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Everything posted by ChrisVillan

  1. Added my new effort, metal reviews at Voodoo Radio.
  2. IainG overlooks counting of the In/Out research. Doug explains the mark-up in the asking price. RantinRob sends the boys round. Richard is asked how many games O'Leary has left. A friendly reminder from VTers to paddy.
  3. Villa's next Chairman does a 'Delia'. GaztonVilla does a practice run. RantinRob takes a blind lesbian on a date. Richard has had enough of O'Leary's Villa. CV feels the same but instead plans his 2007/08 away trips.
  4. David O'Leary's brain discovered by shocked customer. Richard reveals how he got such a good parking space. Herbert doctors the books. Villa try to tempt David Ginola out of retirement to add some class to the midfield. Juju claims gigolo days are not over.
  5. (Just my interpretation of a 'worse' pic of Home Sec)
  6. Gotta love it how when the HO is in trouble the BBC dig out the crappest picture of the Home Sec they can find!
  7. drat01's latest jaunt leaves him the worse for wear.
  8. Wasn't actually relevant to the caption Al, just seemed an appropriate fortune teller and I think she's mental.
  9. Page two? Shame on you. kalim celebrates as Andrew Flintoff slips on a banana skin. Referee Mark Halsey faces disciplinary committee for lack of competence. Mystic Meg breaks out of her lunatic asylum to read O'Leary's future. Jedi mind trick mastered by villafan306. ChrisVillan and Trinity-Tom work the room on their latest night out.
  10. Yep, that's the one. I'm not saying Wigan and West Ham haven't done well and punched above their weight, and in the cold light of day I think you'd have to say that looking back on the season, losing to them both isn't the be all and end all. However, 4-0 with our 'strongest' side out, though not yet accustomed to one another. 2-1 in a match where we really didn't even show up for the second half. It was one of the most embarrassing narrow defeats I've ever been to. 2-0 at home to any mediocre side is a bit wet. I think all three of those games went beyond just 'losing'. Anyway, we're only having this discussion because they were mentioned by another poster. Far from our worst this season.
  11. There's a difference between 'losing to' and 'humbled by' Ian. They embarrassed us 3 times between them this year.
  12. Meh. Warm shit, cold shit.
  13. Bloody hell I can't leave you lot alone for five minutes without turning this thread into...well, a VT.com thread. Three hours later, trimandson still couldn't find his trousers. MysticRaven (aka Mysti Craven) shows the VT male population her 'technique'. ChrisVillan buys a gun... ...better make that two. VP stewards.
  14. DDID gets ready for lunch. Doug's latest "he who laughs last" plot fails miserably. Marion...why is there a puddle under my desk?! Government grants Villa Park a small section of terracing. Japanese businessmen arrive for insurance meeting with Juju, but can't find him.
  15. ChrisVillan


    F*ck off Tom you smug bastard! MMM, why is it all the new posters join in with the sad wrinkly old bleeders in taking the piss out of me? :shock:
  16. ChrisVillan


    Boooooo, boooooo long distance relationship boooooooooo! (just practising the booing for Sunday)
  17. O'Leary's critics take a new stance to VT debate. bickster lets personal politics get in the way of a good fare. Jimzk5 stages an elaborate apology to America. Tony Robinson finds drat01's teeth. The Jugg Effect.
  18. Eric Djemba-Djemba finds a ticket under his pillow with Doug's signature on it. mysticraven, alwaysavillain and villainzrus vow to get John Gregory his job back. RantinRob buys ahamaad some beer goggles and takes him to see Celebrity Fit Club for his birthday. RantinRob's parole: desperate measures for desperate times. ChrisVillan looks for a stone.
  19. Bastards. ChrisVillan returns from the Midlands to find a surprise in the garden. Last week's new VT John Gregory fan club posts its latest views. Wilfred Bouma stays behind at training to practice set plays. Juan Pablo Angel and Milan Baros decide to unwind before the derby. Chris Sutton waits for Blues' knackered old Transit minibus.
  20. AVFC puts up a fence with a clear message to Europe. Gringo claims to have never even seen Doug's car. Jonathan Greening sacked from Head & Shoulders marketing for wrong answer. Rothschild's advertising of AVFC goes down badly with fans. small heathens settle into the North Stand car park in plenty of time.
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