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Posts posted by Straggler

  1. 9 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

    I detest this word removed honestly. Billionaires are just the absolute worst.

    It is a handy graph to show just how out of touch with reality he really is. On my screen he is about an inch and a half or one penis out of touch.

    Which statistically proves that Elon is a penis. This is science.



    • Confused 1
  2. 24 minutes ago, Genie said:

    I am assuming they are linked to the fact Russia is currently firing rockets into Kyiv. Something it said it would after the Moskva was sunk if any similar attacks happened.


    The mentality of this sort of Russian threat still boggles my mind. The idea that they can do worse than they are already doing is laughable (nukes excepted). They are kidnapping entire towns worth of people, murdering, raping on some horrific genocidal rampage then think they can turn around and say "you had better not do anything to piss us off it you will suffer a fate even worse"

    A fate worse than a fate worse than death. That is pretty bad.


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  3. 10 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    The madmans cronies have threatened the uk with the weapon called "satan 2" can wipe  out france apparently. 

    Hopefully its empty threats

    Wipe out France you say? Oh no please don't fire the weapon at us that wipes out France (said brer rabbit to the fox)

    • Like 1
  4. Evan Rachel Wood is criminally underrated in Westworld IMO. In season 4 her shift between the different personalities that her character uses is amazing. Lots of actors would use a small head twitch or a shake to indicate the change, but ERW just swaps faces like binary code, using what she needs the discarding the trait when it is no longer needed like it was never there. 

    Honourable mention to Jeffery Wright who was also on top form every moment he was on screen.

  5. 1 hour ago, ml1dch said:

    I don't think that's politically all that sustainable.

    Given it would be in the context of a poor local elections performance and the continued drip, drip of further fines and revelations saying that they weren't going to release the report would look worse than whatever the report said.

    Not releasing it escalates, not deescalates the story. And you'd imagine that it would probably find its way into the open anyway, giving them the worst of both worlds.

    However releasing the report escalates the story too. It's a tough spot to be in. It's lucky they got all the big calls right, can you imagine how bad things could be for them if they didn't?

  6. 1 hour ago, Davkaus said:

    Agreed. I think the rules about parliamentary language are typically helpful, to prevent debate simply becoming mud-slinging, but it's a huge problem, IMO, that the rule of parliamentary language, preventing members from being called liars, are enforced more stringently than the rules about actually lying.

    He's lied multiple times, blatantly, everyone there has known it, and the speaker has just said something like "if the Prime minister has mislead the house I'm sure he'll correct the record". Which he doesn't, ever, because he's a habitual, unrepentant liar, and we have never held him to account. Meanwhile, if you call him a liar, you are forced to retract it, or get kicked out.

    Even worse is that because the only option you have is to say the PM inadvertently misled the house means that you would have to lie to say the one thing you are ok to say.

  7. 16 minutes ago, choffer said:

    That's just the ones apprehended! Just think how many there are in total. :huh:

    I hear they catch less than 10%. It must look like this along the whole border. 


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  8. Just finished Ghost of Tsushima. What a cracking game, fighting mechanics were so satisfying. Struggling to work out what to play next as AC Odyssey is on my list but feels clunky and very grindy in comparison. I have the latest god of war downloading instead will see if it can grab me 

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  9. 4 hours ago, avfc1982am said:

    Yeah right, because Finland and Sweden are aggressive neighbours. 

    Both Countries need to seriously consider whether or not they want to live with continued verbal and military threats from Russia or middle finger them and ensure they're own safety net is in place. Like the should trust Russia anyway and Sweden doesn't even border Russia. It's ridiculous these Countries living with this threat because of a backward government.  

    Exactly what I'm thinking. The threat from Russia is basically, "If you don't let us shell your cities flat and go on a genocidal rampage of rape and pillage across your country, we might nuke you."  It's a no-brainer now to get into NATO if you can, as the other option is to have no option.

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  10. 16 hours ago, av1 said:

    I’m an armchair F1 fan, so whilst I watch the races, I’m not invested enough to follow career’s or be able to form a qualified opinion of the drivers personalities,  nor do I really understand teams strategy.  

    So I always want Lewis to win because he’s a Brit, and I’ve never understood the criticism he gets from British people.  But I think instance’s like the one you allude to today probably paints a different picture. The team absolutely couldn’t foresee a safety car 

    To be fair to Lewis he did fairly quickly explain that he was not complaining about the safety car. He was complaining about being told by the team to back off and run in clean air because his engine was overheating effectively ending his push to catch and pass Russell.  This was the impact of a number of strategic choices for the race including how turned up the engine was and how hard he was told to push earlier.

    All that said it is still an unnecessary poor little me wining moment, but makes more sense than the completely illogical complaint about the safety car.

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