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Posts posted by PussEKatt

  1. 18 hours ago, nick76 said:

    Just got video footage of Emery in Lange’s office at 5pm.  Make of it what you want…



    So,he is happy with the signings.Its just that his PC is playing up>

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, blandy said:

    Interestingly, it’s really only European humans who have the lactose tolerance. Obviously we’ve spread around the world since then, but other parts of humanity are not able to drink milk without upsetting their digestive systems

    Why would anyone want to drink milk,without cornflakes/weet bix,etc added to it ?

  3. 1 hour ago, blandy said:

    I guess they’ll have to set up some repair centres a bit back from the front lines, where they can keep spares and maintenance manuals/laptops and have more in depth repairs carried out

    That should not be too hard to do as the Russians are more interested in targeting flats/houses than army stuff.

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

    kitten has decided that 4am is a good time to have a chat and play  

    we've got this squeaky mouse on a stick  , she brings it upstairs , dumps it on the bed and then starts purring and meowing until either either Mrs H or myself get bored of pretending we are still asleep so we don't have to get out of bed  ,  even the kids weren't as bad as this when they were little   !

    Give them a BIG feed before bed.Sleeping makes them hungry and eating makes them tired.

  5. Here is an old joke then.

    In a German prisoner of war camp,the commandant says at rollcall.

    Today we will change our underwear,hut 1 will change with hut2,hut 3 will change with hut4,etc

  6. My first bike was an Aerial 500,then I had 5 triumphs over the years.In between I have ridden a BSA Road rocket,an AJS and an Aerial square 4 and they were all great rides.IMHO they would leave any Harley for dead,for speed,comfort and just the feel of riding. 

  7. I cant understand why the only British bike ( mc ) you can buy now is a Triumph.I remember when,wherever you looked you would see Triumph,Norton,BSA,Aerial,Royal Enfield,AJS/Matchless.

    What happened ? did a metor strike the earth and wipe them all out,like with the dinosaurs,or what ?! 

  8. Well,I could be the odd one out here,but if I could live my life all over again I would not change anything.Even the bad things  eg bieng in a boys home I would not change because it is an experiance that I had that taught me something.So.I enjoyed the good times ( of which there were many ) and I learnt from the bad times ( of which there were few )

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