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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. Phew, turns out you don't need to. You must be very relieved.
  2. How out of step do you think their opinion is? Is anyone pleased? Is there anybody who is getting what they were voting for two years ago, on either side? I'm not sure that the banks, just like everybody else, not jumping for joy is the smoking gun you seem to think it is. Not that it matters. There are two paths now, given a large number of the Conservative party won't vote for it. It gets further watered down (because it's an illiterate piece of nonsense in it's current form) to the point that nothing changes, otherwise Labour won't vote for it, and it fails. Or it stays as it is, the EU don't accept it (because it's an illiterate piece of nonsense in it's current form) and there is no agreement. They might as well save the time and just jump straight to whichever of those takes their fancy.
  3. I think this Government has ably demonstrated that you don't necessarily need to make a choice between malice OR incompetence to explain their actions.
  4. Release of the Brexit White Paper today. Raab stood up to deliver it, before being told that he couldn't as he hadn't made it available to MPs beforehand. So it took Raab slightly less than one minute in his new role in the Commons before screwing up so badly that the session had to be suspended. Good to see him continuing his predecessor's tradition of incompetent buffoonery.
  5. I wonder if "starving-rats-eating-each-other-in-a-sack" should be added to the thread title...
  6. The latter is that numpty who Corbyn threatened with legal action after Bradley accused him of selling secrets to the Soviets. And then got Tory donors to pay his way out of it. Clearly scared of the bog-dwellers of Mansfield voting him out if he doesn't look like he's doing something.
  7. Today I heard three separate people talking about the song "Football's Coming Home". One of them was a sports journalist. I'd be tempted to take a loss to Croatia ahead of those people enjoying a win against Croatia.
  8. I expect that he wrote a similar, lengthy letter telling her how much he loves the plan.
  9. Latest big beast to go - Chris Green, MP for Bolton West has sent a letter to the Prime Minister resigning from his role as a Parliamentary Private Secretary because "Brexit must mean Brexit". So, the Government is toast now.
  10. Apparently when Boris was busy resigning he was supposed to be hosting a summit of Balkan countries, dedicated to helping them learn better governance in order to prepare for EU membership. Lolz.
  11. Then again, Cornwall voted to leave. So they can stew in their own pasty gravy, the big dummies.
  12. If he gets to the final two, then no doubt. But that will need a sizeable minority of Conservative MPs to back him. And a lot of Conservative MPs absolutely hate Boris. The decision that will be put to the members will probably be something like Hunt vs Javid. Or Williamson vs Hammond.
  13. Boris Johnson is apparently AWOL and nobody knows where he is.
  14. It's strange, loads of people insisted a couple of weeks ago when the Lords' amendments were being discussed, that everyone should just get behind the Government, that MPs didn't need to have input on the direction of travel and that anyone complaining about the Government's position was just weakening our negotiating hand. Weird how lots of them seem to have changed their minds.
  15. The hardest working man in his own brain, David Davis has resigned.
  16. They'll give it a week. It's obviously laughably illiterate, and they'll say no before too long. But it would be rude of them to point out that it doesn't work and is stupid when they've worked so hard to even get to here, without at least giving a bit of time to bask in the glory. It would look intransigent otherwise.
  17. The latest customs fudge looks an incoherent, impossible mess - but it does seem to have set the worst people in the country (Farage, Bone, Paterson etc) into an apoplexy of rage. So maybe it can't be all bad.
  18. That's an absolutely excellent post, and one that deserves a good and thorough answer. I can't give you that, so I'll have to go with a short, massively insubstantial answer, which is: I completely agree, the world is full of real, complex problems to which all the possible solutions are just differing shades of awful. Many of them on our doorstep and with our fingerprints all over them. Which is why it's extremely aggravating that rather than investing our significant political capital into that, our entire focus is on a load of trite blather about imaginary sovereignty and the minutiae of trading regulations.
  19. Superlative idiocy from Irritable Duncan Syndrome today. Apparently the CBI shouldn't be trusted when they say that Brexit is a spectacular mess, because their precursor said that appeasement was the best way to deal with the the Nazis. Somewhat forgetting that another group who thought that appeasement was the best way of dealing with that problem was the Conservative government of the time. And the best place to publish these witterings? The at-the-time-Hitler-supporting Daily Mail, obviously.
  20. If you can't tag fully half of your new recruits because they've been removed from Twitter for hate-speech reasons, well, you must be doing something right.
  21. The Americans get it at least. From that C4 documentary filmed in the US embassy. "The government isn't interested in telling people, this thing that 52% of you voted for, here are your range of options - there's less good and there's very, very bad" The smirks on all the faces around the table seem to say "well, at least there's one major democracy even more politically incompetent than our lot..."
  22. "Business" just won't stand for it. BMW will phone up Merkel and get her to change the rules of the Single Market. Any day now...
  23. I definitely remember reading stuff like that somewhere before.
  24. To be fair, I don't think he ever said he would resign. He said he'd lie down in front of the bulldozers. And I think that's a Boris promise that the whole world can get behind.
  25. It's not really. He mocks Boris. Then she mocks Boris some more. I'm as happy as anybody to laugh when Tory MPs do and say stupid things and there's probably more opportunity to do that now than any other time in history. But this is nothing more than "Tory MPs who don't like Boris laughing at his weakness and hypocrisy". This is good, not bad.
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