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Posts posted by rodders0223

  1. Westwood's massively underrated, just like Carrick was/still is criticised by many. On the whole he reads the game well, keeps the ball well and is a fantastic passer of the ball.


    Carrick is underated, as a man who has man numerous PL titles and the CL.

    I don't know how you can say Westwood is tbh :(




    I think Batth will be our option should Vlaar leave. If Vlaar stays I can't see us signing him this year, not unless they think he's really good and we want to get him on his books before his value skyrockets.. which is unlikely. Makes sense to scout him, just in case Vlaar suddenly turns around and hands in a transfer request.


    If that's our plan, we deserve everything we've got coming to us. The guy has played the total of one (1) game at a higher-than-League-One level. Vlaar is a World Cup semi-finalist. We cannot, CANNOT, replace him with a 'project'. 







    Sorry, you're absolutely right. I really should have checked that. He's played 14 games in the Championship. 







    For what it is worth, I don't think there is any chance of us signing him either. Not experienced enough, and frankly not good enough.

    • Like 1


    Discussion on Lambert's merits as a manager in the Westwood thread, definitely didn't see that one coming. Looks like nothing's changed ahead of the new season, sigh.

    It's almost like people have to throw as many off topic negatives in on a discussion as possible despite the fact it derails the thread and usually ends with all the threads being filled with the same generic shite...


    The manager comments were on topic, they pertained to Westwood's role in the squad and whether each poster thought management would/could accommodate a more suitable role for his abilities.


    I hope he can continue to use his great passing in a more positive manner.




    He is not a great passer by any stretch of the imagination. It may be his 'key' attribute but it is utterly average. When i think of the great passers we have had in recent memory, Merson, Barry, Milner, Petrov etc..to hear Westwood's passing described as great shows you have far we have fallen.

    He has been a decent buy for £800k or whatever it was, I would have no qualms about him being here as part of the squad. If a takeover where to happen tomorrow, he would be the first player I would replace. With a real strong midfielder.


    Just get a scandanavian feeder club, send him off there on loan and we can keep applying for a work permit every week. It's what I do.


    Do you hoard South American maids in Swedish B'n'Bs?




  5. did keano manage Wickham at Ipswich / Sunderland ???



    He managed him at Ipswich, he solds Jordan Rhodes for peanuts because he had so much faith in him, then potato head bought him to Sunderland, gave an 18 year old a £30k a week contract and he disappeared up his own arse.

    • Like 1
  6. Connor Wickham is available from Sunderland!!!

    Straight swap offer for Weimann maybe? :)


    Has been stealing a living for 4 years, has had about 4 good games in his career with 12 months left on his deal and now wants a big fat pay rise. I actually feel sorry for Sunderland.

    The guy is a right cock.

    • Like 1

    I think Batth will be our option should Vlaar leave. If Vlaar stays I can't see us signing him this year, not unless they think he's really good and we want to get him on his books before his value skyrockets.. which is unlikely. Makes sense to scout him, just in case Vlaar suddenly turns around and hands in a transfer request.


    If that's our plan, we deserve everything we've got coming to us. The guy has played the total of one (1) game at a higher-than-League-One level. Vlaar is a World Cup semi-finalist. We cannot, CANNOT, replace him with a 'project'. 








    I don't get what people are seeing in Victor Moses at all.

    Moses has speed and skill he would be a loan so wont pay all wages he was quality at wigan

    I didn't know you were in charge of Chelsea's transfer policy.

    When do you ever foot all the wages we would never be linked if we had to pay all wages.




    More often than you would think.

    We would be linked regardless of wages or salary. Lazy journalism, almost as lazy as the player.

  9. Hatem Ben Arfa on loan would make for a very good window that's assuming Samchez does sign!

    An overweight, overpaid player, who has fallen out with every manager he has played under, who turns it on once every 6 months, is lazy, arrogant and seemingly happy to train with Newcastle's kids as long as he sees out his contract and gets a bosman move.

    Yeah, no thanks.

    5 star skill moves on  Fifa though!

    • Like 1

    I don't get what people are seeing in Victor Moses at all.

    Moses has speed and skill he would be a loan so wont pay all wages he was quality at wigan




    I didn't know you were in charge of Chelsea's transfer policy.

  11. If those fat pissheads Commons and Stokes can score goals in Scotland Tonev will bag double figures at least.


    Hopefully he can go to a poor league such as the SPL, stand out and we can get a mill for him. He won't develop his game playing there that is for sure.

    Goodbye Tonev.



    Judge Gabby after Saturday ..... I get the impression he doesn't "do" friendlies !!!



    I will judge him on the last 4 years thanks, cruising on £55k a week turning it on once every 3 months.

    As for this loyal thing, no other club would have paid him the amount we have over the past 10 years, no other club would have put up with such sporadic performances, he has took the **** out of this club for too long. Comfortable I think the word is.




    Offer him £20k to stay, if not he knows where the door is, His career will be when he leaves here, just like Vassell.



    You act as if he's a top striker or something that just isn't trying; he's not.  The guy has averaged 1 in 4 for his career at Villa (or, basically, 9 league goals a season) and gives his all for the shirt.


    Whether or not he is good enough can be open to debate, but to class him as just being "comfortable" is lazy at best.




    In no way does he give his all for the shirt.

    I still remember his spell as captain under Mcleish, pathetic to say the least.

    • Like 2
  13. Judge Gabby after Saturday ..... I get the impression he doesn't "do" friendlies !!!



    I will judge him on the last 4 years thanks, cruising on £55k a week turning it on once every 3 months.

    As for this loyal thing, no other club would have paid him the amount we have over the past 10 years, no other club would have put up with such sporadic performances, he has took the **** out of this club for too long. Comfortable I think the word is.




    Offer him £20k to stay, if not he knows where the door is, His career will be when he leaves here, just like Vassell.

    • Like 1


    Cech isn't top 5 anymore.

    He's still very good though. But I'd be very surprised if he's at Chelsea by the end of the transfer window

    What 5 keepers can you say are without a doubt better than Cech?


    In my opinion the world's best is Neuer then Cech and that is my non-biased opinion. The previous other contenders for world's best such as Buffon and Casillas have dropped off quite a bit lately especially Casillas. 





    De Gea




    all better than Cech, few others as well like Bravo, Hart, Buffon, Oblak are on a similar level to him



    No, just no.

    Begovic has done well at Stoke, let's see if he does in Champions league knockout stages etc..

    Buffon is a shadow of the GK he was.

    Sirigu has never been tested, immense team in a joke league.

    Joe Hart, that one is just hilarious.

    Keylor Navas, again, hasn't done it at a big club or over a sustained period in big competitions.


    So much of being a goalkeeper is mental and performing on the biggest stages. Cech has done that and still continues to do so. He is top class.


    I would go with Courtios myself too though, because he is the future and you cannot risk losing this guy.

  15. Savage will be a regular on MOTD and MOTD2, just not Football Focus.


    The way he's carved himself out a career is incredible.


    He has barely any vocabulary and can't form sentences properly.

    Edited :lol: Need to work on forming those sentences.



    Every court needs a jester.

    I used to listen to him on 5live, I have heard 10 year olds with better debating and reasoning skills.

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