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Posts posted by Bazdavies79

  1. Who knows what MON is thinking, 4-3-3 looks good on paper.






    But then again how could we drop Gabby/possible new striker MON says he wants?

    4-4-2 then maybe?





    Hmmm...better, with Young on the wing, but Barry will have to move out wide and MON seems to prefer him in the middle. Will Petrov make way for Barry with Berger/Maloney playing out wide left?

    Who knows.

  2. Many people who consider themselves Atheist, I would consider to be Agnostic. Because there are no exact definitions of the terms it leads to much misunderstanding.

    Atheists, as I understand it, do not believe in a God or a higher being with 100% conviction.

    Agnosticism simply implies an uncertainty about the existence of God.

  3. Agnostic. I was never christened as my parents thought it should be my choice not theirs. I've chosen to be Agnostic. I don't particularly like any organised religion, I think most are in the least silly, or at worst down right dangerous. I've never been to church in my life except for funerals or weddings. I would prefer not have a religious wedding or funeral.

  4. It's not about majority views - it's about not attacking minorities for no good reason.

    Public health is a good reason.

    There are sensible ways to regulate the leisure industries and their smoking, and this isn't one of them, this is simply the tyranny of the majority.

    It's the most effective way, it's hard line, but in this case I think correct.

  5. No a "public house" is in fact a private establishment and bicks will be able to back me up that you have the right to refuse entry without giving a reason.

    Ok, but they are places people spend time. The law is correct that these places should be smoke free.

    The 50% figure was commonly quoted at the time of the legislation and I doubt it has varied much since, but as you can't be bothered to consider the evidence, I can't be arsed to find it.

    And are 100% of that 50% against a ban then?

  6. Nope - they are private establishments.

    Your talking about private clubs, right?

    50% of regular pub goers smoke. You have yours, we'll have ours and we'd all be happy.

    50%, right. I'm sure you'll find a source for that but I still wont believe it.

  7. Have your canteens. Now can we have our pubs and restaurants back where we can enjoy what we want,

    Well, all due respect, but their not your pubs and restaurants, their public places.

  8. Carry on, and I hope you are happy and successful with your CHOICE.

    It shouldn't be left to choice if people like, (I'm guessing you) refuse to stop, when people's health is at stake. Oh but I forgot passive smoking is a myth, even though I myself know 3 people who suffer from being in smoky rooms.

    I don't want shirt sniffers breathing in my smoke - I want segregation - a just and fair to all solution. Why would anyone oppose it? It works in Spain.

    The argument is whether passive smoking kills billions of people every hour - not whether smoke aggravates asthma.

    Segregation in office canteens and such like has existed for many years, there was one at my place of work and it never really worked too well. Could it be made to work? Probably, but why bother, when a complete ban will do more to help people kick the habit. I'm afraid this is one of the few areas where I quite rightly think that 'choice' as you put it should be removed because it may help people, like me, break the addiction. So I'm all for it.

  9. Carry on, and I hope you are happy and successful with your CHOICE.

    It shouldn't be left to choice if people like, (I'm guessing you) refuse to stop, when people's health is at stake. Oh but I forgot passive smoking is a myth, even though I myself know 3 people who suffer from being in smoky rooms.

  10. I smoke and I embrace the ban. It's fair IMO that people should not have to suffer because of my disgusting habit. Hopefully it will help me and others like me give up.

  11. I see this thread is still rumbling on. The smokers really have no defence here, it's a filthy dirty habit which effects other people. The ban on smoking in public places is ok with me, and I'm a smoker. Hell it may even help me and others like me give up, so it's a win win situation AFAIC.

  12. If it helps people give up, it must be a good thing for that alone. I'm convinced it will help many people give up.

    *cue post(s) about lost revenue from tax and erosion of liberties.

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