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Everything posted by Xann

  1. The Free Pop Electronic Concept - 'F.P.E.T. No1'
  2. Poor Al, the Luftwaffe done for him well before his time. On a similar trip... Frances Day - 'Did You Ever See A Dream Walking'
  3. La Nueva Banda De Santisteban - 'Nuestro Ayer' Was playing that track because I was encoding 'Autumn Song' for your disk. Do you have it already? Oooh you fibber - You got me excited there. :winkold:
  4. Power Of Dreams - The album from which this tuneful little indie ditty is taken has been reissued - 20th Anniversary. Can't really work out why though. The first issue is available and not outrageously expensive. Is there a cult following in Ireland or something?
  5. We were stiffed, there's no doubt about it. We weren't playing from the same rulebook. Been thinking of buying some mackerel - eating the fish, then posting the bones to the FA with a note saying 'There was something fishy about Phil Dowd's spineless display in the League cup final'.
  6. Kathleen Emery - Sat on the shelf ignored for months - It's just become my favourite version of this oft recorded track. Damn, that drummer's funky.
  7. Moses - 'Beginning' That's the close down music at my work, it sounds great on the PA. The floaty intro is greeted with much joy.
  8. Gin & Tonic and Green Man Special cider (8.5%) Horrendous wine - No. Grape & grain - No No.
  9. Amon Duul II - 'Sleepwalker's Timeless Bridge'
  10. Ennio Morricone - 'Bestiality' Written for, but not used in 'The Thing'.
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