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Everything posted by Hughes

  1. The ManU's of this world have used artificial money to get where they are today, just because others are using a different revenue stream (richer owners play things, rather than a nice bank manager and some financial slights of hand) they want to shut the door. West Ham have an artificial revenue stream paid for at tax payers expense, they will slip under the radar as will a few chosen others. Does anyone really believe that if the Glaziers went through a financial melt down these rules would still stand once they have destroyed Man U legit revenue streams? I would rather ask the question why the likes of Chelsea, Man U, Liverpool, Arsenal bla bla have voted for this new system. Yes, I understand why it is beneficial to ManU. But Swansea voted for, Reading and Norwich as well.
  2. I'm trying to understand this.. am I right in thinking that it is not actually a cap, but that clubs that spent more than this will be limited to a small annual increase (£4m) on top of what they are already spending, and that actually spending more than £52m is not a problem.. they just won't be able to increase it by much. So in other words a team like City who is probably spending well over £100m can continue to do so, provided they don't have losses over £105m over three years...? If that is the case then I have misunderstood and the new rules really suck. I am not sure, it has been described as a "cap" of 52 million.
  3. Well, that's just how is was in the past as well, no? Before Abramovich and Arab sheiks. Or are we saying that Villa, not taking into consideration artificial drugged clubs, is not one the biggest in England? (I know, I should not start that discussion again...).
  4. Mods, if this has been discussed elsewhere please delete at will. Financial Fair Play Rules for the Premier League have been approved today, imposing maximum salaries of 52 million annually and max losses over 3 years of 105 million. Annual wages may be increased (1) by 4 million annually for three years, (2) by increased income created by the club (assumably compared to income as of today?), and (3) by profits from players sales. Villa again voted against, with 4 others (Baggies and ManCity among them) joining us. I genuinely want to understand why we vote against. Granted, these rules may favor ManU, Pool and Arsenal as they have substantial turnover and income (but the 52 million wage cap will apply to them as well). However, I would have thought that this should be beneficial to us, at least over time, as we should be able to increase our income and because these rules should avoid another Man City / Chelsea popping out of nowhere. We would not have been able to spend top dosh anyway so this is also a reason why these rules should be beneficial over time as they should create a more level playing ground. Not with respect to the ManU's of this world but more with respect to the artificial money-drugged clubs. I just do not understand why we, of all, vote against.
  5. I have seen us bad before but I do not think I have ever seen us so totally outplayed at home, especially before the sending off. Completely outclassed.
  6. Certainly hope so. OT but does anyone know if the Forest game is live on VillaTV?
  7. Off topic but does anyone know if the Forest game is live on VillaTV?
  8. That sounds plausible, but if that is the case, why the hell didn't we offer it to him!? We still might... Villa press contact Brian Doogan on record in Norway saying that they understand wihtdrawal as "final".
  9. I am not able to upload the clip. What lyrics? Is is A-ha and hunting high and low?
  10. Not good, not good at all. Røkke trying to convince OGS to stay? He usually gets what he wants.
  11. It's not here's Lerner's jet from that spotter's blog Different registration. Yeah, and randy's jet has 14 side windows, Rokke's has 12.......Not that I counted to be sure or anything. Yes!!! Our guy has the bigger one!
  12. Well, he won't be signed for his good looks....
  13. Oh, but he does; his game is about passing, movement and lots of pace. He does not seem to care whether a winger or a fullback creates space on the flanks, as long as the ball is passed fast on the ground. He'll use wingers if appropriate.
  14. Ole took Eikrem to Molde with him from Utd reserves and is an Attacking Midfielder, i've not seen him play but apparently he is a good passer but was believed to not be physically up to the Prem at Utd.. anybody seen him play? Good passer, playmaker kind of guy, professional, hard working and very confident. Used to captain ManU reserves at a very young age. Probably not good enough just now, but has potential.
  15. Americans, girlfriends and cigars? I have heared that before somewhere.
  16. Lol I love it. Is that genuine or dubbed? Just ask as he is speaking in English when thought it would be Norwegian to Norwegian players they still got some american players i think, atleast they do in the gunning for glory film hehe... That's him alright, bit of Mancunian accent in there as well I believe!
  17. Is this the answers to the 3 questions Rökke put to OSG 17 may before he fly to England? Yes. Just read it. These are, more or less, the answers he gave BEFORE getting on that plane. And, OGS is now on record saying he is very disappointed that Molde has made public a " private conversation", and that he "HAD been looking forward to be able to look forward." what on earth is Molde doing? If he resigns, they will not be entitled to compensation from us??
  18. Really? Did he actually say that? Apparently so. From a top Norweigan report/journo. Interesting. Drrrrrrrrrrogba. Sorry, couldnt resist. Sign him up Ole. Agere are these quotes from? Cannot find them on main Norwegian newssites.
  19. I agree. Up to Lerner to do what he wants. OGS has been very good today at handling questions: making sure not to burn whats left of the bridge back to Molde should he not get an offer, and at the same time really giving a big "make me an offer" shout in the direction of B6. We'll know more after the Molde game tomorrow.
  20. There are some of us in Norway. Official supporter club has got around 500 paying members. However, ManU official supporter club got something like 30,000.... Loosingpool approx 20,000. So, we have a bit to go.
  21. This is THE top story on the nine o'clock news on national TV in Norway. I never thought I would see Villa mentioned as the top story for having a meeting with a Norwegian manager. I think we will know much more when OGS speaks, which he has to do at least on Sunday when Molde plays.
  22. No way! There testing the water, Champions league next year and they want to backoff (Ok they wont get far but still!) How he can go back to manage them after being publicly called disloyal? Unbelievable development.
  23. Apparently the owner of Molde FK is really buthurt about OGS talking with Villa. Read something about him withdrawing economical support to the club etc. So I do imagine they are going to be though on the negotiations. Come to think of it, this puts insane pressure on OGS. I would actually not be surprised if he now backs down saying that he just wanted to be polite and that he never intended to sign for us etc etc. That statement from Aker is crazy and OGS will be blamed for Molde running into financial problems. Shit. My track record of being right has lately not been good...but this makes it very very hard for OGS.
  24. http://tinyurl.com/6wwet6v **** me, just saw the release,I'll be eating humble pie til I puke. Madness. Oh well, at least that's bridges burned for OGS unless this really is extortion by Aker.
  25. It also claims Aker will be issuing a press release "Friday evening". I'll be waiting for it, still do not believe it at all. On another note, if the agent is still in Brum, it must mean something, and that talks are ongoing. And, it has been confirmed that OGS' wife checked in at a hotel earlier today. Why do that if noone is staying the night?
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