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Posts posted by sharkyvilla

  1. Just seemed really odd.  I think the problem was the angle that showed the passer of the ball and Bailey was too difficult to draw the lines of the defender, then the better view of the defender didn't show when the ball was being passed.  Then for some reason they decided to look at whether it was a foul, and then whether Lenglet was interfering, then just went back to the original pass after all where you could tell with the naked eye he was offside anyway.

    • Like 2
  2. He wondered about 10 yards into their half trying to step up for offside for the Martinez save.  Wildly out of sync.  I'd rather have Cash at right back providing width, Konsa in the middle and Tielemans instead of Diaby next game.

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  3. I thought he was very good.  Did really well to make that chance in the first half and had one brilliant turn in the second under pressure from 2 or 3 defenders.  

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  4. I'm a bit surprised his character wasn't flagged up when we were scouting him.  Really odd behaviour but he has so much ability that he couldve got the winner with a really good centre-forward's goal.

  5. 1 minute ago, stewiek2 said:

    Dyche will be knocking one off massively. He loves a stop start game. Stop the opposition getting any momentum. Horrible manager. Horrible tactics. Yes they work but this is the man who came out and publicly said he's not a shithouse merchant and guess what, his side has just produced a shithouse performance. He's a fraud. And a plastic plop fan. Grew up in Kettering so if course supported the most successful team rathe than his nearest local team. clearing in the woods. Hope he relegates them and that stadium bankrupts them. Their whining fans deserve relegation. Representatives for Wellingborough.

    I suspect @TRO would've too 😉  To be fair considering their rough house tactics and physicality I thought we held our corner quite well and refused to get bullied.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, bobzy said:

    It wasn't for me, personally.  Ball was there to be challenged for, he basically gets Martinez around the same time Martinez grabs the ball and studs just exist on football boots.


    But then, I'm quite anti-"red card for any studs" challenge, so I accept I view things differently.

    I thought that but then Ollie got a booking for jumping with his arm by his side, winning the header but connecting with Tarkowski, I'd have thought both were of equal fouliness.

  7. Everton are good at holding on to your shirt, then falling over and getting the foul.  The ref is a gormless Wallace and Gromit character and falls for it but hasn't been as diabolical as some refs.  The VAR took way too long.  Kamara been our best outfield player and Emi saved us.

    • Like 1
  8. 50 minutes ago, GlobalVillan said:

    No other club has ever, or will ever have as much of a negative effect on our chances of success as Man City. They have stolen and willl continue to steal 70% or so of all available trophies. And are allowed to get away with it.

    They directly affect our chances of any potential success because they are allowed to cheat. 

    That's why they have to be top of the list. I can't understand how there can be anyone who doesn't see that.

    That said, you are entitled to your opinion as much as I am.*


    *Facts are facts though.

    For me it was worse in the 90s when Utd pissed the league every year, could spend way more and nobody could get close.  I hate their fans more because there are so many where I live in Sussex too.  Small Heath and Leeds are top of the scumbag list.

  9. 8 minutes ago, skarroki said:

    Noticed that Duran has started signing off a lot of his Facebook posts about villa with #JD9 which makes me wonder if he's been promised a shirt number swap in the future, or whether he's just manifesting that number. 

    Number 9 will probably be available in the summer when Bertie goes, I don't think they can change mid-season.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, AndyM3000 said:

    I don't mind the late flag thing, the game moves so quickly the linos job is hard. They also can't see all the way across the pitch if a player is blocking their view, a number of times a player on the far side has played someone on when it looks miles off in real time.

    You change the method you'd get loads of 1 v 1s pulled back for wrong offside calls.

    Yeah to be fair that was a lot closer than it looked at first glance.  You'd hope the automated system will make it an irrelevance soon enough.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Vancvillan said:

    I honestly don't think he's anywhere near mid prem standard, especially with the lack of game time.

    For example, if he'd started against Boro I would have been nervous.

    Think a promotion chasing championship team might be a good next step if he can find one.

    Yeah I think even the relegation candidate teams would struggle to hide Chambers's lack of physical attributes these days.  I guess Iroegbunam is the next most likely player we could sell to get profit on the books.  Could we get £10m for him, then Unai could find a right back?  

  12. 1 hour ago, NurembergVillan said:

    Concrete slab?!

    That looks like a TPU badge, the likes of which appear on most elite level kits nowadays. Get up close to some of the shirts from the last World Cup. They were sensational.

    An image filed for trademark is typically just a cover all sketch that serves as protection for various options and executions.

    Reading this thread over the last couple of weeks, I've wanted to hand out paper bags for people to breathe into.

    If this was the first leaked image everyone would be excited. But they saw the other one first so it's all doom and gloom.

    They're exactly the same badge, but perspective is everything.

    Could've told us that to start with! 😉 It does look a lot better and makes a lot more sense of things.  I still don't really like the fact that they went against last year's vote but I guess what's done is done.  If the stripes are gold like the lion then the kit should look good.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Talldarkandransome said:

    Ergh dirty Leeds have adidas too? 

    They have a white t-shirt with 3 lines on it.  The kind of effort Adidas put into most kits.  Also loads of those above are just bus seat designs that other companies, Castore included get stick for.

    • Like 2
  14. I get a lot of people coming up to me saying how much they like us at the moment, maybe Adidas see us as possibly gaining a bit of a cult following around the world and going to a bit more effort with our kits like they might do with a club like Ajax.  If we get CL football, even better.

  15. 57 minutes ago, sne said:

    Shadow on the highest arm looks wrong right?  All other shadows are on the underside or behind but that one is on top of the arm. Looks weird.

    Everything about it is comical but would look great on our red away shirts next season :D 

    Arms on a lion will always look wrong

    • Haha 2
  16. 20 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

    Yeah, this. When I go looking for biscuits and find that all we've got is shortbread, I'm disappointed. But then I eat one, and... "Mmmm, these are nice". 

    Probably because it has a shitload of butter in it.  Always makes food that bit nicer.

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