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Marka Ragnos

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Posts posted by Marka Ragnos

  1. A Madrid and Dortmund 




    In truth no-one. I only support Villa and they are trying my **** patience in recent years. 


    Someone's going to need to 'splain to me this (very English?) notion of hipsterism and certain euro-clubs. Not getting this one -- just like I don't get mushy peas.


    Aston Villa, that's who :)

    Yeah, but whilst that is correct, it's not really the question that's being asked.

    Answering "Aston Villa" is like when you ask your mates down the pub who the world's most attractive female is and there's always someone who says "'My wife".

    Uhhem. Does the missus know you think this?!?!?

  3. I've just watched Sherwood on AVTV saying that the players need to train with the same intensity that they play. 


    I think this is an incredibly stupid attitude that will see us tire out in the second half of games. It's not pre-season. Magath tried to do the same at Fulham last year - make them train intensely mid/late season when their natural levels aren't there - and when Saturday rolled around they invariably lost. I hope the same thing doesn't happen to us. 

    I agree. Misguided idea. Of course, if he'd said the opposite, that might not sound too good, either. Did Magath actually do that at Fulham? I know he had a rep for that, but I had the sense that he had mellowed a bit with Fulham. The one manager you hear a lot about doing this is Wenger, and it didn't work there, just led to tons of injuries.

  4. Do you support any particular European club or clubs? Why?


    Other questions:


    How committed of a supporter are you? Are you a distant admirer, or have you been to any matches at the home stadium. What's it like to be a supporter of the club? How does it compare to supporting AVFC or other English clubs?


    I would LOVE to hear what you all have to say on this subject. Honestly, can't wait to read the responses!!!!!


    And I'm St. Etienne, by the way. I've been interested in "Leeg Uh" for a long time, but it took me a while to settle on St. Etienne after dalliances with PSG. I'm a distant admirer, for sure, but I've enjoyed seeing the players they cultivate. I was sad to see them sell Aubumayang the year before last, and I still follow him and love his pace!

  5. Vicious cycle: Players won't fight for fans who have given up, and resulting lack of spirit and lack of goals further depress fans -- rinse and repeat, ad nauseam.


    We need to lurch out of the death spiral.




    and yet here were are, throwing in the towel as if we want it that way.

    I think what you are reading is just Villa supporters at their wits end after too many years of this sh*t. I doubt anyone is quitting on this team. 



    I don't doubt it, but I am surprised by the widespread pusillanimous despair on show here vis a vis the supporter forums for the Hoops, Burnley, and Leicester, which all strike me as distinctly more stouthearted (though not perfectly so).


    I guess we're just in a different place, historically, psychologically, etc. etc. And it's a pretty bleak place, all gothic spires, broken bones, desolate windswept wastelands, and chants of "we're going to lose."



    Quite a way off from what the prospectus estimated.



    ... None of the above are cheap.


    never mind the fact that we have more than likely VASTLY  underachieved the expected commercial income this season due to pitiful performances. TV will be down, gates down, marketing down, corporate down. ...


    So ... are we on a downward death-spiral? Have the wings come off?

    I'd say they came off a while ago tbh!

    What we are witnessing is the result of sustained austerity and a lot of awful decisions at board level.

    If we do go down, it could be a disaster that lasts for some time.




    So the irony could be we finally have got the finances on a even keel, and then could get relegated.

    These seen like contradictory observations. Which is right? Just trying to get some clarity on where we stand financially ...

  8. If you've lost your fight, here's an easy way to get it back: go read some of the deluded forums of our bottom-of-the-table rivals.
    Here's one choice nugget from a QPR forum: 
    "Sunderland, Leicester and Villa are all far worse than we are currently - and Palace are basically impossible to predict. Hull have been lucky against us in both games, and they'll be right in the thick of it too. 
    We'll finish 16th."
    "Far worse?" Really?
    Likewise, Burnley and Leicester supporters are NO WHERE NEAR giving up, and yet here were are, throwing in the towel as if we want it that way.
  9. ... The question remains - How temporary is it? Enough to get us relegated once I imagine. 




    Isn't this what all relegated teams say at some point ?


    Now, this is starting actually to sound profound and zenny. 

  10. "Form is temporary". That sounds quite profound until you start to analyse what it could possibly mean. ...




    Nice chart -- thanks. It's an eye-opener!


    But I don't think useless meant it in a sort of existential way. And if you consider the second law of thermodynamics, it is ... sort of ... profound. A bit?

  11. Im backing the club and Sherwood 100% untill we are mathamatically doomed. After that I will be away from VP till next season, preparing for life in the Fizzy pop league. Thats the best I can do!

    That's good enough for me. Let's hope the players get that message, too.

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