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Posts posted by skarroki

  1. if any of this is legit then there is a chance he is meeting with Dubai clubs to try get other interested clubs to pick up the pace a bit and put in a firm bid. I don't think we're gonna be one of those parties but i can see this alerting someone in germany or italy for example and getting them to react and make the bid



    Sounds like he's been sacked - club must have good reason. Maybe he was the guy who failed the supposed drugs test. I wonder would the club take it any further if that is the case - like Chelsea did with Mutu.

    Wasn't one of the VT posters pretty close to Ireland? Be interesting to hear his take on things.


    GaztonVilla I think, who incidentally has been very quiet over the past 12-18 months unless I've missed his posts entirely........



    GaztonVilla - wrote a very heartfelt post in a new thread he created basically saying how he has grown to hate football and has decided to no longer be an Aston Villa supporter.


    It was all a bit weird and emotional - not posted since.



    Just reading through all this and you reminded me. i had not long joined the site at the time but i remember reading he was close to Ireland so thought there might be a chance of inside scoops. Then that Thread got started and it was all very dark and weird, didn't enjoy seeing it at all




    TRO - `That Player` does exist. our one big Marquee signing of the Summer & Lambo wil swoop to sign him soon. 

    Wait till all the issues surrounding the dead beats & the deadwood are resolved & see if it doesn't happen.


    One thing's for certain, it won't be Fat Boy (slim)



    Are you genuinely in the know? or are you writing what you hope to happen in a way to make it sound like its fact

  4. just looked and seen that last year FC Nords had a great defensive record, 3rd best in the league and finished 2nd, and AaB had a great scoring record in the league, 3rd again. Helenius being the second highest scorer in the league behind Cornelius, who isn't a bad striker himself and is also player in a team with much better players. all looks very promising


    EDIT: apologies if these stats have been posted countless times before

  5. serious question, how many of the new players can speak fluent, or good enough, english? I know for a fact that Okore is brilliant with english and Helenius seems very good too. Luna seems not to have much english as it stands and i have no idea on the other 2


    Will the Barry Bannan thread ever return??

    If not can I start a new one?


    What actually happened to that thread?

    One morning I wake up and it's gone (not that I'm complaining).

    I knew mods could lock threads, but to wipe it completely off the face of the earth.

    I didn't know they had that much power.


    if someone was responsible for it then it was a moment of pure genius. my eye is actually trained to look for the bannan thread and have a quick read every time i come on here, before looking at actual real villa topics.


    I think Lowton took number 2 because it was there and he was told he could have it, i don't think he was particularly wanting it.

    Lowton never took the #2 shirt, it was never offered, it's taken by Hutton.

    I've no doubt it will be his next season though, and not Okore's.


    i was referring to his time a Sheff Utd

  8. You're missing my point. I didn't mention Lowton or Benteke. I said that Sylla and Westwood probably made more of a contribution than Delph and Baker. It goes without saying Lowton and Benteke made a huge impact. But it seems to be proving my point that your post was loaded because you only seem to have 2 spaces for PL signings in your quota so of course it's going to look like that PL's signings didn't make an impact, because you've made it look so. (Too tired to articulate what I mean so please ask if it's unclear :P )


    And Lambert resigned Guzan so it's a Lambert signing. He called him back from America to talk to him. It's as simple as that.


    i think i just didn't word my post very well :S I agree that Lowton Benteke made a huge impact, and Westwood, Sylla made an impact. it wasn't supposed to look like i've only got 2 spaces, i was adding those 2 to Benteke and Lowton, not replacing them. I've got no intention to deliberately write loaded arguements with mis-information, if it comes across that way it's probably down more to poor grammar


    EDIT: I know all about the Guzan story i just refuse to see him as a Lambert signing, i know it's stubborn and most people will disagree with me but it's just how i see it






    It also frustrates me when people do this. Because the last 8 players Lambert brought in masterminded our way to a season-long relegation dog fight, picking up numerous unwanted records on the way. I am not against Lambert as our manager but in my opinion the biggest contributers in the final months that we finally pulled away from the drop were Weimann, Agbonlahor, Delph, Baker, Guzan and of course Benteke and Lowton. I think he's a good manager and can be good in the market but i think people need to realise he's not a astute genius.


    See, this is a loaded argument because you omitted Westwood and Sylla who arguably made more of an impact than Baker/Delph, but that would have contradicted your argument. Adding in Westwood and Sylla and 5 of the 9 that are mentioned are Lambert signings.


