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Posts posted by PussEKatt

  1. 13 hours ago, av1 said:

    I had a weird dream the other night. Before bed I’d been watching an episode of river monsters with Jeremy Wade discussing the various types of parasites found in rivers. Some of the footage/photos he showed was pretty horrible, there was one poor person covered in these huge infected blotches leaking puss. 

    Fast forward to my dream. I’m in a rowing boat on a beautiful lake having a picnic with a really attractive women. We start kissing and she starts to undress me. When she takes my trousers down my legs are covered with these horric leaking blotches which obviously dampens her mood. 

    How the flipping hell can a brain merge those 2 things? 

    Well,go on then............. what happened next ?????

  2. Dont forget AI beat the current Chess champion back in the 1980s I think.

    On a more sombre note,I remember that on the ZX Spectrum there was some sort of bug in the circutry/programming that would give you strange results every now and then.

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, sidcow said:


    Don't recall now how it ended and I don't recall boy/girl tables after that so I guess they won.  Was a really bizarre sight and sound though.  I'd love to know how it started and spread so quickly.

    I guess they turned the tables at the school

  4. 17 hours ago, Rds1983 said:

    There's a whole area of jurisprudence that looks into this and the different ideas behind sentencing criminals with one being purposefully trying to not only deter repeat offences but make people afraid to do the crime in the first place (like the death penalty). Was a fascinating study and one of my favourite areas on my degree but sadly no real right answer (just crime law vs morality - another favourite study).

    After reading the various posts on this thread and taking my owne experiance into consideration I have come to the conclusion that.I spent time in a boys home and learnt my lesson from that one time.There obviously are a lot of people out there that,either dont learn or dont care.Dont get me wrong,my experiance was not terrible but it was bad enough to teach me that I did not want to go through that again.

    Makes you wonder.Have peoples attitudes changed or has the system changed over the years ( I was in a boys home in the 60s )

  5. As far as prisinors going on the streight and narrow, do you have any figures for how many criminals re-offend,how many are habitual criminals,how many are career criminals.This shows that the current system is not working.As I said,from my owne personal experiance I did not want to experiance that again,so I went on the streight and narrow.Maybe in todays system they should experiance the same type of thing I experianced.

    The bottom line is.

    If you enjoy something you do it again

    If you dont enjoy something then you dont repeat it...... how hard is that to understand ? 

  6. 21 hours ago, Seat68 said:

    Thats a wider discussion on crime and punishment, Julian Assange it seems is currently incarcerated, is he the same as Lee Rigbys killers? Or a man that is in prison for a white collar crime, or perhaps some one who sought revenge for another harming their child, do we not allow them television, or access to books, or snooker, or a gym. Its not david lloyd fitness by the way. Its reasonable to treat those in the system as human, I am glad we do, regardless of the crime. A prisoner having access to these things are not what we should be focusing on, its not what they have access to, it should be do they have access to rehabilitation, that's where the focus should be.

    1- You mention different types of crime (white collar,robbery,rape,pedos,etc ) My answer is that instead of thinking of the perptetrator spare a thought for the victims,Whichever of the crimes you mention above the criminal took something of value from his victim,wether it was their virginity,self respect ,life or in the case of robbery an item that cannot be replaced.So I am saying 2 things.... 1- IMHO the criminal  should suffer "at least " as much as his victim.How much free time ( and small comforts ) hasLee Rigby  had in the last few years ? What about a rapist ? how much has his victims life changed ? and is she still enjoying "small comforts " ? How about a thief,he breaks into a house and takes the wedding ring ( or something else of great value ) like a stamp collection,a gift from the victims mother ( who is now dead ) or even something as simple as a lawn mower,this now has to be replaced,so the victim has to go out and buy a second mower because the criminal stole the first one.

    As you say they are locked up for 23 hours a day,so what are they doing in those 23 hours ? Are they watching their TV,reading their books,playing chess,monopoly,etc while eating crispes,or are they just getting bored to tears ?

    The reason I feel like this is because when I was an Angel I spent time in a boys home.I was NOT rehabilitated,the reason I went streight from then on is because there is NO WAY I was going to experiance something like that ever again,and thats the way I think it should be now.

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