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Posts posted by delboy54

  1. Regarding eastenders.....(yes I know it's not Christmas)

    One of my daughters used to watch this tosh regularly years ago, I used to listen out for the 4 phrases

    "What's going on....?"

    "Your havin a laugh ain't yer.....?"

    "Shut it"

    "Leave it out!"

    It used to be like playing eastenders bingo, one episode that I accidentally watched had all 4 phrases in a 30 min episode.

    I imagine not much has changed


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  2. I had a nightmare last night (must have been all that cheese I ate). I dreamt that we went 2-0 up at olde trafford, and a VARs decision went for us against that lot for a change.

    Then in the second half we turned into Villa managed by Steve Bruce and lost 3-2....glad it was only a dream......what time is ko tonight?

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  3. I must admit I prefer to watch us live (no commentary!), but I never ever watch us live on the telly box, far too stressful and I get totally fed up with the biased commentary and so called experts comments.

    Not watched a live game on the telly since the Villa v Chelsea fa cup final, and the media wankfest over a sky scum 6 team was bad then, sounds even worse now ......

    There used to be genuine unbiased commentary years ago, what's happened?.......$$$$$$ in brown envelopes?

  4. I don't like the logo.

    The problem is like the design for the new club badge thing, get 42000 Villa fans to come up with a design then you get 42000 different designs, pick one and annoy 39999 other fans

    The 150 logo is going to be a one off....it should be obvious what it is "saying". Just a load of squiggles doesn't say anything apart from (probably) "Bo££ocks" in Martian alien speak

  5. Just watched the interview, he said that "we" looked at the proposed new stand in the Summer and had decided to scrap the idea. This guy has been in post for 6 months, so therefore he decided early on to scrap it......so for 6 months of all of us getting excited with the development, Heck had already decided to bin it....

    This guy is basically interested in building a big new shop, an easy win for him, risk free before he leaves in 2 years time to maintain his "safe pair of hands" CV

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  6. 21 hours ago, Chindie said:

    Heck will be entirely short term thinking. He won't be here in 5 years, arguably not even 3. He needs to pad his CV with short term ready deliverables - stuff that easily drives sales. The stadium is potentially a big millstone around his career so in the bin it goes.

    Spot on.

    I have seen so many CEO's on a 2 year churn where I work and they just don't want to make any mistakes to blot their CV as they progress up the slippery pole. Short term, mini fix's easy to do stuff that looks great with a bit of bullsh*t and polish on the CV. Heck will be gone in 18 months/2 years - problem is that he may well have bu%%ered up loads of stuff at VP during his tenure but he will be long gone when the brown stuff hits the fan

    In a way I am not that surprised that the VP new stand/upgrade was cancelled. 

    Intrigued as to what the 5 to 10 year future will look like at VP though...

  7. 2 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

    In March I took on a fair bit more responsibility at work. Basically involved being in charge of the entire supply chain at one of our smaller sites. This is alongside my actual job, so I'm doing a LOT more.

    At the time I didn't ask for a pay rise, but I was planning to, because obviously I deserved it.

    Anyway, just as I'd arrnaged the 1:1 to ask for it after I'd done the job (successfully) for a couple of months, my director told me he was promoting me. As in, I was already doing the job, so I'd be getting the official promotion to the next grade up.

    Great I thought. That's basically what i was going to be asking for. 

    But when I asked if there was a pay rise he said no. I do get a company car which is great, don't get me wrong, and I'm grateful. But I still felt like it was taking the piss a bit. So I pleaded my case and he said money was tight with the company at the moment (and it is to be fair) but that he would make a case for me.

    It's taken ages to go through so I assumed it was because of the payrise.

    Finally got confirmation yesterday. Promotion has gone through. No pay rise.



    So today I'm fuming. 1:1 in the diary with the director later to basically rant. I used an inflation calculator and in real terms I get paid less now than I did when I started at the company 7 years ago. Despite THREE promotions.

    Feel bad complaining, because people are far worse off than me. But I'm being taken advantage of. Given more work and responsibility because they know I won't kick up a fuss.

    Genuinely considering giving my notice

    I think to be honest the best and quickest way to get a pay increase is a new job somewhere else.

    A company car is not the perk it used to be.

    Sounds like your firm is "flogging a willing horse"

    • Like 1
  8. Married now for over 32 years but the phrase I fear the most when coming home from work is....

    Wife: "Notice anything different?"

    Me: thinking...new hair?, clothes?, carpet?, car?, rearranged furniture? etc etc

    The problem is the longer it takes you to work out what actually is different, say like a new egg whisk or a new set of spoons, then the more trouble you are into ☺

    • Haha 2
  9. I was at the game, and arsenal had plenty of genuine chances to score but didn't and just seem to rely on shirt tugging to stop our players, diving*, and play acting...

    * I know it was a windy night on Saturday night but didn't think it was that strong enough to keep blowing the arsenal players over....

    Saka, first time I have ever seen him play to be honest, what a cheating, whinging, whining little sod he is.....worse than the cheating master Kane in my book.

    We got the result, they didn't and they kept resorting to the standard "sky scum 6" tactics i.e. cheat their way to victory and this time the referee saw sense and did not fall for it....although he was a little inconsistent with he decision making esp in the second half.

    All my arsenal colleagues at work are moaning about being robbed, poor Saka being constantly fouled, ref was their 12 man etc etc etc....suck it up cockney gooners!

  10. My view is that while we all want justice for all the titles that they have bought at the expense of other teams, unfortunately I think they will get off lightly.

    The reason? This all happened under the premier league watch and they will be embarrassed because of this and will make sure it will appear to be a punishment but it will amount to no more to a slap on the wrist sadly.

    This will give the green light to man city and other clubs to carry on fiddling and doing their dodgy deals, but this time much more convoluted, hidden and infinitely more difficult to prove.

  11. I stayed overnight at the holiday inn Express star city as it is a long drive back to newmarket in Suffolk after a night game.

    Checking out around 0815 this morning, I notice 6 guys together at the bar, one with a Legia top, all chatting in Polish ordering pints of beer with vodka shots. I said to another guy next to me in the checkout queue, "that's a bit hardcore drinking before 9am".......thankfully I wasn't wearing any Villa colours.

    Otherwise I would I would have taken them all on................................nah, not really............... At 65 i am not much of a trophy these days 🙁

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