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Posts posted by skarroki

  1. as long as we are solidly linked with 2-3 players by the last week of june i'll be happy, i'm hoping most our transfers out at least happen in July so we have a month knowing where we stand with our squad


    I can't see Mertens signing but i could see Chadli as an option, a cheeky bid for him might be worth a shot. he can only say no and would be a cracking player, i think he would adjust well to the prem. Is cracking on my Villa FIFA career too if you want further reasons ;)

  2. <p>i think the Petrov thing needs to happen! how do we make it happens? petitions seem to be a sure-fire way of making sure something will fail so i don't like that route</p>


    <p>also like to say that i hope we go nowhere near Red Bull, they are one of the most appalling takeover stories i have ever heard, i wouldn't even acknowledge any offers. But, having seen this mentioned, thought it was interesting that Gerard Houllier is now their &quot;Global Sports Director&quot;</p>

  3. I would be looking at trying to get a deal on the table for shawcross now Pulis has gone, start asking as soon as possible. Think he would be a great buy for us. Also this Douglas guy hasn't had a great season but he's not been terrible at all and i would definitely fancy him to improve our defence. Vermalinen (sp) would be a cracking signing but would just not happen, same to be said for Lescott. There is a CB who plays for Ajax i think? his surname starts with Alder, looks promising, and similar in almost every sense to Baker.


    Would love to see someone like Cresswell at Villa, looks promising, would offer competition to Bennett and hopefully both would push each other to improve. Although have to say i think a lot of the things he's done well in the championship are purely because he has been afforded a lot of space and time on the ball. That goal a couple of pages back, my case in point, the defender nowhere near him. I also think if not Cresswell, Willem? only 19-20 i think? looks like Bouma re-incarnated


    I'm not going to fully consider forward targets until we know which ones, if any, are leaving. but as far as wing forwards are concerned i would like us to at least try to sign Ince. Bolasie wouldn't be a bad shout, and Austin is out of contract this summer i think?


    Finally, one player i would LOVE to see back here, and this may be more nostalgia and sentiment than actually being sensible, but Hitzlsperger is out of contract at Everton and they're not looking close to sorting out there managerial situation. i would have a punt for him, he'd offer something different in midfield. 

  4. i think the contract we gave him was stupid but actually signing him was a great move and although it seems like a hell of a lot he's kept us up one year and the transfer fee wasn't too high so i could live with this, if true


    Bannan's not in Scotland squad 1. because he's not playing first team football 2. because Scotland have depth in midfield.


    We haven't scored from a free kick this season.


    I'm guessing the FPL site counts Bannan's shot off the post against Reading that Agbonlahor converted, the official assist for Clark at Newcastle, and one other possibly from a cross that hit a defender first before landing at striker who converted.



    Oh come on now. Do you even watch our games?







    Bannan's not in Scotland squad 1. because he's not playing first team football 2. because Scotland have depth in midfield.


    We haven't scored from a free kick this season.


    I'm guessing the FPL site counts Bannan's shot off the post against Reading that Agbonlahor converted, the official assist for Clark at Newcastle, and one other possibly from a cross that hit a defender first before landing at striker who converted.



    Oh come on now. Do you even watch our games?





    How did I forget? Great goal. Thanks for posting. Bannan didn't play that game so that wasn't his assist.



    imagine how good his points-per-game average would be had he played. put him right up there with the likes of richard chaplow

  6. this is going back a few pages, might have been discussed since, but i don't think there is a cap on the amount of money Lambert can spend IN TOTAL, i think he is capped on how much money he can spend PER PLAYER, for instance if he had 20mil he couldn't buy a great player for 16mil then a couple of unknowns, i think 8mil is his cap on how much single players can be bought for, i think this was also the case in the situation of MON with it being 12mil. if we sold benteke i don't think lambert could go out and buy some massive player with the money, i'm pretty sure lerner wants the club where it belongs but he just doesn't want another couple of expensive mistakes on the way

  7. i know this is a good debate forum but i think some people need to read through posts twice before answering, maybe count to 5 after seeing they've posted something, or go for a short walk.


    A lot of people call "fickle" or "hypocritical", think we need to remember that this is football and everything changes within 1-2 weeks. It is plausible for a player to be called out as "not good enough" or "past it" one week, then be referred to as "world class" a couple of weeks later. Maybe if some of you were a little more forgiving of others opinions or their ability to change their opinions then the discussions wouldn't get quite so heated

  8. don't know if people care about about squad numbers, but i feel he deserves the number 5 once dunne leaves. I seem to be one of very few who feel that it is Vlaar that needs replacing, not Baker/Clark. I just don't rate Vlaar at all anymore i'm afraid. Had a season to show signs of improvement and hasn't for me. Baker bosses the defence, only in flashes and patches, but at least the potential is there

  9. whenever i have seen him i just haven't rated him, my personal opinion is that he was brought in to be back-up for Agbonlahor/Weimann in case either of them nose-dived in form or got injured/needed resting. luckily that didn't happen and he found his way to the reserves. I hope the lad finds somewhere to play regularly but i'd rather it wasn't here, is most certainly not a step-up from the options we have

  10. if he can come back from this injury and work hard, in amongst this feel-good factor going around the club at the moment, i feel he could really push on next year, but if he doesn't then time to get rid.


