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Everything posted by Jas

  1. Not surprised you commented, but the reason was because it is a rumour involving Villa and this is the Villa rumour thread. I dont think we will sign either but thought others might l like to read. 8) Very true that we won't sign 'either' as only ONE of them has been linked. You're right..... :shock:
  2. I'm getting the impression that MON is going to play 5 in the middle next season, or 4-3-3 if you like. -------Petrov---Reo-Coker--Barry-------- --Nakamura-------------------Young----- -------------------Carew--------------------- Something like that? Maybe Gabby taking the place of Nakamura?! Looks good either way. Starting to think we won't be in the market for a big name striker afterall!
  3. If Nakamura comes, you can forget the Sneijder dream. We all know what is going to be in the Evening Mail tomorrow!
  4. Do you think the fact that we've enquired about Nakamura all of a sudden means we've lost out on someone else? Or was he always on the 'list'?!
  5. As far as I know there is no agreement yet, £4M may be the opening offer, but I have been told that he would welcome a move to Villa. the club obviously wouldn't want to lose him, but if they ended up with a deal more than they paid, they are not the sort of club to hang onto a player who wants to move. I think the fact that he would be moving out of the Bundesliga would also help, as they would not like to sell him onto one of their rivals. Call me gullable, but I believe you.
  6. I disagree. Barton is an idiot. He comes with too much baggage off the pitch and AVFC don't want to be in the headlines for the wrong reasons because of him. Barton will strike again, and do something stupid, mark my words. NRC will prove to be a much better signing on the pitch and off.
  7. Mertesacker would be an immense signing for 4million. It's gotta be BS. He would be fetching about 7million, at least. Is there anything else you can tell us about the deal my friend? Has the fee been agreed? Thanks for the info, afterall, this is a rumours thread.
  8. He's immense on Football Manager Will have to offer more than that as they just bought him last year for 5.25m from Hannover. Doesn't make sense to me. Did they not qualify for Europe or something?
  9. Fair enough. I take people's views on board. I suppose we have been starved of a squad, and this is why my vision is clearly blurred. Still can't see it happening though, seems to have his heart set on a move to Spain. Also, we know Howell has just taken the idea from this website, hardly reliable. I'd be delighted if it came true though.
  10. Don't get me wrong, Schneider is class and all that, but I just don't see this signing materialising, especially if we get NRC. MON bought Petrov last year for 8mill, and he is an attacking midfield. I believe he will be a big big star for us next season, wants he gets a pre-season in him, and he is obviously more settled. Is Petrov now going to be benched?! I don't think so. Can't see Schneider coming for that reason alone. Hope I'm wrong and they can play in the same team together, somehow. Why do you compare Sneijder with Petrov and NRC? Sneijder would fit in perfectly with Barry, NRC and Petrov! So where does Young play? Our nearly 10million pound signing. He is abosloute class, and certainly won't be dropped. I suppose Petrov, NRC and Schneider will suffer from rotation. We'll see. Unless we play 5 in the middle, which is an option. Young - Petrov - NRC - Barry - Schneider ^^^ Very strong!
  11. Don't get me wrong, Schneider is class and all that, but I just don't see this signing materialising, especially if we get NRC. MON bought Petrov last year for 8mill, and he is an attacking midfield. I believe he will be a big big star for us next season, wants he gets a pre-season in him, and he is obviously more settled. Is Petrov now going to be benched?! I don't think so. Can't see Schneider coming for that reason alone. Hope I'm wrong and they can play in the same team together, somehow.
  12. Yep, we're on good terms with the U21 set up, I'm sure they won't mind. :winkold:
  13. Good idea. You should phone up the club and suggest it. Great idea, didn't think of that. I'll allow you to do it.
  14. Breaking news on SSN: 'Man City have given permission to Newcastle to speak to Joey Barton.' - His agent is up there to have talks. Parker must be signing for West Ham then, which gives us NRC.
  15. I don't think he is going to sign before the U21 tournament, which is a massive shame. Where is the tournament anyway, and when do they fly out? They have a game tonight, so I'll be tuning in to see him. Is there no chance he could come to VP tomorrow to do his medical and sign? Then fly out with the rest of the U21's on Thursday? So many questions, I do apologise.
  16. Reo-Coker will be ours. 7m is a good price considering his age, his nationality and the club we are buying from are also in the English Premiership. Not to mention that he is their captain, a current U21 international and a future England player. Just waiting for that yellow bar on SSN to flash with something about the Villa. Bit of a quiet day on the 'rumours' front.
  17. If you think Barton and Parker have rejected us without even speaking you are an idiot. I could see Parker rejecting us if the rumours of him wanting to go back to London are true, but Barton rejecting us?! No chance. The reason we are not in for them, if we aren't is because MON has someone else lined up, who he feels will be better acquisitions for AVFC than Joey Barton or Scott Parker. It won't be because they rejected us. Not a chance!
  18. Just read that too. People REALLY need to calm down, hadn't been on this site until 20mins ago, and had to read the last 20 pages of this thread - ALL about Koumas! We might be after him, we might not. One things for sure, doesn't seem Koumas knows what's going on either. I know his cousin at Uni, and he's always saying Jason wants to go to Everton. I could ask him if he knows anything if people like? If Villa were after Koumas, he wouldn't be going on holiday, he'd be finalising the deal as we speak. Nobody right now has offered JACK SHIT, that's why he's pissed off on holiday.
  19. Koumas will cost us 4 million max, and at that price, I'd take him. Alot of you need to calm down, the lad is a good player. Can take men on, shoot, cross etc. I think the price puts alot of people off, but he won't cost us 6 million. Would people take him for 4million? I think it'd be a great signing at that price. They were going to sell him for 2 million this time last year, and now he has had a good season but his team failed to get into the Prem (nomore parachute money etc), so 4mill would get him. Sneijder will cost us around 12million, and there isn't any real links to this player other than some links on Teamtalk. MON didn't buy Petrov last summer for 8mill to leave him on the bench next season. He trusts Petrov, but he wants someone like Koumas to act as backup. Reality checky people.
  20. Also, hope NRC signs by Tuesday otherwise if he has a great U21 tournament, Spurs etc will be trying to get his signature! If you were him, would you not wait until after the tournament? If he does sign before then, I think Villa should be applauded for selling the club completely to the young man. Can't see it though, think we may lose out, think he may wait and see. :?
  21. :shock: Gotta be something in this IMO, media have been going on about it for a week or so now. Suggests that D.Bent is going somewhere, and not West Ham. Probably Spurs to play third choice behind Berbatov and Keane
  22. You tell us, you know the Oldham insiders! ......allegedly!
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