well the current team, new players and particularly the youth players develop. I'd be disappointed if we approached it any other way.
  11. I agree that Ronaldo is a phenomenal player but to an extent he is the new Giggs while Giggs' game has slowed down. Beckham offered something different and the balance was right for that team. I really cant believe people think Beckham isnt good enough for us. It feels alot like when Larrsson was linked and there were many voices crying too old, not good enough etc etc. Soon as Man U signed him it was obvious the quality he had. I feel the same would happne with Beckham who is a good few years younger. He would be a massive jump in quality. As for Beckham not wanting to play wide...well if that is the case, that he was/is refusing to then it is to his own detriment. But unless something different happened if by some miracle he came here, I can only assume he plays where the manager tells him.
  12. One-trick pony. Once that trick is nullified, he was proved to be ineffective. Also all the baggage that comes with him, including his irritating wife. No thanks. The trick was never nullified, it was mis-managed through a combination of weak management and Beckhams desire to be something he wasnt. Give him the same role he had at Man U for all those years and he'll bang the crosses in all day. The mistake is trying to focus a teams attacking play solely through him or getting him too involved in the centre. Let him do what he is good at, working hard getting up and down the pitch, crossing and hitting long balls that no-one else can.
  13. The young girls in the far east doesn't have money to buy official merchandise. They will buy local copies instead. And I don't want the club to attract Beckham fans. Let's recruit Aston Villa fans instead. I'm afraid if we're going where we want to as a club then you can expect all kinds of new fans, like it or not it happens to all successful clubs.
  14. You're both right. Financially they're both potentially good deals for different reasons. But the main reasons to consider are footballing. Beckham is still a great footballer imo.
  15. I'd love Beckham here. A player who is excellent in retaining and distributing possession. Not to mention the crosses and through balls he could play. I think he's got another 2/3 years at the top before he loses his legs. He's always been a very fit energetic player. Maybe a bit longer if he plays in the centre.
  16. Barrys preferred position is at left midfield and Moore and presumably Gabby can also cover there. Also, if (a very, super large if) MON signs SWP and Young then one will end up on the left. Its not the same priority that RB, RM and Strikers are at the moment. Moore might just about cope in a 4-3-3 but not a 4-4-2. Equally Barry cant really play further forward in a 4-3-3. Dont really agree with the principle of right sided players could do a job there...they could, just not a great one on the whole. Moore only gets away with it as he practically plays as a second striker. I agree that there are other priorities ahead of this one but I still think he'll be looking for a LM/W. We'll see.
  17. I've said it before and now i'm saying it again... I'm amazed there havent been any links to left wingers so far. With O'Neill liking 4-3-3 as well as 4-4-2 and also often using Barry at LB, we need either a first choice or a back-up in this position.
  18. I voted for the Dime bar one. Though i think it should be revised to .... Balti Pies! Tasty on the outside, rat on the inside.
  19. Very very tough call between Defoe or Bent. I have an inclination to choose Defoe though i'm not sure why. Common sense says that Bent is the better option due to his age and ability to operate as a loan striker if needed.
  20. Possibly, possibly not. The move may be sideways in terms of current standings but it certainly wouldnt be in terms of ambition. If a bid is accepted he should talk to us out of professional courtesy, it would then be up to O'Neill and the board to convince him that he would be a big part of a team pushing for Champions League in the near future. Plus, i like Pearce but O'Neill is by far the more attractive proposition to work under.
  21. Up goes the prices..... Lol, yeah, except Barton!! Not really, if 2 clubs bid 5.5, one may up there bid...could end up more around 8m... Nope i dont think so. Not as it's a minimum fee release. Both bids would have to accepted and then it's up to the player to choose.
  22. Really! I didnt realise that, had wondered why 5.5M was being banded about. If we dont at least go for him i'll be disappointed!
  23. Yeh, too much competition from the big boys, Liverpool, Arse etc... Is it just me who wonders if this is a bit Wayne Routledge?
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