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Posts posted by Delphinho123


    Can't really be bothered to explain. There. You win.



    So from that I conclude it is just xenophobia then, no actual intelligence or analysis behind your thoughts or you'd be glad to explain them



    Yep. I'll happily be branded all of the above.  :crylaugh:


    You voting UKIP, bickster?


    The influx of immigrants ruining this country


    I'm not a big fan of the EU, nor am I a big fan of the immigration that is slowly ruining this country.


    Could you please elaborate on how immigration is ruining this country?  I think you're talking out of your arse.



    Can't really be bothered to explain. There. You win.






    I still don't understand how this 'win percenage' figure is being banded about. We found our best XI in the latter months of the season and we got the points that kept us up. That XI did not contain Bannan.


    After the back-to-back wins our record was: W 2, D 2, L 2



    It was W3 D2 L3. So you can acknowledge we both got our stats wrong ;) . I'm not the one trying to prove anything either. It says a lot that the only thing you focussed on in my post was the stat element. Nothing on how I think Bannan is an average player, who probably isn't good enough for us ( a la Hogg, who's had a very good career since)



    you're being harsh on yourself by double failing. W 3 D 2 L 2.


    yes I can get my stats wrong sometimes. 


    I don't think I'm wrong about Bannan's potential. He will do a Cahill.



    Chelsea will not sign Bannan for 20m...









    I spent an evening on a video on FB, telling the bigots why they're bigots. Needless to say, they don't listen to a word you're saying and just say things like 'you bum muslims' and waffle on about sharia law. It's fairly entertaining if you're having a slow night.


    EDIT: And the fact that they're growing in stature scares me too.


    People like yourself scare me a lot more than people who want the best for the country they live in.


    Bloody liberals. You're the reason we're in this mess.



    What mess?  

    They'll be baddies and goodies no matter what.



    The mess of a dead soldier lying in the middle of a road in Woolwich.



    So that's the fault of the liberals, not the fault of two psychopaths wielding a machete?



    It's not just two psychopaths though is it? For every successful attack British Muslims have carried out on its own people, there have been 10 failed ones.




    The article above is an example of this. Genuine question, Does this not worry you a bit?


    You can spin the argument all you like by saying its just two 'psychopaths' but the evidence seems to suggest otherwise. Islam is a disgraceful religion, not just in the sense it's the reason so many innocent people die everyday in so many countries, more-so in the sense they believe there's a fella named Allah living above the clouds. But I suppose thats a different argument. 



    Really? That's what bothers you more?



    Both bother me to be honest.

  5. It's not just two psychopaths though is it? For every successful attack British Muslims have carried out on its own people, there have been 10 failed ones.




    The article above is an example of this. Genuine question, Does this not worry you a bit?


    You can spin the argument all you like by saying its just two 'psychopaths' but the evidence seems to suggest otherwise. Islam is a disgraceful religion, not just in the sense it's the reason so many innocent people die everyday in so many countries, more-so in the sense they believe there's a fella named Allah living above the clouds. But I suppose thats a different argument.



    I spent an evening on a video on FB, telling the bigots why they're bigots. Needless to say, they don't listen to a word you're saying and just say things like 'you bum muslims' and waffle on about sharia law. It's fairly entertaining if you're having a slow night.


    EDIT: And the fact that they're growing in stature scares me too.


    People like yourself scare me a lot more than people who want the best for the country they live in.


    Bloody liberals. You're the reason we're in this mess.



    What mess?  

    They'll be baddies and goodies no matter what.



    The mess of a dead soldier lying in the middle of a road in Woolwich.

  7. I might be missing a trick here, but how would any other clubs be offering him contracts right now? Until a bid is accepted, they aren't allowed to talk to him. 


    Do you think that maybe, just maybe, clubs bend the rules a bit and agents talk/meet with other clubs officials?

    I'm sure Weimann knows of interest elsewhere and is just waiting to make the decision on who to join, or to stay put.


    And fwiw, I'd offer Benteke 80k a week and build a team around him. It's highly likely he will only be here one more season at most so we should pay him what he wants to stay. He can be used as bait for other top class players and will help us consolidate our approach on bringing through talented youth. Losing him now could be a disaster.

  8. I spent an evening on a video on FB, telling the bigots why they're bigots. Needless to say, they don't listen to a word you're saying and just say things like 'you bum muslims' and waffle on about sharia law. It's fairly entertaining if you're having a slow night.


    EDIT: And the fact that they're growing in stature scares me too.


    People like yourself scare me a lot more than people who want the best for the country they live in.


    Bloody liberals. You're the reason we're in this mess.

  9. Stefan, I genuinely would love to have the same outlook on everything as you do, I'm sure I'd be a lot happier!


    Unfortunately, I live in the real world. 


    The BNP, EDL etc. are no more dangerous than people like yourself. 



    Voting for UKIP as a protest vote is venturing into dangerous territory.


    For me, it's not exactly what they stand for, and I'm not labelling the whole party as a 'racist'. However, if a party with certain underlying racism and bigotry, who have started attracting certain kinds of people (and again, I'm not generalising. I'm sure there's numerous people who voted UKIP who I'd get on with) can get some sort of power then could it go further?


