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Posts posted by delboy54

  1. 4 hours ago, TRO said:

    I don't think 4th place was representative, of that performance or result......We would not be where we are, playing like that. It certainly seemed like a big game to them.

    The first half result was ok 0-0 but Ange felt that we was struggling to contain them, so he could clearly see an intensity advantage by them.....then the customary second half gift, and it was slipping away.

    I think John McGinn lost his head, because he was the only one engaging, and frustration got the better of him....I don't think it was a bad day at the office, because it has happened in similar circumstances too often lately.

    I think we have a lot to do, to be the team we think we are.


    TRO, as always, great comments and the voice of reason.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Is McGinn still eligible to play on Thursday night?

    Does the straight red card mean he misses the next 3 premier league games or the next 3 which includes Ajax?

  3. I think I would sooner sha struggle to avoid relegation in perpetuity down the bottom of the championship than get relegated and win a few games and potentially squeeze into the league 1 play off final...

    But then again to see them struggle to avoid relegation in perpetuity down the bottom of league 1 would be even better ...

    • Like 3
  4. 3 hours ago, MaVilla said:

    i just realised that Jordan Henderson will prob be starting for them tomorrow.

    No doubt he will play the best game of his life tomorrow against us and in front of conk face


  5. 20 hours ago, StefanAVFC said:

    Got my car insurance renewal coming up, dreading it

    Insurance for the wife's  2022 Toyota yaris with direct line last year was 380, this year 720! No claims, nothings changed etc...

    Shopped around on compare the market site and got exactly the same cover for 320. 

    Told direct line to do one.....despite them saying they can get the renewal price down to 550.....

    It's an annual joke, you just have to put a bit of effort in. If direct line premium was an increase of only say 20 quid then I would have accepted the auto renewal and they would have retained a customer and I would have been none the wiser that I could get the insurance cheaper.

    Unfortunately no doubt I will have to do it all again next year.

    Best of luck!!

    • Like 2
  6. 8 hours ago, AshVilla said:

    According to Sky it's the most one sided half in PL history.

    Wasn't we 5 - 0 up at HT against these as well, can't remember them saying a word about 

    Even if we were winning at half time against Sheffield  united  87 - 0 sky still wouldn't mention it...

  7. Watched my daughter run the Cambridge Half marathon yesterday she did it in 2hrs 4 mins.

    The winner was some bloke who ran the 13 odd miles in 64 minutes............how the hell does anyone "normal" do that?

  8. 7 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

    Also parking tbh; I currently pay some random chancers £10 a time to leave my car somewhere 'safe'. Could the club find a way to buy some land within walking distance? Or a bigger plot of land further away and run buses?

    Try using Star City, it's free, but about a 20 to 25min walk from there to VP

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Genie said:

    This is the problem, the rules should be written so tight that it doesn’t matter about how much fight the club has. Black and white, rules broken, punishment issued.

    But "oily" lawyers will always find a way round it though...

  10. Two legends of the 1977 league cup semi final 2 legs and the replay at Highbury, both gone at the same time. 

    Hopefully they are swapping stories wherever they are.

    Thanks Chris and Stan, two legends of the game, RIP lads.

    Condolences to their families


    • Like 1
  11. Driving back home to Cambridge after the game yesterday I was listening in to radio 5 on 909 609 hosted by robbie savage and I heard a couple of man yew fans that had called in and whinging about their club.

    What an entitled load of t**ts these "plastic" fans are! Moan, moan, whinge, whinge, both of them said man yew should sack their manager and one of them even suggested they should get Emery....

    Why do man yew "fans" think that their club should be entitled to success.

    Though to be honest they always raise their game when they play us 🙁.

    I detest man yew probably even more than liverpoo 

    • Like 1
  12. 10 hours ago, Follyfoot said:

    Where’s your wife gone, where’s your wife gone, where’s your wife gone Stanley Bowles? 

    in all fairness to him, he turned to the Holte end and shrugged his shoulders and was met with the following chorus..

    with the milkman with the milkman with the milkman Stanley Bowles 



    Oh yes, I was on a packed Holte End that night, I was 19 years old and it was a great game and a fantastic atmosphere, one of those games I will never forget.

