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Posts posted by Bazdavies79

  1. Most versatile - Page.

    Greatest - Hendrix.

    I also like Clapton.

    But I have to give a shout out for Jack White, a really tremendous guitarist. Ok technically not on par with the rest on this list, but he is one of the most distinctive guitarists of all time. His sound is his trademark, the heavily fuzzed up over driven sound he creates is utterly recognisable and unique. He is THE best at using an octave pedal... bar none, his choice of guitars and amps, inspired. Who would have thought a cheapo 1964 Valco Arline made of Reso-glass could be used in a professional setting. His Detroit punk root's of make do and keep it simple are an inspiration and his reinvention of the blues has bread new life into the genre.

    Jack White

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  2. Voted for LibDem in the poll, especially if we're talking about Orange Book LibDem... UKIP doesn't seem that bad either (and yes, my position on Europe would be a sort of hybrid between the two parties: ideally things like foreign relations and the military would become largely the province of Brussels, while business regulation and so forth would be the province of the several members; under current circumstances, IMO, I'd be opposed to membership in the EU). If the UK Libertarian Party were a viable party, I'd probably vote for them ahead of the LibDems.

    And if all goes well, I may even vote in the Warwick and Leamington constituency in the General Election following the next one (or possibly the one after that).

    Having quickly read a bit in your link about the Libertarian party I find it strange that you should be, in a way, torn between them and the Lib Dems. From the little I've read about the Libertarian party it seems to me like your torn between chalk and cheese.

    Who do I like most hmmmmm?????????.

    Hmmm shall I vote for the party that wants to make the tax system fairer by re-distributing wealth to pay for public services such as the NHS. Or, on second thoughts shall I vote for the party that wants to scrap the fairest system of tax there is (income tax) and scrap the NHS in favour of an insurance-based system.

  3. The debates have been had, laws have been made, immigration has not been neglected. You say a debate is needed, but what I think you actually mean is, I don't like the way the government have gone on this.

    Some debates on immigraion have been had but the have generally revolved around numbers, how one monitors numbers coming in and how one might control immigration (not only practically but also on what basis).

    I think the debate that needs to be had is about the impact of immigration on this country's infrastructure.

    A few groups (from the rozzers to charities) have attempted to begin a discussion about the repercussions of immigration in this regard in particular but whenever that has reached a 'national' level of debate, i.e. them darn politicians, the debate has returned mostly to numbers, quotas, points systems and the like.

    I don't think immigration has been neglected but the next steps down the line and beyond have been.

    Would that any politicians had the balls to look more than skin deep on a subject.

    Again, I disagree, the debate on infrastructure is one which has been had. The area which IMO has been neglected and no real solution put forward for is that of integration and other social factors.

  4. Well Baz the rise of BNP, and not just on this thread but believe me out in the voters, suggests that we need to have more open debates, well to me it does quite prepared to admit I'm wrong but it's a big worry

    The debates have been had, laws have been made, immigration has not been neglected. You say a debate is needed, but what I think you actually mean is, I don't like the way the government have gone on this.

    At the end of the day a minority of people don't like the way the government have gone on the issue and have decided the BNP's way would be better, which is their choice, but that to me signifies evidence of something far more alarming going on in British society.

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