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Everything posted by PB

  1. Thats interesting, and I see what Sie means now more exactly, the PVP we were playing in GW was absolutely nothing like this. it was structured, planned,specific win conditions against opponents who were (if the system worked correctly) more or less your equal playing for ladder rank and ultimately tournament success. You'd have your eight players, with their eight skills each , they'd have their eight players with their eight skills (and you'd have no way of knowing what Guild you were facing until the map loaded and no way of knowing their precise skillset until battle was joined), fought on the home map of the lower ranked Guild (and there were about ten radically different maps,each requiring a different set of tactics ... and in a night you'd probably play on all of them) At first the battles could last for hours, but later they changed it after the World Championship semi final lasted nearly six hours..... so in the end it was unlikely a battle would last more than 40 minutes or so. I think I preferred the longer games myself. That WoW PvP seems also designed to annoy the crap out of scrubs ..... must have been fun ;-) . Nothing even vaguely equivalent in Guild Wars
  2. Thats an interesting comment. I think I might agree with you, although I'd never thought of it like that before
  3. Dont know Team Fortress so cant comment
  4. Some people kind of migrated into MMO PvP accidentally....personally I came from "Magic the Gathering" online as did most of my original GW Guildies - although I played a little casual Counter Strike I dont think any of the people I've played MMOs with would go anywhere near that kind of game as a serious competitive pursuit .... there is an extra layer of complexity in an MMO I think ( as there is in MTG) which appeals to a slightly different kind of player - more cerebral, more tactically stimulating - something about the mix of skill sets that(certainly in GW, I cant speak for WoW) is very similar to MTG .... setting up a team build in GW is a very similar pursuit to setting up a deck in MTG .... have we got the balance of skills right.... have we got enough toolbox stuff .... can we counter the meta You just dont get that with shooters. Although I spent more than 2k hours online on GW PvP, I probably spent twice that designing and testing builds, watching other teams on observer mode to get a handle on what was happening in the meta, discussing tactics on forums and irc etc etc
  5. This is where Guild Wars wins for PVP I can roll a PVP only character, fully levelled on roll, with access to all equipment and skills I have unlocked by playing PVE, or if I was really lazy, by buying a PVP pack (an expansion with no PVE content, just skill/equip unlocks). These characters have access to all PVP maps on birth. Player skill>time spent grinding so the marketing said .... bit puzzled why anyone would play PVP on WoW tbh In Guild wars all the moaning came on the PVE forums from people who found their uber pwn all solo farming necromancer got his skills nerfed because of PVP abuse Poor lambs.
  6. Ye gads, is nothing sacred? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  7. Red Hot Chilli peppers - Californication
  8. Counting Crows - Mr Jones ..... oh, now its Del Amitri, Nothing ever happens
  9. Quite a big chunk, maybe even the majority, of his caps for Sweden were earned as right back.At least one World Cup finals as a right back and I think one or two Euros too he only moved to the centre of the Swedish national defence towards the end (about the time he moved to right back for us ironically)
  10. Avril Lavigne's excellent cover of "The Scientist" from Live Lounge
  11. I played WAR for a while and found it great at first and then soon after really really boring. Questing was the height of tedium, open world PvP or RvR was supposed to be the main aim of the game but the servers were ghost towns. There was no PUG system for getting a team together for the instances and the few who were online just seemed to spend all their time doing scenarios (BG's in warcraft) because you could get quick XP there (and there was nothing else to do). If they wanted the game to suceed they should have had massive populations on very few servers IMO. There are several problems with a PVP focussed game 1) not many people play PVP to even a basic level as it is massively time intensive to even start to get a grip on it. The top players, those who can really play (which certainly in the case of GW was a tiny number) all naturally gravitate together and pwn everything in sight. This gets really dull really quickly. 2) Creating a game that is perfectly balanced is horribly hard. If you have even the tiniest gap, people will exploit it.You need balanced maps, balanced skills,balanced equipment, balanced win conditions. The only game I have seen that achieves this that could sustain it over time is Counter Strike - which is also the only game with a decently sized high end population Certainly on the WAR BETA it looked good. my GW Guild played for about 2 weeks and it looked promising, although I quit GW shortly afterwards to concentrate on life.....