    I mean, 10 years ago who would have guessed the Lib Dems would have got anywhere near government?



    why exactly do you feel it is dangerous territory? The local election results have hit Labour and Conservative hard enough for them to re-think their approach to certain policies and watching them all scuttle around now finding ways to talk about their own immigration policies, IMO, is good for the country.



    Will it though? A party who's only selling point is on one policy are actually starting to get power. Doesn't that scare you a little bit?



    No more than having another term of Labour or Conservative.

  11. Voting for UKIP as a protest vote is venturing into dangerous territory.


    For me, it's not exactly what they stand for, and I'm not labelling the whole party as a 'racist'. However, if a party with certain underlying racism and bigotry, who have started attracting certain kinds of people (and again, I'm not generalising. I'm sure there's numerous people who voted UKIP who I'd get on with) can get some sort of power then could it go further?


    I mean, 10 years ago who would have guessed the Lib Dems would have got anywhere near government?


    The fact that Lib Dems are in government is more of a reflection on how flawed our voting system is. Nick Clegg (who came out and praised all muslims after Rigby's death the other day) is the luckiest man alive. He shouldn't be anywhere near government.


    why exactly do you feel it is dangerous territory? The local election results have hit Labour and Conservative hard enough for them to re-think their approach to certain policies and watching them all scuttle around now finding ways to talk about their own immigration policies, IMO, is good for the country.


    It may only be a protest vote for some, but it has the country/politicians talking about issues that the British people are concerned about.

  12. It would be interesting to have a poll to see how VTers would vote in such a referendum. Personally, I'm in favour of staying in the EU.


    It would. 




    Xenophobic is the word that comes to mind.


    Embrace your other human beings, we are all one race.


    We are, unfortunately we are not all atheists though.



    Are you aiming that at Islam extremists? The ones who will be coming in their millions from Romania and Bulgaria?



    What you did there, I see it.


    Of course, you know full well I wasn't insinuating that the influx of migrants from Romania and Bulgaria are going to be Muslims.

  13. Xenophobic is the word that comes to mind.


    Embrace your other human beings, we are all one race.


    We are, unfortunately we are not all atheists though.

  14. Face it, if hypothetically, Labour, the Tories and the fence-sitters pledged to leave the EU in their manifestos, that would be the end of UKIP as they are a one policy party.


    But in essence, the Tories have pledged to leave it by offering a referendum in 2015. It is highly likely that if a referendum were to take place, Britain would leave the EU. I'm also pretty sure Labour will lean towards the idea of promising a referendum if they were to win power.


    And you keep saying it's a 'one policy party'. What if that one policy is the one everybody is talking about and the one everybody wants changed? I'm fully aware the UKIP hasn't vetted most of it's members and its manifesto may well be based on weak predictions, but they offer an alternative to Labour and Conservative parties who continuously let the British people down.


    The idea that they are a racist organisation is nonsense. 'Racism' is an overused buzzword designed to keep people quiet. 

    • Like 1
  15. Being the son of a European immigrant I'm hardly going to lean in favour of a racist anti-Europe party, am I?


    There is the 'r' word again. I despair. 

  16. Hmm, all I can find on Google is UKIP having to get a think tank to draw up some policies for them because they don't have any other than to leave Europe, which would most likely send this country back into a deep recession.


    Your Google search engine must be broke. You didn't happen to just go to the Labour party website did you?

  17. UKIP motto = Blame the foreigners...







    I'm joking, but you get the point ;)


    You say that as if we shouldn't?


    The influx of immigrants ruining this country, along with signing over all our powers to a foreign country seem to suggest we can blame them to a certain extent?

  18. Would people openly proclaim support for the BNP? People seem ok to do it for UKIP, just seems that people aren't ashamed of supporting such a racist organisation.


    Also Delphino, I thought you were from surrey, or have you just moved to Doncaster North, if you have just moved there, how do you know that Miliband is such a poor MP?


    I don't mind what the BNP are doing. It really doesn't bother me.


    There you go again eh, branding UKIP a racist organisation. You can hide behind the word 'racism' all you want, UKIP offer a real alternative to the two major parties in this country and they talk about the issues I want to see tackled.


    And as for the poster claiming we shouldn't be picking our leaders on charisma...why not? This country needs a leader during a time where all the power in this country is being transferred to Brussels. 

  19. They are not the only alternative though and voting for them is by virtue of what they are and where they are now, a vote for some, IMO, quite obnoxious views and support for elements in society that really, again IMO, have no place.


    As for it being a "happy place", I thought that UKIP voters were happy, the leader seems to laugh a great deal.


    Not putting you on the spot here, but it would be interesting to see what makes you say that UKIP will get your vote. 


    What do you mean they are not the only alternative? They really are for most. The Labour and Conservative parties are virtually the same and both have absolutely awful leaders.

    Nigel Farage has more charisma in his little finger than David Cameron and Ed Miliband.


    I'm not a big fan of the EU, nor am I a big fan of the immigration that is slowly ruining this country. These are the main reasons I will be voting for the UKIP.


    Feel free to pick apart the above. 

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