    Definitely worth another season though IMO

  11. i think the length of contract is irrelevant when it comes to agents talking to other clubs on behalf of the player, the length of the contract comes into play when a verbal agreement turns into a written contract agreement, that can't happen unless the club have given permission. So he can find out what other interesteds parties would be willing to offer but nothing concrete or agreed. Believe that is right?

  12. i think we need to get this idea that "lambert always brings in unknown foreign talent" out of our heads. Benteke might not have been known to a lot of forumers but he had just scored for the belgian full team against holland, and had an impressive record in Belgium. Vlaar and El Ahmadi weren't gems they were seasoned pro's, and Sylla was the only real surprise to come out of his transfers, he wasn't a prolific foreign buyer for norwich, he used much the same technique there, looking at the "best of the rest" as it were, in lower divisions. I think if we want to aim higher we should at least be looking at trying to bring in Ince, think Cresswell could do a good job too. Don't know if anyone has heard of a guy called Matt Lecointe but he's a great prospect from Plymouth, rumours were the top dogs were looking at him a year or 2 ago, he's continued to progess

  13. was at work and we close the shop at 10, went round the back and flicked the radio, the sports news was on and all i heard was "Arsenal won..." and just started yelling and celebrating, was with 2 people who don't like football and thought i was being ridiculous but obviously i didn't give a shit

  14. i think Con and his stats wind people up but some of the criticisms of bannan are an absolute joke. the fact of the matter is that bannan is a gifted footballer who has good aspects to his game and bad aspects, like the vast majority of footballers out there. it just happens that he is not as gifted or simply just does not click with the players in midfield we currently have. I will be happy to see him go because hopefully he'll get a good run of games in a team that suits him better.


    Problem is it will mean that some of the miserable sods on here are going to have to find a new whipping boy who they can blindly hate on

  15. Alex McCarthy would be a great option as he is clearly talented, was the only major difference in the team during the mini-revival period earlier in the season.


    James McCarthy might be good enough to go above our level but can't see him going there just yet, especially as he has being marshalling a midfield all the way to the championship. would fit in well at our club and be able to prove himself here too.


    Le Fondre would be a great back-up signing as he's been sat on the bench at reading and grabbed a lot of goals, would be happy for him to do the same for us here.


    If it wasn't for his age i'd be interested in Al-Habsi.


    Robson-Kanu can be hit and miss, but the difference is between us and reading, that we can afford to bring him off or drop him if his performances drop.


    Still a massive fan of M'Bia and feel he wouldn't be the type to hang around for the wages at QPR, and would want first-team action at a top-level club.

  16. this thread has confused me as i am sure Warnock was released to Bolton for free in january? he's not our player anymore.


    Pretty sure makoun and hutton have an option-to-buy clauses in their contracts which have been exercised.


    Dunne and Petrov going out-of-contract and Lichaj being a 50/50


    So this is what i would like to see as our squad next year:


    1 Guzan

    2 Lowton

    3 --

    4 Vlaar

    5 Baker

    6 Clark

    7 --

    8 El Ahmadi

    9 Weimann

    10 N'Zogbia

    11 Agbonlahor

    12 Albrighton

    13 --

    14 --

    15 Westwood

    16 Delph

    17 Gardner

    18 Sylla

    19 PETROV

    20 Benteke

    21 Bowery

    22 --

    23 Delfouneso

    24 --

    25 Bannan

    26 --

    27 Bennett

    28 --

    29 Stevens

    30 --

    31 Herd

    32 Drennan

    33 Barrett

    34 Devine

    35 Johnson

    36 Burke

    37 Williams

    38 --

    39 Siegrist

    40 Carruthers


    Bring in a CB, LB, WM, ST and i will be happy. so 4 of decent quality would be good enough for me, and then anyone extra is fine as long as those 4 areas are addressed.




    Still annoyed he got sent off yesterday for basically 2 fouls when Terry hit Bennett in the face and got nothing cos he was on a yellow.

    He was hugely unlucky. Fingers crossed we continue to build the team around him next season.


    So far I've read on here, he slapped Westwood, hit Bennett in the face and hit Weimann.


    Which one was it  :detect:




    Thought so. Couldn't really remember.



    yeh definitely andi. this also reminded me that at more than one point during the match there was a tackle or poor pass made on the left side and every time it wasn't even Bennett. hugely infuriating for me i hate fans who jump on one players back in particular. it's fine if you aren't sure which player it is, but to decide it's one particular player just because you think they are shit, then hurl abuse from the stands along with others for more time than necessary, ridiculous whipping boy that kid

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