    It was a great song and Stan did take it well. RIP a super player for QPR

    I recall that they had to shut the gates to the Holte that night as it was full

  13. As has been said on here, that many fans arrive 20 mins before kick off then leave straight after the game...

    Well what is there to arrive early for or stay after the game for other than to avoid the awful traffic? I have to drive so no drinking for me.

    Years ago when I used to go with my Dad on the old Holte End we used to arrive as the gates opened 1330 to be able to get a good spot. That meant 90 mins of standing watching VP slowly fill up (as well as blowing up loads of balloons 😀!) , you dare not move to get a pie or drink or you would lose your place.

    If Villa need to increase "customer" spend then will they extended corporate Terrace View on the Holte End? increase season ticket prices etc?....i.e. do the "easy" stuff, but not worrying about the reaction from us supporters? this is my concern.

    I think Heck etc will be delighted if they could double season ticket prices and attract more tourist fans like spuds, man yoo, liverpoo etc......and sod us regular fans....unfortunately this is where its going. The main issue is that VP is not exactly in a attractive touristy area.

  14. For those of us in the shires (for me its Cambridgeshire), this program sounds hysterical!

    I must listen to it, can any of you lads tell me what station its on and when and what times its on? I will try and listen via the interweb.

    Some of your comments about those that phone in are priceless! 😂

    Cheers 😊


  15. Poor spuds and all their injuries.......perhaps they will be given the chance to replay all their games again when they are back to full strength. Since the media all feel so sorry for them, after all no other club has had anything like as many injuries as poor old spuds


    **** em.......bl**dy cockney ***kers

  16. 23 minutes ago, jacketspuds said:

    Two trains are driving toward one another. The first train leaves Town A at 5am traveling at 60 miles per hour. The second train leaves Town B at 7am traveling at 70 miles per hour. the distance between Town A and Town B is 455 miles.

    What is the EXACT time that the collision will occur?

    There will not be a collision as they will be on different tracks, you never said they were on the same track......do I win my £5 prize?

    • Like 2
  17. Lot of evidence that very senior people in business have psychopathic tendancies.

    We used to have a director where I worked who was a nightmare, reduced some staff to tears, lots of good people left because of this person who had no empathy or understanding of the business.

    Not saying Heck if is like this, but "no smoke without fire"?

    • Like 1
  18. 1 hour ago, Mandy Lifeboats said:

    This is one of those historical "facts" that is now seen as propaganda. 

    Many say that we were never in danger of losing the Battle of Britain.  Our Spitfire production was very good.  Most of our pilots that bailed out returned to their units to fight again.  Whereas German pilots became POW.  Our radar network was superb (for that point in history) and Spitfire production quickly increased to sufficient levels. 

    Had the RAF been in danger of being eradicated they would have moved the airfields from the SE to the NW which would have made them relatively safe. 

    The German decision to switch to bombing cities at night was because they miscalculated the number of fighters we had left.  Due to a blunder in paperwork they mistook the number of remaining Spitfires for the number of remaining fighters.  That's one hell of a mistake.  




    At the risk of straying off topic...

    Not sure about this as propaganda I will need to do some research...Hitler did mention in a speech about if one bomb falls on Berlin then thousands will fall on London

    Issue with moving spitfire bases further away from the South coast would have been inviting the Germans to fly over much of Southern England instead of tackling them on the coast and over the channel before they reached London

    What was the fuel range of a Spitfire?, if they were based in Manchester (the NW) its a lot further to fly to the Channel/Southern England to head off the Luftwaffe, and wasn't the amount of ammo that a Spitfire could carry limited to a few seconds burst before having to land and re ammo?

  19. What would have happened if Nazi Germany had defeated Russia in WW2?

    What would have happened if the US continued to sit on the fence to see how much money they could make out of WW2 before being drawn into war?

    We would have lost the Battle of Britain if Germany continued to bomb our airfields instead of switching to bombing our cities after we accidentally dropped a bomb on one of theirs

    Where would the Villa be this season if we had no injuries?

  20. 13 hours ago, Rustibrooks said:

    Might as well host trials at this rate and maybe get one of us to fill in for a few games lol

    I used to play footy but it's been a while but I don't mind helping us out in our injury crisis.

    Only problem is I am 66 in June and will probably be knackered after the pre match warm up... 😊

    • Haha 3
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