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Everything posted by foreveryoung

  1. Whoa! Biden's out of bed, gonna be a speech at 9pm, not sure if that's our time as it's reported on CNN.
  2. Boris might have not handled the Covid crisis the best, but I have to admit he is certainly in his prime at the moment on this war with his speeches and diplomacy. Although he has always wanted to be the next Churchill, of the 21st century. I totally agree with his comeback to the Ukranian women in the video. We cannot enforce a no fly zone and start shooting down Russians, that;s just not a option, or where we want to be going.
  3. Be interesting to know what the USAF Stratotankers are fueling, there's about 4 circling Romania on Flight radar, been there everyday.
  4. An I thought all the Worzels were on the WM phone in. Just listening to Talk radio in the car to hear the latest news, there are some right ones on there. Apparently one chap and he wasn't the worst, said Ukraine should have just give into Putin as he has all the nukes, an at least the West can't have it??
  5. It wouldnt take too long too see what exact weaponry that convoy has, there's Surveillance up there now that can tell what the tank a commander has got on his sandwich.
  6. Not sure if its been spoke about yet as just catching up. But what's the reason a TB2 can't go and light up that convoy. Surey they have the Intel where it is. The USAF would have "brought the rain', by now!
  7. Where are them TB2s when you need them. Could light up the whole 17 miles.
  8. One thing I do know, unfortunately Russia are not going to be beaten, they are not even using any serious gear yet. How it ends is anyone's guess.
  9. Unsure if real. But was on there official site but got taken down.
  10. People are trying to donate money to these guys, buy they have tweeted they do not take donations. I guess some country must be funding them. https://twitter.com/jogarcia618/status/1498380495297695749?s=20&t=LCjlmKdynnpnPp-JtkCDC Edit Looks like this one has been taken down. But Anonymous said they have hacked into Russian banks and all money if not wthdrawn will be taken out of a major Russian bank and put in Ukranian Government banks on the 3rd march.
  11. Regarding the nukes, surely 50 year old nukes would need at least a dust off an full service before turning the keys and pressing the button. Will they even still work?
  12. Talking about the West, has Biden got out of bed yet. I'd much rather have a Barack Obama type handling these situations. Sounds like truss won't be on Putin's Christmas card list any time soon. She may get some Salisbury perfume though, if she don't stop showing off about nuking his finances.
  13. This is already happening isn't it. I doubt they are controlling them TB2's.
  14. I'm sticking to my original story I've been told, that a cyber attack could disable a nuke launch. If not, I'm sure there is some serious classified air defense out there that would come into action.
  15. There will definitely be one in the black sea somewhere. there are also stealth jets on the air over Ukraine. Those 5+ stratotankers are not hovering around in Romania/Polish airspace for nothing.
  16. He won't be using nukes, no chance. The worst news would be little ones on Ukraine, but never world ending ones, not a chance.
  17. No celebration, you know what that means. Refer to Watkins thread for answers
  18. Be interesting to know what the next move would be by Nato or other countries if Russia use a Nuclear weapon. I mean I think we know it will not be the 'big' one, but they could us smaller nuclear missiles against unkraine. They already have Nuclear weapon ready tanks over there.
  19. They won't play Russia no, but they will play the Russian committee, like they blagged getting in the Olympics.
  20. The tankers are hovering around Romania aswell. Lots of USAF and other military airliners in Poland too.
  21. You said he lasted longer in the Prem? Did you mean at 1 club?
  22. Who's saying he wouldn't get another job in the Prem if he wanted.
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