  12. I was in the WarHammer Beta, it looked pretty good. needed some polishing as you'd expect but generally quite good, so surprised by this too Loads of MMORPGs crashed - I guess the market is quite tightly sewn up
  13. Aion has been live for 7 mo in Korea, 2 mo in China, and is not released in NA/EU yet, very promising so far if the numbers are correct. What a shame, Pirates of the Burning Sea looked so good in BETA
  14. Once a game reaches the point where build > tactics then.imo, that game is dead as a serious venture Yes, build is always important, but a game should always be about player skill. if I can roll a shaman (for example) and roll over better players who havent rolled shamen then the game is broken
  15. Thirteen I think ... had just cleared the second troll area starter quests (Razor hill and Shin'jinnn Village or whatever its called, and the islands off the coast there)
  16. Well I uninstalled maybe its me. I had got bored with GW which is why i wasnt playing it any more and WoW ultimately appears to be a version of Guild Wars for people who dont want to have to think too hard about their gaming (maybe more of a social thing rather than a game to push you?) so just not for me. Even in GW I only did PVE for unlocks and to deck my character out so she looked hot, guess i'm just not the PVE type really Still at least I know now what my kid is on about a little more than I did
  17. I'm not sure it was about replacing Laursen, if anything it was about replacing Bouma because ONeill clearly had little confidence in Shorey, and also about the fact that if you start at 4-4-2, where do you go when it goes wrong and you're chasing the game? 4-3-3? 4-2-4? Stick a winger at full back?
  18. You needed to think a little, even at early levels,especially if playing solo. What happens if I aggro this patrol will this patrol also come and get me? Also, having only 8 skills to choose from is a skill in itself - I can really have six skill bars of what, 12 skills? Seems in WoW I can stand on a hill, pick one enemy out below, ping him and then him and only him charges towards me .... whatever happened to mob aggro? Playing anything other than solo they might as well just hand over the quest reward ..... Still, I can pick flowers which is a bonus I've heard the endgame is good, but I cant see me grinding 80 levels of this to get to it. At least in guild wars grinding to the top level and elite maps was considerably less than a weeks work Oh well,was worth a try i guess
  19. Well, after a few hours playing this, I think its unlikely I'm going to upgrade to a full account Its like Guild Wars: Scrubs Edition I dont think I've ever done anything less challenging. Quite possibly the worst AI I've ever come across, complete and total lack of tactical/strategic aspects. The very worst of hack and slash... Whats the point? Why would anyone do this for thousands of hours? Oh well, maybe I'm missing something,will give it a few days and we'll see, but as things stand I think I'd rather start a new GW character tbh
  20. Well, as Im a total WoW nub I dont know, I just started this class because in GW I played a ranger, possibly the most difficult class to play technically in that game Well, easy to play, and lots of nubcakes play it, but close to impossible to play well :-) So, I started a Troll hunter called "Clairity"and after 45 mins wondering around the deserty place with the cactii I'm level 5 ......
  21. Hmm, I need to come up with a new gaming name then, as Patro is taken also ..... I'll think of something need to make a new character anyway, as I got carried away making this one and forgot that all my characters are blond females ....
  22. Seriously, you had better be playing on a PvE server or you will just get ganked repeatedly for a name as awful as that. I think you might struggle to get a pickup group too, as most people will just assume you are a 12 year old kid. Ganked on sight indeed Could be worse though, he could be a Male Nelf Hunter called xxhuntererpwnxx Lol, you lot are funny I played at the very highest level in Guild Wars for the best part of three years in one of the top ten/twenty PVP guilds with a PVP character called OoBozzyoO, was a pretty standard naming convention in GW. I had a few characters - Bozzy, xBozzyx, oBozzyo - and my PVe characters were all the same only with "Patro" instead of Bozzy. people ignore the x's and o's becasue they understand the convention, I was just Bozzy or Patro - obviously WoW is different. lol. How else can I create multiple characters and be recognised for who I am?? if I called each character something completely different no-one would know who i was when they faced me or saw me on "GWTV"..... Tbh, anyone wants to gank me they''re more than welcome - although this character is on a PVE server so i dont know how that works but hey, when in Rome and all that - i guess I can start a new character called something gay like "David Farstrider", or "Arthur Goldigger" ...... and just pray I dont bump into anyone I knew when playing GW ....
  23. my kid was alliance, so I joined him tbh It seems very, very easy. not sure I've actually lost any health yet (certainly havent needed any healing) and I'm level 7 after about 2 hours ..... seems like uber power levelling to me
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