    On topic, I like Bennett, but don't see where he'd fit in.



    i didn't mention them because i didn't think they contributed as much. Not saying they weren't good, i do rate them but i would say Lowton and Benteke played a bigger part. Also i think it is a bit much to call Guzan a Lambert signing. I know he officially signed him, but he was here for years and it is more likely that people suggested for him to be brought back than Lambert going out his way to bring him in


    Not a lot between Baker/Delph and Sylla/Westwood in regards to the impact they had last season.


    With regards to Guzan i'm fairly sure Lambert would have been given final say over whether or not he was re-signed or not so really he does deserve the credit for the signing.



    Gave the final say i don't think that deserves credit. Obviously it's down to opinion though so if we argue this then it will just go round and round.


    So if i say that the main players last year for me were

    Pre-Lambert: Gabbi, Andi, Delph, Baker

    Lambert: Lowton, Sylla, Westwood, Benteke

    and somewhere in the middle: Guzan


    Lamberts signings had just as much impact, as well as his abilities as a manager to steer us from relegation, but can equally be blamed for getting us into the mess in the first place.


    Anyway this is beside the point, my point was that just because we are linked with a player doesn't automatically mean they are great because not every player Lambert signed has had an incredible impact.

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    It also frustrates me when people do this. Because the last 8 players Lambert brought in masterminded our way to a season-long relegation dog fight, picking up numerous unwanted records on the way. I am not against Lambert as our manager but in my opinion the biggest contributers in the final months that we finally pulled away from the drop were Weimann, Agbonlahor, Delph, Baker, Guzan and of course Benteke and Lowton. I think he's a good manager and can be good in the market but i think people need to realise he's not a astute genius.


    See, this is a loaded argument because you omitted Westwood and Sylla who arguably made more of an impact than Baker/Delph, but that would have contradicted your argument. Adding in Westwood and Sylla and 5 of the 9 that are mentioned are Lambert signings.


    On topic, I like Bennett, but don't see where he'd fit in.



    i didn't mention them because i didn't think they contributed as much. Not saying they weren't good, i do rate them but i would say Lowton and Benteke played a bigger part. Also i think it is a bit much to call Guzan a Lambert signing. I know he officially signed him, but he was here for years and it is more likely that people suggested for him to be brought back than Lambert going out his way to bring him in

  11. I like Herdy... I think he'd be a very decent squad player and we should keep these types of players around.


    That said we could probably pick up a home-grown version of him fairly cheaply if he doesn't qualify as a home-grown talent for PL rules?


     i'm pretty sure he qualifies as a home-grown player. I would like him to stay but i can see him wanting regular first-team action and at the end of the day he can get that somewhere in the championship. He strikes me, in terms of similar playing positions, as a John O'Shea type of player, shoved in to various positions when needed but never quite getting into the team in his favoured position for a run of games

  12. i've watched his club switches and how he is doing generally in his career purely because he was the RM of my premier league Walsall team a fair few years back on fifa. He has good technique and pace, not a bad finisher either, but in my opinion he's not really going to drastically improve our team in any way. I would welcome him in a competition for the squad but i he would be an unnecessary signing and probably one of the most expensive signings yet too.




    Rubbish player.

    If Lambert rates him that is good enough for me. He has worked with this player so with due respect I would value Lambert's opinion over yours.

    Why do people keep saying this?!? Really annoys me for some reason lol



    It also frustrates me when people do this. Because the last 8 players Lambert brought in masterminded our way to a season-long relegation dog fight, picking up numerous unwanted records on the way. I am not against Lambert as our manager but in my opinion the biggest contributers in the final months that we finally pulled away from the drop were Weimann, Agbonlahor, Delph, Baker, Guzan and of course Benteke and Lowton. I think he's a good manager and can be good in the market but i think people need to realise he's not a astute genius.

