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Posts posted by ciggiesnbeer

  1. Another cheap, underwhelming signing if it happens.

    Get used to it. Lambert had a rule at Norwich he would only sign hungry players from a league below rather than pay larger amounts for "proven" players.

    It worked out very well for him and I expect to see him do the same for us.

    It wouldnt surprise me or worry me if we never signed another PL player under Lambert. Clearly he sees better value in lower leagues or foreign ones.

    Maybe he will be mistaken but my guess is it will work out very well.

  2. Did Norwich play hoof ball last season ?

    I thought they kept it on the deck more ?

    Norwich averaged 46.2% possession (47.2% at home, 45.2% away) . We were 45.8% on average (48.2% at home & 43.5% away). However Norwich were 9th in pass completion in the League.

    You sure but those stats mate? This is the same Norwich that was one of the very few teams who out possessed Swansea last season.

  3. Said it before, but would still keep Collins over Dunne.

    From what I have seen so far from pre season Dunne is looking even slower than before. Collins has been looking strong and hasn't even been launching the ball a lot.

    So where have you seen dunne pre season ?

    Last night???

    Yup. I am a Dunne fan but he really looked off the pace at Philly. Hopefully its just the heat. But yeah, he got caught out pretty bad in that one run for sure.

  4. He'd never come to us. End of.

    How can you be so sure?

    Id be happy to be proven wrong as I think we've lacked anyone to bully opponents up front since Carew left - although im not sure how it would work with bent. But my doubt lies with the fact that I feel Carroll would feel it is a massive step down from a £35m price tag, from challenging for europe etc.

    I could see him back at Newcastle as he's a local lad but I don't think we'd appeal to him too much as I fell we need to shake off our 'unattractive' tag that has hung over us since Houiller and AM took charge.

    I am sure Downing would put in a good word for us.

    lulz :)

  5. Apparently QPR have also agreed a £7m deal for Ki Seung Yeung of Celtic, another player who i'd like at VP next season.

    They really are hitting the Korean market hard this summer. Interesting tactics, maybe they have Korean silent investors?

    Just noticed from Mat Kendrick tweets that we need a GK for Saturdays friendly against Burton, which should mean that we will sign Guzan in the next few days.

    I also would like Ki but no way is he worth 7 million. There isnt a player in the SPL worth that imho.

  6. We're buying a player from abroad who is good on the ball? I'll believe it when I see it. That's not a dig at Lambert by the way, but this isn't the kind of signing we'd usually make. Would be very pleased if true and would also obliterate my fears about Lambert only buying British.

    Agreed. Regardless of whether he works out or not just the signing of players who are scouted from other leagues and who are able to help us play a more skillfull game would be great.

  7. Happy with Lambert but would have preferred Martinez or OGS.

    We badly need a change in our playing style from the old British "rush" we have deployed for most of the last decade. I'm not yet convinced Lambert will or can do that.

    Same here. We really need to develop a modern more possession based style. My hope is Lambert can do that, my first choice was Rodgers then our fun OGS flutter.

    Happy enough with Lambert though.

  8. When PL is confirmed everyone should get behind him 100% forget posting anything negative,remember how bad the last 12 months have been? Folks on here would have taken anyone a few weeks ago we were that desperate but it looks as though we have possibly got ourselves a very good young Manager this time.

    Absolutely but he isnt getting a free pass. A few dumb transfers or setting us up to play tedious football and he will be getting deserved abuse.

    Hopefully this wont happen and all indications are he likes playing attractive football. I am a wee bit worried that he isnt as focused on possession as I would like but I am more than willing to wait and see. He changes his teams set up when warranted and strikes me as being a winner.

    He has my support until he indicates otherwise.

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