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Everything posted by Jas

  1. Barton and Parker really don't score that many goals! If West Ham fans really hated NRC as much as they go on they do, why this:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKLKWAqPha8&mode=related&search= At Wigan at the end of the season. Tevez scored the goals, NRC was the man in the middle!! They don't think he's shite at all, they're just gutted he's leaving. We'll love him. I value these chants from the WHU supporters that actually go to the games rather than those on message boards that hate him because their mates do!
  2. ...because the WHU fans booed him?! In the games I saw him, I thought he was excellent. Tevez scored the goals yes, but Reo-Coker was immense in midfield to keep them up. Don't kid yourself. Time will tell, but there's a reason why this geezer was linked to the likes of Arsenal, Man Utd and Spurs. He'll be excellent for the Villa. Would you really have prefered Barton or Parker? If so, why?
  3. Your a fool if you think West Ham fans deep down think NRC has the equivalent ability of that of Gavin McCann! Don't be stupid. I'd prefer him to both Barton (baggage) and Scott Parker!
  4. I hope we get NRC considering we haven't brought in Barton.
  5. Reo-Coker is going to be a great signing, I really believe it will be As for Gordon, I'd prefer him to Boruc or the PSV goalie! Gordon is going to be absolute world class!
  6. I was thinking what Gordon and Reo Coker would bring to our team should they be the only two players to sign (not saying they will sign, or they will be the only one's to sign), but I noticed a dramatic turn in our team with those two signings alone. Gordon Delaney Mellberg Laursen Bouma Young Reo-Coker Petrov Barry Agbonlahor Carew ^^^^^^ Our team at home Gordon Delaney Mellberg Laursen Bouma Agbonlahor Petrov Reo-Coker Barry Young Carew ^^ Our formation away from home next season - Looks great! We'd give anyone a game with that team. We're building a great team, a hard working team. My point with this is MON is building a very, very strong midfield. Even though we've not seen it enough, we have the flair of Petrov, mixed with the pace, energy and grit of Reo-coker. The all round skills of Barry - composure on the ball, tackles and great crossing. The pace, skill and flair of Young on the wing. Reo-Coker fits in well with all this. I think we could sign Barton and Reo-Coker no problem. Nothing wrong with a bit of competition. It would signal the end of Davis though, and Gardner wouldn't get much of a shout neither unless some serious injuries happened. The signings of either Reo-Coker and Barton or both, would improve us immensely alone! This summer is going to be great!
  7. I'd say to West Ham fans they should remember his performances to get them promoted! They seem to forget way too easily! NRC is going to be excellent for Villa!!
  8. What was Joey Barton doing 3 years ago?! Can't say I remember other than putting a cigar in a team mates eye in LUSID! (Bar in Manchester) NRC has fantastic potential and is still only 21 years old, he has his WHOLE career ahead of him. I would like Barton and thought I'd prefer him to NRC, but after thinking about it, I'd prefer NRC. I think NRC is a better defensive midfielder than Barton and that's what we really need for Petrov to go express himself. The thing with NRC other than Barton is that of energy and pace. NRC can run all day, box to box, and this is something the Villa haven't had in absoloute years. If NRC signs, he'll be a fantastic addition to this football club. People are forgetting too easily how good he was at WHUFC before this season. He's a player that needs to be shown some 'love', arm round the shoulder and all that. This is something he clearly hasn't had at WHUFC. Seeing his interview whilst at the hairdressers showed me a couple of things - great maturity, well spoken and still not interested at having digs at WHUFC like the fans are at him - yes, he said that he never felt wanted, but that is an emotive expression, not him having a go. Also, how many footballers would let you talk to them whilst having a haircut?! lol.
  9. Just read this about Reo-Coker on another site. Made for interesting reading IMO. Wouldn't mind him here, would still maybe prefer Barton though?! NRC would add to what MON is building though - young, british and pacey. I like.
  10. From the 'News of the World'. Nothing to do with Villa but with GlastonSpurs links to both Bent and Defoe (supposedly Villa have made a bid), I thought I'd paste. No way Charlton are getting 20mill for Bent. If Spurs get him for 10m I'll be gutted! The same paper also links Saviola to Man Utd for three years on 50k a week. He wouldn't be a bad signing!?! Bit out of our league maybe.