    • Like 1



    What makes you say it isnt a lambert signing? belhanda is young, hungry, and has champions league experience. Out of the clubs he has manged id say Villa has the biggest budget (spending money and wages), and also the most valuable players. This could easily be a factor towards what kind of player he signs when regarding expense, age, ability, status (well known or not) etc. lets not forget that lerner and oniell signed darren bent for twice the money montpellier are asking for belhanda. I know Lambert said not to expect signings over 10 million but if that money has come from players that have been sold then technically you havent spent anything, youve just fund raised so to speak. On the other hand the clubs above us (especily arsenal and spurs who have already been linked) have a lot more spending power and are obviously a threat to this signing, and will most likely draw lot more interest from players than us. Also, lambert is starting from scratch and sticking to the philosophy of bringing in using young players with room to grow and develop that he has scouted from under the radar - we all know he is a fan of dortmund who adopted this approach in their rise from relegation. in conclusion, regardless as to whether belhanda is signed or not i think lambert will spend most on a CAM which is badly needed. Unfortunately the media, clubs and agents have gone quiet and Lambert seems determined to keep everything secret. To be honest i dont think were going to get anything but rumours and speculation until we offload the big earners. Maybe around august things will become clear. Lambert will surely tell us when the last signing has been made.



    in bold that is why. He is also quoted as saying he felt uncomfortable spending as much as 7mil on Benteke so to expect him to easily go into double-figures on a player is not realistic


    Also, Houllier signed Bent, and whether the funds for a signing have been raised or given is irrelevant, a 10mil signing is a 10mil signing. "bought him for 10mil but sold Bent and Ireland so technically it was free" makes no sense

  14. Bendtner is by no means a top striker but he managed to play for and score for Arsenal a good number of times which not many players can say. If Wenger kept believing in him and playing him their must have been something, he just seems to have not realised that potential. If Helenius is better than Bendtner and is happy not to play every game, but wants to work hard, i am very happy to have him on board



    if we've heard of the player and our interest is widely reported before anything concrete happens, then it tends to fizzle out and this is what is currently happening. i cannot forsee any player being signed for 10+mil this transfer window, especially one with less than a year on their contract. it isn't a lambert signing, it isn't a lerner signing and it isn't a villa signing



    We've spent peanuts so far. We expect to move on at least one of our 10+million (Villa and Lerner!) signings. When that's happened I'll bet that we spend good money on an AM.


    It's simply a case of having to move out the expensive players we don't want before we buy an expensive player we do want. I don't think you can really say that it's currently fizzling out. I think what's actually happening is that, if anything, our selling of Bent or Ireland is fizzling out. Temporarily.



    i don't think we're currently in negotiations for Bent or Ireland, but whether they stay or not is rather irrelevant for this transfer i believe. Lerner has never sanctioned a +10mil move for a foreign player and wouldn't be in the business of doing it for a player with 1 year left on their contract.


    Are you at all ITK because talking about making a move on AT LEAST ONE of our big signings suggests you are deluded or genuinely believe/know that this will happen


    gave up on us going for someone this good and well-known a couple of weeks back. i am happy to believe that we were genuinely interested in this player, but didn't carry through with it for whatever reason. he's a cracking player but will probably end up at some top-half spanish/italian club in august. was fun whilst it lasted


    I don't know why you've given up. Nothing's changed yet. He hasn't signed for anyone else afaik.


    Not saying we'll be chasing this guy specifically, but he's probably one of our potential targets, and when we've shifted Bent and/or Ireland (or, heaven forbid, Benteke), I'm sure things will change pretty quickly.



    if we've heard of the player and our interest is widely reported before anything concrete happens, then it tends to fizzle out and this is what is currently happening. i cannot forsee any player being signed for 10+mil this transfer window, especially one with less than a year on their contract. it isn't a lambert signing, it isn't a lerner signing and it isn't a villa signing

  17. gave up on us going for someone this good and well-known a couple of weeks back. i am happy to believe that we were genuinely interested in this player, but didn't carry through with it for whatever reason. he's a cracking player but will probably end up at some top-half spanish/italian club in august. was fun whilst it lasted

  18. i think Okore will get #2 as it is the number he wore for his old team, and i can't see past Baker as our #5. Also, Tonev wore #24 all his time at Poznan and seeing as noone wears it at the moment he might want to carry on wearing it. i think Lowton took number 2 because it was there and he was told he could have it, i don't think he was particularly wanting it.


    I can't see Weimann changing his shirt number unless he gets #9, wears it for his country and i think that's the only first XI number he wants. Westwood would fit the #7 shirt well i believe.


    I keep updating the FIFA squads manually, i do it annually to help me keep up with transfers, and because of my love of Okore and Weimann i gave them their #2 and #9.

  19. had nothing against him, did a job but just never seemed a villa player and i couldn't see him staying longer than a year. hope he goes on to be a heskey and become an elite striker in a lower league

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