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Marka Ragnos

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Posts posted by Marka Ragnos

  1. ... Would love us to absolutely spank Sunderland and watch the belief ooze out of the players. 


    Yes, same here. Being in 17th place is horrible. You don't feel secure. You don't feel resigned. You know if you take you're eye off the prize for a moment, you're going down. I would like to see us get some space between us and 17th place.

  2. I think it was good in every respect for Timbo and co. to have a different, post-Tekkers paradigm to try on for size. It's a forward-looking approach, even if it came about as the result, apparently, of a training injury.

  3. F it I'm gonna say it, I've seen enough from TS in this short space of time, we're staying up !

    And thus, the jinx is hatched. We're def going to be relegated, OK? Get it straight.

  4. It would of been a big deal if they didn't clear off the pitch but they did so it isn't a big deal at all although I'm sure the media will make a meal out of it as did Lawro and his buddy which will be enough to get a percentage of folk thinking the same.  Some people let off a bit of steam and went a bit barmy which didn't hurt anyone and didn't affect the team, no big deal.  Censorship and control have ruined enough in todays society and I for one am glad I got to see a man running around with a dildo on his head at 7.30pm on BBC1.  :D


    That. If no one got hurt, wtf is the big deal? ... It's a regular occurrence in the US, too, especially at basketball finals. Obviously, it can be dangerous but it's usually celebratory (which can be even more dangerous, actually):



  5. Watching this game from 3,400 miles away, I am mostly puzzled by the strong reaction against the pitch-invaders. I know I obviously don't appreciate why it's considered so terrible because it mostly seems like an amusing distraction to laugh off; I'm thinking there must be some dark history of such incidents in Britain, or there's a legal reason? The reaction is one of those moments where I realize I still have so much to learn about the game "over there."

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  6. I don't know. I think it's probably that he thinks that if he wants to keep the locker room on his side, he's going to have to pay a bit of homage to the Vieille Garde. Had he NOT done that, he would have been taking a massive risk. For all his rep for being a straight-up, tough-talking geez, he's not a fool.

  7. I think he will score at least 5-6 goals before the end of the season.

    He will stay with us for the start of next season and will be amazing in the first half of the season, maybe 12-15 goals, and then we will sell him in January.


    Fernando Torres and Michael Owen both hit their peaks at around age 23. It seems very young to me, but it happens. 

  8. I made some burgers earlier.   Minced lamb with mint, rosemary, chili, paprika and a bit of garlic served with mozzarella, cheddar and red onion on toasted brioche.


    They were spectacular


    You inspired me. I made a variation of this tonight, and I and the little lad gobbled it up. Even the dog had a little taste afterwards (he made had no complaints either).  :)

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