  11. Micah Richards signed yet?! :roll: Don't be like that babygirl! Babygirl?! Errrm...no! Just tell us when you have more info! .......Not! 8)
  12. Judging by the people's comments on there, they genuinely believe it is him! haha. It can't be though. Put all those geordies as his 'friends'. I believe the Guardian over that tripe. I'm predicting he is our first signing. People over on the OS are getting excited over Fred aswel, lol, and after reading the link below, and the fact that we have Carew here to put in a good word, there might be something in it:- http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=467480&plid=53522&clid=143&cpid=24
  13. From the Guardian, something I class as a more 'official' newspaper. I might be wrong, but I believe it more than the Sun/Mirror etc. NRC looks as though he is going to be our first summer signing. Would we still be interested in Barton if this deal goes through? I'd very much like to see Barton here aswel, but in NRC I think we are getting a cracking little player, that is full of energy. Some people on these boards question his attitude etc, as that is all we see. For me, something at West Ham has gone seriously wrong, but he was linked with most of the big boys this time last year after a SUPERB season. He was excellent in the FA Cup Final from what I can remember. He is some much needed energy our team has needed since Boateng left. I think we're going to love NRC should he sign, which I suspect he will.
  14. Apologies for the double post, don't know what happened there!
  15. link That game has come and gone, and those few days have passed. He probably will sign for them, but that article is old news, as Ajax beat AZ last week.
  16. link That game has come and gone, and those few days have passed. He probably will sign for them, but that article is old news, as Ajax beat AZ last week.
  17. The papers here in Germany are saying that he's been bought by Bayern. Thought he said he was going to sign for Valencia as I read on these boards?! All taking a long time for this kid, still think we're in with a chance for him. He rejected the move to Germany btw, he doesn't wana play in that league.
  18. Me too. I've been telling my mates at Uni that Villa will be getting some good buys this summmer. The next thing they see is us signing Bramble - I'll look a joke!! How pathetic is it that a small yellow bar on SSN during the sumer can get you so excited like a little kid who's just been allowed his favourite toy from Woolworths!! Haha. Up the Villa! No panic here.
  19. Villa linked with Finnan raid May 31, 2007 Aston Villa manager Martin O’Neill is reportedly interesting in pinching Irish full back Steve Finnan from Liverpool. Finnan is on the verge of agreeing a new contract at Anfield after helping the Reds to last week’s Uefa Champions League final. However, manager Rafa Benitez has already signed a potential replacement for the 31-year-old defender in the shape of Alvaro Arbeloa - and rumours continue to link the Spaniard with a big-money move for Sevilla’s brilliant Brazilian Daniel Alves. And that has prompted O’Neill to intervene with an offer to take the former Fulham star to Villa Park. Thursday’s Irish Sun reports that the Villa chief is willing to splash out €3.8m, or approximately St£2.5m, to land the Irish star this summer. http://www.eleven-a-side.com/acrossthewater/irish_soccer_detail.asp?newsid=27943 Would really welcome this signing. He sets up so many of Liverpool's goals, aswel as being a very good defender! Older than I thought, but for that kinda money, I'd take him. There's a reason why he is normally one of the most expensive defenders on fantasy premierleague!! lol.
  20. I can imagine the press conference. MON: "Esteemed members of the press, fans, board members. I would like to welcome our two new signings, Klaas Jan Huntelaar and Ronaldinho. Oh and by the way, we got Titus Shambles too. That will be all." MON beats a hasty exit from the press conference leaving everyone stunned and bemused as Shambles trips over the table and spills his water. Can't really see it happening, can you? Ronaldinho and Huntelaar signing?! No. I can't believe I just read the last 23 pages that I had missed from last night, and the biggest link is to Titus Bramble!! Why do I bother?! There was that more 'official' link, if you like, to Joey Barton, and he would be a FANTASTIC signing! Get him in MON. Pass, shoot, tackles, has fight in him - would be a crowd favourite IMO.
  21. He won't go there. West Ham are going to be bidding for players left, right and centre this summer in the hope of improving their squad - and they will do, that's what money does. With the news of Paker today, they clearly have money to spend, I'd be surprised to see him go there though unless he wants to go back to his London routes, in which if that is the case (he is one of those sorta players that wants to be living in the bright lights of London), beggars the question of why he moved to Newcastle in the first place?! I think West Ham will bid for many players and not gain their signatures. With the news of Utd spending 51mill on three midfielders, I don't think they're going to be going out and buying a striker for more than 15mill to be honest. This leaves me to believe that they themselves might fancy Bent at 12mill. Hope I'm wrong though. If Utd aren't in the running, I see the race for his signature between ourselves and Spurs - don't think he'd join there though as he is one who will want to be first choice, too much rotation going on at the lane. GlastonSpur said that the deal for Bent was 95% done - that was weeks ago too! I think he's Villa bound as long as none of the big boys come in for him. I also still see us in the market for SWP. MON is clearly a massive fan, and when he wants to get someone of that ability, he'll continue until he gets him. (Strikes me as that kinda fella). The news that Roman is going to continue spending at Chelsea can only help Villa for his signature as Mourinho will have the funds to replace him. 10mill should see us sign him. I'm still very confident of us obtaining both Bent and SWP - SWP's especially.
  22. We are going to sign Darren Bent. Just a sneaky feeling. :winkold:
  23. he said himself that he's going to Valencia a few days ago
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