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Posts posted by Straggler

  1. I really liked the first episode. Refreshingly different, Isaac was great, I have no problem at all with the accent, I thought it is one of the better efforts by a yank. I'm looking forward to the next one. 

    I'm probably not core audience tho, I have no idea who Moon Knight is so it is all discovery for me at the moment.

    I guess I'm really enjoying that they don't have to keep bashing me over the head with references from the avengers movies. The lack of baggage so far leaves a dark show feeling light to watch. 

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Genie said:

    It doesn’t look great

    It's the challenge of making a circuit in a city that was built on a grid. We are probably lucky it isn't 4 straights and 4 90 degree corners (not that this design is that far off it). It is a problem really enjoying a sport that compromises itself so much for money. 

    • Like 2
  3. 4 hours ago, blandy said:

    Which is a big "if".

    I mean it'll be mostly younger folk I guess, and with stuff like Instabook and Facertwit that they use to look at memes and TokTiks and pictures of their dinner having been blocked by the Authorities, they could just be cracking on with doing that through a VPL.

    I tried to use a VPL once and was still blocked by the authorities.

  4. Enjoying the Ferrari being up top if for nothing else than loving the look of the car. Also stoked for Haas that they managed to get a car in the top 10, that is a real feather in the cap.

  5. 34 minutes ago, Lichfield Dean said:

    So, I can sort of see why other teams are a bit unhappy with the Merc. Those wing mirror mounts do look suspiciously like little wings...

    Presumably though they got the go-ahead from the FIA and there aren't any actual rules against that?

    My understanding is that this is a classic bit of Mercedes design. The rules were built in such a way that this sort of thing was not supposed to be possible, but Merc managed to find a way to make it happen within the rules. Watching their car bounce around on the straight like a jackhammer today does suggest that the car is not in its optimum form just yet though.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, sparrow1988 said:

    Steiner has said that they are financially ok without it, but maybe he forgot to calculate in the cost of a second driver. :D

    Fittipaldi would make no sense really unless he's got bags of backing as well. Giovanazzi for a mixture of competence and economics? Can't see Ferrari bending them over a barrell.

    Yeah, I think Gio will be the guy. If all that pain from last year is to be worth a damn, they need 2 at least averagely quick drivers

    • Like 1
  7. 19 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

    Nah I think he'll be their next Number 1 driver.

    Lewis doesn't have long left. I still think he would have retired last year if he'd won the title.

    A season or two under Lewis learning the ropes, then Lewis retires and Russell takes over as their wonder kid

    I think Russell could be pushing Lewis very hard this year. Every sniff of a chance Russell has had he has looked amazing. I don't think we will need to wait the 2 years for him to get comfortable.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, Genie said:

    A story I heard about him allegedly leaving his ex and new born baby to shack up with Geri Halliwell won’t do much to alter your opinion of him 

    Well, back up to 100%.  That did not take long.

    • Haha 4
  9. 2 minutes ago, Genie said:

    Worth a try :lol:


    That may be the first thing I have ever heard about Horner that makes me think he may not be a complete dick.  He must have known that they were never going to let him in, so all he has really done is make a decent size donation to charity for nothing in return, other than making a bit of a joke. Not much of a redemption, as he is now, in my eyes only 99% dick.

  10. 28 minutes ago, sidcow said:

    It's all right. 5 years after winning the vote they've appointed Moggers to start thinking about if there are any advantages to be gained. 

    I tell you something, the amount of ludicrous over the top regulation and compliance I deal with at work on a daily basis, I mean really petty stuff that just wastes my time and protects no one, it just ridiculous. 

    If they could get rid of half that nonsense it would be just superb but I will bet my bottom dollar that nothing changes. 

    To be fair, Mogg now has the only job to have been created by Brexit.  Credit where it is due.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  11. 4 minutes ago, BOF said:

    Well after their year off last season to focus on this one, let's hope it's a lot better at Russian around this season.

    Oh good god, I feel slightly ashamed for laughing at that one.

    • Haha 1
  12. Episode 5 I enjoyed.  It was the first episode I did enjoy.  I only watched it because I was told it was basically an episode of the Mandalorian, which it was.  It had interesting characters, layers of plot combined with mythos and legend, a gentle sprinkle of humour and it straight up looked better.  I mean, it looked way, way better, like it had double the budget of the episodes that came before combined. 

    Episode 6 was pretty boring IMO. A little fetch quest side mission that did nothing to develop plot or character.  Not offensively bad or anything, but it's clearly trying to set up a Magnificent 7 in space ending, and I don't think I'm on board for it.  At the moment it is not so much the magnificent 7, it's more, the Mandalorian and the uninspiring 6.  If we have to do a western movie trope, I'd rather Mando played Shane and we end with him riding off into the sunset.  The biggest problem is still that I don't give one single shit for Boba or any of his crew (I suppose Shand isn't awful, but she is the only one).  Every time we cut to the titular character I'm disappointed, which I can't imagine is the goal of the writers.

    Unrelated to plot etc, I thought the CGI Luke was pretty amazing.

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